>primary source documents record it as having happened
>no primary source documents claim he died again at a later time, i.e. it was not a resuscitation
>we have the dead bodies of all his friends and know how they died
>we know where his tomb is and it's been unoccupied since
>it was the first time any specific, real human person in history was claimed to have been resurrected
>no other comparable claims of resurrection have ever been made
So why don't you believe in the resurrection? Why are you calling all the apostles and other people who saw him risen liars?
Why don't you believe the Resurrection of Jesus Christ happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't have the dead bodies of his friends. Any of them. Where did you hear that? Where do you think they are?
I've literally kissed containers holding pieces of the dead bodies of his friends.
>primary sources
Only biased biblical sources.
>we have the dead bodies of all his friends and know how they died
We don't have a single one.
>we know where his tomb is and it's been unoccupied since
Meme, we don't even know if it was his tomb.
>it was the first time any specific, real human person in history was claimed to have been resurrected
But not the first time when god was resurrected. Including gods people believed in in territories close to ancient Palestine.
>primary source documents record it as having happened
I have a primary source document on my desk right here that says Jesus sucked dick for crack at the Bethlehem truck stop
Why don't you believe it?
>kissing corpses
The absolute state of Cucktianity
Zombies aren't real.
>no genetic testing
>random bodies from 1st century
>they are definitely apostles!
To summarize:
Simon Peter - St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
Paul - St. Paul-Outside-the-Walls, Rome
John - St. John's Basilica, Ephesus (sadly his relics were destroyed by the Turks)
Andrew - St. Andrew's Cathedral, Amalfi, Italy
James the Greater - Cathedral of Saint James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
James the Lesser - Church of the Twelve Apostles, Rome
Philip - Church of the Twelve Apostles, Rome
Thomas (Didymus) - Basilica of St. Thomas, Ortona, Italy, and some in Chennai, India in a church of the same name
Bartholomew - Church of St. Bartholomew, Benevento, Italy, and another church of the same name, Tiberina Island, Rome
Matthew (Levi) - St. Matthew's Cathedral, Salerno, Italy
Simon Zealot - St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
Jude Thaddaeus - St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
Matthias - Basilica of St. Matthias, Triers, Germany
If you're wondering why Catholics have them all and the Orthodox don't, the Orthodox acknowledge that the Catholic relics are real and the Catholics acknowledge that they stole a lot of them from the Orthodox.
>>primary source documents record it as having happened
No. Look up what primary source means. None of the evangelists knew Jesus personally
>>we have the dead bodies of all his friends and know how they died
No and not relevant
>>we know where his tomb is and it's been unoccupied since
Lol is this bait
>>it was the first time any specific, real human person in history was claimed to have been resurrected
Not even in the bible fuckbrain look up Lazarus
>>no other comparable claims of resurrection have ever been made
>So why don't you believe in the resurrection?
Same reason you don't. Bible is a pisspoor source that contains objective lies and errors to make Jesus seem messianic.
Because of all of their stuff was bloated in the council of nicea and they have something to gain from claiming a ressurection, and as such, are biased to be quoted as a source on the subject.
>οὐ γὰρ σεσοφισμένοις μύθοις ἐξαkολουθήσαντες ἐγνωρίσαμεν ὑμῖν τὴν τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ δύναμιν kαὶ παρουσίαν, ἀλλ’ ἐπόπται γενηθέντες τῆς ἐkείνου μεγαλειότητος.
>For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Simon Peter, AD 65
Because atheists believe philosophical naturalism and so have a priori rejection of any supernatural events, based on their worldview in darwinian evolution.
No amount of evidence will convince them. They don't want to believe in God.
They have a reprobate mind, completely lost.
expert scholars believe in the biblical historical christ. it's been shown numerous times that the gospel is more authentic and accurate than any other story of antiquity. if you dismiss the story of christ, you might as well dismiss julius caesar, hannibal or alexander.
fedoras are hypocrites with a double-standard
>implying ceasar, hannibal and alex were divine
>Implying Caesar, Hannibal, and Alex existed
you utter sperg, of course they did, jesus also did to some extent, but he wasn't divine
>he wasn't divine
Are you calling all those eye witnesses liars?
