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I am interested in ripio moon

why is it mooning

its a big coin

im ready

give me real reasons. blocktix looked almost identical and mooned, why and when.

Ripio has 130k users
they are transferring their business to their blockchain next week
more users means higher RCN which is the native token on the network for lending and borrowing.
it's a great project. read the white paper

so when is the moon

i'd buy and hold for the next month
it's super dirt cheap at the moment
and it has legit investors backing it up

yeah, whitepaper looks good, but i wish i would be able to afford more than 100 RCN

user.. thats like a dollar

you dont have to spell it out man

>biz doesn't know we save our coffee money for crypto

do you want a dollar
ill double your investment

Are you sure it s gonna moin? And how many sats, I can t afford to baghold

You're pretty bad at math, its actually $13



address isnt loading in bittrex, thanks though

i'd hate to draw comparisons. but if a shit project called OMG grew from 50c to 13dollars in a few weeks WITH just a skateboard and VB as advisor then RCN must have tremendous potential in this market of shitcoins.

they have a dedicated team, VC funding so you know they're not a bunch of volunteers. the company itself will be buying RCN's from the market to lend out. Holders of RCN are basically liquidity providers. UNLIKE Salt, this token is not used as a "membership". it's a p2p lending platform so any1 can borrow/lend. it's wrapped around consumer credit that bypasses the archaic lending practices of legacy financial intermediaries. THIS PROJECT IS DISRUPTIVE AS FUCKKKKKKKKK

it's basically a cheaper credit card and it's a borrower they tap into your social media presence and harvest a lot of data about you to form a credit profile. IF YOU DEFAULT i can only imagine the social stigma that would surround you if they post defaulters on some RCN wall of shame. it would be a great deterrent to would-be scammers that want to game it.

i'm from the finance industry and i approve this project. (also these statements are obviously biased because i hold a small bag)

but never trust a word that is mentioned here. so DROY and draw your own conclusions. I was first introduced to it on /biz and i set out to read up on it. LOVED IT!!! definitely a medium term hold

for you


I'm happy to test my investment thesis about this project with anyone here if you want to discuss this project's potential further

instead of just blabing how something is going to moon.

Shut the fuck up shill
Ripio is good, but it is not in the same league as OMG

i'm not trying to shill anything. OMG is GOING TO BE A GOOD PROJECT> IF THEY DELIVER..

so far NOTHING

Okay fair enough.

so if nothing can "moon" because of a dude taking pictures of himself with a skateboard, then I'm sure these guys from Ripio with tremendous AMERICAN VC backing/vetting etc... will tear it up

anyways it just started trading yesterday on Bittrex so who knows what's next. but ITS certainly not a scam or shitcoin

try to imagine how large the consumer credit industry is. now think of this project as the intermediary that will allow users to borrow/lend in a safe and liquid manner.
irrespective of where you are in the world and what your native fiat currency is.
RCN is the bridge currency that will facilitate lending transactions. THAT's HUGE!

why only medium term? i suppose abetter wuestion might be to ask u to define 'medium'

again i'm happy to discuss this with anyone that has any questions .
just not silly things like WHEN IS GOING TO MOON

seriously, no one knows but here are some facts:
1.) they have a working platform with 130k active users
2.) they are migrating them all to RCN next week

they have dedicated employees on payroll
they are based in argentina, Latin American country currencies are fucked (ask venezuelans)
it's impossible to lend when currencies go through hyper inflation. this could be a huge answer to a huge problem

I'm just here for the pnd, just tell me when it moons, I could't care less about the tech or the project behind

during the next 1 to 6 months.
but it's not an overnight moonshot, so don't expect a huge surge in one day.

they're pumping and dumping VTC bro
Goodluck catching that train


Its legit

These tokens will actually hold a measurable value unlike so many of those ICO's where the tokens are simply a vehicle for the devs, to get your money, into their bank account, without giving you shares.

3500 sat tonite?

This is the real question

in a manner of speaking, and NO it is not a competitor of XRP or Ripples because that has nothing to do with lending. and NO it is not similar to SALT. SALT is a clever and genius project that will boom since it will help people with sizable cap gains to avoid triggering taxable events since SALT will provide them with a way to monetize their holdings instead of selling them (i.e. borrow against them) in essence it's their way of generating more liquidity in the market since you can't actually short. so yeah SALT will be big soon enough when people realize that they don't have to sell their holdings and pay the tax man. all you have to do is borrow and securitize the proceeds with 125% collateral. if your collateral goes up in value you're obviously going to want to pay back your loan because your assets would have exceeded your liability by then. and vice versa. because taking about a loan against your holdings is what SHORTING actually is.

