>when you realize the French were history's good guys all along
The just couldn't save the world from the Germans
When you realize the French were history's good guys all along
>history's good guys
No they were the bads who managed to fuck up so bad that they created such a terrible monster in Germany that they had to team up with the good guys to beat this new threat.
>more like history's good GOYS LOL HAHA AMIRITE GUIZE
They were history's bystanders I can tell you that much. They and Britain were also responsible for WW2 when they tried to tax the fuck outta Germany
American detected
>when they tried to tax the fuck outta Germany
Are you feeling alright?
Sometimes it feels like France is the only ones still trying to progress with the main campaign, while everyone else is doing shitty side quests.
how could anyone be this ignorant about history
are you american?
>French were bystanders
>French were vindictive assholes who lead to the rise of the 3rd Reich
Disprove this, protip: you can't
the ineffective weimar republic caused the rise of nazi germany, not france
Germany's insistence on ruining Europe is what caused it. Honestly Germany should have to pay reparations to Europe for existing.
>if I kill your mom and you imprison me, then I escape and kill your wife then you're responsible for the death of your wife because you imprisoned me
That is what happened after ww1 which led to ww2 you dumbass euro cuck
No, WW2 was caused by letting the Germans get off their treaty obligations.
why shouldn't france have asked for reparations? germany started ww1, after all. maybe instead of throwing a tantrum like petulant children they should've just paid reps
>Considering what the G*rmans did after the Franco-Prussian war
I lmao at your lack of historical knowledge
Start shit get hit
so you are an ignorant american, got it
They either had to go all in on Germany or not at all, no in-between. Had Germany been dismantled the way A-H was, WW2 would not have happened
>Intentionally starved 100,000 Germans after the war
>Force them to lay extreme reparations
>Divide up Germany to different countries
>B-b-but the only reason a militant incarnation of Pan-Germanism sprung up was because of the Weimar Bubble, it had nothing to do with the League of Nations or Treaty of m Versailles!
>Implying Germany committed any crimes to begin with
>Not assholes
>B-b-but they were assholes too!
>Fucking Prussians
>Start shit get hit
>Germany started French and German tensions
Imahine being this deluded
Stupid euro cuck, I it wasn't for American help you would be goose stepping through the park today, you ungrateful pieces of shit. You eurotrash never did repay the debts to the USA for saving your collective asses
how come france didnt become fascist. they have such a great history and culture to be proud of.
also look at all that confidence
Because fascism is a sign of insecurity.
*blocks your path*
>Why didn't France become fascist
Are you just forgetting about the Vichy or what?
you fought the wrong the enemy