Why Portugal was never conquered by Spain, especially in medieval ages? Having small, independed and infuriating area doesn't make sense for me when you can control whole Iberian Peninsula, expand coast line and have more option for water ports. Spain could easily take them over because Portugal had no way to run different than fcking ocean and couldn't call the allies (if they had any), because Spain cuts down any routes different than water, and even thou Iberian Peninsula is isolated by Pyrenees from rest of Europe, and asking muslims from south wouldn't work probably because of never-ending bigger or smaller religious wars so any outside help doesn't seem like viable option.
Portugal existance
Well, Portugal had a fairly significant navy. That might have had something to do with it
One of the eternal anglo's first moves.
Because real life isn't like a grand strategy game. Portugal and Spain have historically had great relations, and on the rare occasion they found themselves at war Portugal was backed by the English.
Because they're better at war than the Spanish.
That must be why the French and Spanish btfo then so bad in 1807 the Portuguese royal family fled to another continent.
The perfidious Briton
It is hard to believe for me that Spain didn't have a tyrant monarch with ruling sickness in any point of their history before 16th century
>Portugal and Spain have historically had great relations
Not really.
>Because real life isn't like a grand strategy game.
>t. brainlet
>t. retard
Only decent answers.
Look, OP.
A better question is why didn’t Portugal take over Morocco and placed it as their integral territory
A shame what happened to your precious manlet's army afterwards.
They did it.
But then they got "independence" with support of the eternal anglo, the frogs and the dutch scum.
Because excommunication n SHIET
Portugal originally went indepdent becUse the pope backed it
Then the defence from castille was just superior planning
Then the Braganza liberation was just an overstretched Spain and threat of Portuguese going Protestant
Sorry, you give a good answer.
>and threat of Portuguese going Protestant
what the fuck am I reading
people in this board really are completely obtsuse illiterates
I bet you don’t know how the aftermath of the siege of Vienna was bad for the reformed and Protestant Hungarians
An unified Iberia is a threat for the frogs and anglos, and even more when both dominate other continent.
>tfw no Iberian empire.
Maybe because they actually tried and got blown the fuck out.
even with the royal family, the nobility and the army in south america the french were kicked out three times by an army of peasants, the grand armee was so pathetic it makes me thinks how bad the austrian and other great europeans armies were at the time
could happen tough, the nobility was so desperate for independance they threatned their reluctant candidate, the duke of Bragança that if he wouldnt take the crown they would make a republic or try to imitate Poland´s regime
We're simply superior at war.
Castillian dogs aint got nothing.
Spain isnt a real country btw
Maybe because Spain as an unified country didn't exist until the bourbons came?
>three (3) failed invasions
What did he mean with this
Veeky Forums everyone
Honestly instead of making stupid threads just read about it. Portugal has always beaten Spain in defensive wars and when they couldnt do it by themselves the English would get involved like in the Peninsular war. Veeky Forums is honestly the most brainet board.
How many defensive wars has Portugal fought against Spain? 4? 2 lost, 1 won, 1 stalemate, and how do you exactly call the peninsular war a defensive war for Portugal against Spain, when it was precisely the revolt of Spain against France that caused Portugal to revolt too.
I meant that Junot, Massena and Soult all failed at their goal of occupying Portugal with their armies and splitting it's territory with part of it going to their allies, the Spanish.
But that's not true, they succeded, and it was only the revolt of Spain that cutted off the communications between the french armies and France, only then they retreated from Portugal.
In other words, they failed
>Iberian union meme
They did conquer portugal and the king stayed in Brazil for a while. Also Portugal and England have the longest running alliance in history.
>duke of Braganza
The irony