Ripio is nothing of that sort. Ripio is breaking the bureaucratic hurdles of legacy financial institutions/intermediaries that would otherwise refuse to lend to you (credit card penetration is severely low in latin america)

how do you feel about the social apsects, liek the devs?

this guy kinda trashes em

here's the cool thing about information asymmetry

i might not know anything about the devs. but if reputable venture capitalists are willing to invest millions in a company then that company must have passed stringent due diligence. so that a lone is a major confidence booster in the project and the team.

also unlike Ripple that is already generating cash flow by selling its xCurrent system to banks which undermines the value/utility of XRP and because legacy financial institutions have really anal compliance departments that will never!!!! and i mean NEVER allow banks to put XRP on their books, demand for their native token is already in the gutter. their simply is no demand for their 100 billion coins (YET). but if they devise some genius way to incentivize their clients to switch to xRapid then we might see some demand but still not enough to polarize major gains for long term investors. so in essence parking your capital in XRP is like driving a car in LA during rush hour. lethargic and lack luster capital growth while everyone around you is hopping around like an Energizer bunny is a slow death to your money.

Ripio on the other hand does not cater to the banking cartels nor does it intend on providing a service that will improve their bottom line. Ripio is a major FUCK YOU to legacy financial institutions that have overlooked a lot of people that are trying to get credit. this aspect a lone is a highly attractive feature of the project and will bring in support from the community that is essentially libertarian.

It is fuckin tanking !

quit with the fud shilling, weakhands

heres my address user, if you're still there and was not pretending

Where is the moin mission? Shit is dropping like a rock

if you're looking for a moon mission and to turn a quick buck, forget about it.
at least for now, BTC is soaking up a lot of the liquidity . this coin is not something you want to trade.

Negative, this is about to pump, if you don't recognize that by watching volume, orders and depth you dont watch this shit close enough

No it's not

weenie detected

what sort of arket cap does it need to be a $1?

a little less than half a billion

but market cap doesn't determine price
price determines market cap
and demand determines price

Yeah, don't try to daytrade this unless you have enough to control the pumps. Buy when you can and if you must take profit, don't look back until it's trading at ~10 USD (pre-release token/membership price on the SALT site)

what do you mean by pre-release token/membership price?

Whoops, I didn't mean presale. Was referring to the discount structure:

Good posts in this thread user. Put 20ETH in at ICO (despite the clusterfuck that it was) and you've reinforced my belief in this project. Solid mid to long term HODL.

Ripio = Rip you

thank you
i just really took a keen interest in the project and i want to help others understand the underlying.
i see so many shilling and talks of moons. but almost zero substance which would lead folks to make shitty trades and lose a lot of money.

i don't want to induce anyone to buy/sell this coin i just want to state the facts and then make some remarks. talk everything i say with a grain of salt because i don't know everything and i don't want to encourage to make a trade that could cost you. but who am i kidding this is crypto. everyone thinks they can turn 5k or 10k into a few million overnight. and most of these people have never traded in their life. what a complete and epic shitshow.

i've succumbed to the fact that i am incapable of trading so in lieu of that i opted to INVEST.
so now i'm searching for value and a cheap price. honestly all alts are on discount at the moment so pick and choose something with utility . something that has appeal and adoption.
RCN already has adoption and it's not an experimental project, they already have a growing user base. tokenizing their platform and bringing it into crypto is a massive scaling opportunity that i found extremely interesting. their whitepaper wasn't full of empty hopes, promises and dreams. they're a legit company that have been in operation for the past few years.
go Ripio

*take everything i say

Launches as far away as April.
Buy salt, then put shekels in ripio later after salt gains. Salt or confido. Hurry.


remind me again about OMG's launch........
don't worry, i'll wait

They are setting up everything so quick that their road map ends in April. P2P lending is a 64+ billion dollar a year industry and it continues to grow. Solid hold.

Amen brother.

Imagine that. how responsible of them.
you're essentially buying into a token that has super responsible developers that didn't float a token based on "partnerships"