What did the great philosophers, from Plato and Cicero to Kant and Schopenhauer, think about the jews?
What did the great philosophers, from Plato and Cicero to Kant and Schopenhauer, think about the jews?
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Cicero wasn't a philosopher. He was a lawyer, writer and politician. Just because he was witty doesn't mean he was a philosopher.
Schopenhauer was woke on the JQ.
I don't know about the other ones.
Same as we think today
But gas chambers didn't exist yet
Plato would have legit liked the book of Genesis, and probably thought that becuse of it Jews were worth something. Until he actually met them, and then we know how that goes.
Plato didn't think about Jews. For all intents and purposes, they didn't exist.
Yeah, no. One, he didn't read hebrew mythology. Two, he would have mocked it the same way he did greek mythology in the Ion and other texts.
t. brainlet
In the Phaedo Socrates criticized the Ionian philosophers for saying that the universe came about by chance, and said that if someone were to give him an account of how the divine intellect created the world (as Anaxagoras claimed, but didn't explain) he would gladly be his student. Genesis does just that. However since he didn't know it, he wrote his own, "philosophical" Genesis, the Timaeus.
The Timaeus was so similar to Genesis that early Christians thought that Plato must have somehow read the "books of Moses". Plato would have loved to see his philosophy validated by the sacred writtings of a seemingly ancient people. And the Middle Platonist Numenius of Apamea used just that rethoric when he discovered the Torah.
No, you are the brainlet.
Hebrew mythology is incompatible with Platonism. The moment a hebrew tries to talk about creatio ex nihilo, Parmenides will nod at Plato and then Plato will kick the hebrew down a bottomless well. Plato would be merciless against the hebrew and his later, christian worshippers.
Your account of Timaeus further reflects your ignorance. Plato explicitly states that there are people who go about telling fanciful tales about how reality is pieced together. Plato was not trying to tell an accurate account of reality, and anyone who focuses on the Timaeus and holds it above the other dialogues that explicitly rule out such a literal account... well those people are abrahamic hebrew worshipping retards.
Hebrew mythology is incompatible with Platonism. The twin Gods, Plato and Aristotle, laugh at you and all other christcucks/jews/muslims/mormans/whatever.
>He was a lawyer
philosophers write
Jurisprudence is a philosophical discipline.
>Plato would have legit liked the book of Genesis
I doubt it, he probably would have seen the Jews as murderers like all the other pagans saw the Jews as murderers because the Jews are murderers. Plato's theological views, for example, in Timaeus, show a mature view of theology - not a juvenile one like the talking burning bush terrorists.
My guess is that they had mixed ideas. Aristotle probably hated them, as did many of the stoics, but I'm sure the epicureans were aight with them
Hegel and Kant wasn't fan of the jews because they were materialistic capitalists iirc.
Grow up and read more.
No doubt he would have disliked the Jews, as any healthy normal person does, but he wouldn't resist using whatever ancient text to legitimize points of his philosophy. He often did that with Greek and Egyptian religions. Plato was a traditionalist.
He's a pretty big figure in philosophy tho. He preserved a lot of what we know about the Skeptic schools of Greece, as well as providing commentary on the other popular Hellenistic schools (stoicism epicureanism etc). He has a role in the history of philosophy even if he himself didn't contribute any treatises himself.
Plato had no contact with the Jewish doctrine or people. He was a major influence on later Jewish theologians however, namely Philo of Alexandria (a 'Middle-Platonist')
Law is intrinsically tied to philosophy. It is a philosophical discipline
It's correct to assign the title philosopher to a jurist.
most of them were antisemites
it seems like you buffered your argument by writing a few sentences to the effect of 'Plato will kick the jews ass!' instead of expanding upon those ideas of creaiton ex nihilo and interpretation of Plato's texts.
Claudius Ptolemy, the famous astronomer:
Therefore, these peoples are, in comparison with the others, more gifted in trade and exchange; they are more unscrupulous, despicable cowards, treacherous, servile, and in general fickle, on account of the aspect of the stars mentioned. Of these, again, the inhabitants of CoelĂȘ Syria, Idumaea, and Judaea are more closely familiar to Aries and Mars, and therefore these peoples are in general bold, godless, and scheming.
My response was well measured. Any discussion about Plato and ideas of "creation from nothing" ends the moment Parmenides is mentioned. Everything claimed by the other guy is laughable; to hear him tell it, Plato would simply read Genesis and convert on the spot. As if he'd be so stunned that he'd strip down and eagerly let the hebrews cut part of his dick off and welcome him into their fold. Ridiculous!
no you