Solely from the American point of view (no other allied countries included), which theater of WW2 was more interesting: Europe/North Africa or the Pacific?
Solely from the American point of view (no other allied countries included)...
That entirely depends on personal taste, if you're really into tanks the Pacific would fucking suck but if you're really into naval warfare it's the best theatre
>That entirely depends on personal taste
yes, and i'm asking what your taste is.
Americans vs. Japs is kino
Americans vs. Germans is just a shitty version of the eastern front.
Depends on whether you like naval warfare or the romance of European wars.
not sure why everyone always brings up naval warfare.
yeah the Pacific had plenty of legit naval battles, but there was plenty of land action going on too
>not sure why everyone always brings up naval warfare.
Because it was so goddamn good and naval activities directly enabled virtually all contact in the pacific theater.
The Pacific.
Hitler declared war on us, but Japan actually attacked US soil.
US vs Japan was horrific, but at least it was a unique conflict
Because it was such a huge part of it. Each land action required a naval action to allow it to happen.
i generally don't care about naval warfare, but i prefer the Pacific theater just because the conditions on the ground were often so brutal. plus i just have a thing for the imagery of American marines and GIs fighting Japs in the jungles and on coral islands hundreds or thousands of miles from civilization. it's terrifying, to me anyway.
yeah i get it, the land action required naval action to back it up. but i still find the former, on the ground-level, to be much more interesting
The Pacific War was the only theater involving major clashes of all combined arms, so this.
The navy was by far the preeminent branch of the American military and fought a war in which they weren't always assured numerical superiority, strategic advantage, or a surplus of materiel. They did more with less often while burdening hardships not asked of those in Europe. It was also the theater that became bloodier as it reached its climax, fighting an enemy who grew more fanatical near defeat instead of a people's militia of old men and child soldiers.
I don't really consider warfare to be something exciting or entertaining
The question was about interest, not excitement or entertainment, Reddit.
Do be sure to read the OP before replying.
Then don't comment in a thread about it, dipshit
The Western front is much more covered over here. I only here about the pacific front from grumpy marines and documentaries on it.
North africa has some pretty cool adventures with the SAS doing meme shit in the desert
Greenland was the best front
Tanks were constantly used in the PTO by both sides.
Naval war between US and Japan in 1942 is probably the most interesting conflict in history because of the artificial material parity forced by the naval treaties. Probably the only time in naval history where one side did not massively overpower the other side, at least between major nations.
The Imperial Japanese Navy were actually capable of initially overpowering the USN, given the US had to focus on keeping the bongs from being forced to learn German as a first language. They panicked and got foolish and gave up their initial advantage.
Pacific. Huge naval battles, fiercest fighting, most brutal. It was our Eastern Front.