Giddy up oom poppa omm poppa mow mow
Giddy up oom poppa omm poppa mow mow
Giddy up oom poppa omm poppa mow mow
>the Allies use genocide
>it's super effective!
What really really bothers me is that they seem to be okay with this
It's not like we can change anything about it anymore anyway.
They were okay with murdering their neighbours.
>Prusso-Polish Autism Mutts genocided
I'm quite alright with that honestly.
They weren't reduced enoguh, Netherlands should border Denmark and anyone who can't pronounce Scheveningen gets shot
Yeah im okayish with murdering russians too
The time of territorial wars between the Great Powers are over, it’s about proxy wars and dollar diplomacy
And that's a good thing.
[spoiler]no but really it is preferable to mass slaughter and industrialized warfare[/spoiler]
Was it worth it? How do we do better next time? We're open to suggestions here guys.
I want to fucking die
>from 36 to 24
What the fuck
>That image
Fuck off G*rmnigger, only polish slavs are blonde
Germany's population drop is close but not quite is bad, but they did it to themselves.
Why is it okay to kick Germans out of your country but it's not okay to kick Jews, Gypsies, or Albanians out?
Because Germans aren't people
Germans cause more problems than: Jews, Gypsies and Albanians combined into one.
>it's not okay to kick Jews, Gypsies, or Albanians out?
It was ok and Hitler would have gotten away with doing it as long as he didn't mess with other countries.
>not a single blonde hair in that picture
Go steal some glasses polack
>polish slavs
Just because your mother fucked a Jew doesn't mean all Poles did, you /int/ piece of kike shit.
t. Judaczek Mojsejewski
*Blocks your path*
Silly Polack
Dolph is a Swede, not a German. Never got this idiotic /int/ meme spammed by a butthurt sandnigger diaspora.
I meant overall, Nigger of Europe
There is more than one slav culture, g*ermnigger
>genetics = culture
Really makes me think, kike.
>Everyone I don't like is jewish
Fucking mutts, slavic is a language group
Yeah exactly, Poles are just kikes speaking a Slavic language, not genetic Slavs.
Shut up, g*rmanic mutt, Prussians were polish otherwise they never would have been successful
Are you saying the Prussians were Jews?
No, Polish. Every g*rm of importance is Polish or has Polish ancestry
But Poles are Jews so if Prussians are Polish, it would make Prussians Jews.
What happened in '98?
[citation needed] we aren't Jewish
>"Take a closer look at that snout!"
>demand proof
>Shows the average g*rm
proof she's Polish and not a g*rm
That eye shadow palette just screams tacky Slav gopnika.
That's not a word Schlomo.
I know. Swedes are still Germanic though and claiming that only Poles and not Germans can be blonde is nonsense.
No. Swede.
>germany could've settled for this instead of your pic related
If only it was united under Austria...
Or not united at all
Swedes are Germanic. Germans are mongrels.
It's literally the same mentality as Russia, no matter how much territory they get they still end up craving more, like a bottomless pit, never satisfied.