He's a retarded atheist who rejects logic, just ignore him.
ok, I'll go ask them with my time machine brb, or better yet gonna see jeebus and his magic myself
I'm back, they said it was all a joke to make fun of some mentally retarded guy that claimed he could turn water into wine.
Why is he called Caesar Dives then?
absolute state
>Are you calling all those eye witnesses liars?
And why do you believe that?
He doesn't claim to be an eyewitness of the resurrection
In fact all christianity affirms there were no eyewitnesses
Basically what this guy said. Also, for all the supernatural shit that supposedly happened after this supposed godman died and came back there is very little to no independent verification of the events in question. No roman sources about dead rising from the ground, sudden earthquakes, eclipses out of fucking nowhere and other things like that.
Because our information of that time period is extremely limited and ancient peoples were know to be highly superstitious. Ie the same reason most people don't accept most myths and religious accounts.
Its nowhere near as certain as you hold it be most of those are only partial remains - and the church itself had a huge problem with relics being fabricated- and whose authenticity is based on legend and myth indeed at least one of those remains were discovered 800 years after the apostles death.
don't take church tradition at face value.
>primary source documents record it as having happened
It's clear the early Christians thought they saw him resurrected. Ancient people were highly superstitious and he was their charismatic leader after all. It was probably similar to Elvis sightings and shit like that today.
>>we have the dead bodies of all his friends and know how they died
>we know where his tomb is and it's been unoccupied since
Church stories that arised much later; no historical value there.
Yes, millions of people died in the name of Christ just for the lulz, right?
Stoned, thrown to the lions, tortured, burned at the stake - yet the faith kept spreading like a wildfire. People would not abandon the name of Jesus, even in the most harshest of times.
Christianity changed the world forever. Jesus just walked the earth for 30 years and He formed the biggest spiritual empire the world has ever seen, with billions of followers. He formed this empire without war, fear, terror or conquest. Even Napoleon, a product of the atheist French revolution, admired Jesus Christ and said this:
“Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
Either Jesus was the greatest con man the world has ever seen, or He is exactly what He claimed to be.
And I don't take evolutionists seriously.
Did you know the Golden Plates of the Book of Mormon were viewed by 12 people who never recanted their experience - even when some of them left the church or were excommunicated?
Atheists are retarded as usual
Mormonism and JWs are cults.
Many of their doctrines and beliefs contradict the Bible.
So again, zero proof.
Atheists and abrahamic desert myth believers are at about the same level of retardation.
Easy. More Christians were killed by other Christians than during Diocletianic persecution.
Ordinar interactions in human history involve only physically possible phenomena which have been observed and proven possible with the scentific method. Supernatural phenomena like the ones performed by Jesus have never been proven, making believing in them in any capacity or in any timeframe irrational.
>Yes, millions of people died in the name of Allah just for the lulz, right?
>People would not abandon the name of Allah, even in the most harshest of times.
>Islam changed the world forever. Muhammad just walked the earth for 30 years and He formed the biggest spiritual empire
See how the cheap rhetorics bend? This is exactly why this isn't an argument.
>Either Jesus was the greatest con man the world has ever seen, or He is exactly what He claimed to be.
Or you know well meaning but misguided like many other prophets and religious figures.
>Christ just for the lulz, right?
Do you think scientologists give up billions of dollars for the lulz? How about all those Hindus when the Muslims came rolling down south?
>Jesus just walked the earth for 30 years and He formed the biggest spiritual empire the world has ever seen, with billions of followers. He formed this empire without war, fear, terror or conquest
You cant have it both ways user either Jesus did form the biggest spiritual empire that ever existed and is responsible for what his followers did and they did use terror fear and conquest or they are responsible.
Look at the laws introduced by later Roman Emperors prescribing death for those who would make offerings to other Gods or the burning of the library of antioch and the closing of the philosophic academies of Plato and Aristotle.
And do not forget the genocide in the New World
>Landa formulated an intimate contact with natives. Natives placed him in such an esteemed position they were willing to show him some of their sacred writings that had been transcribed on deerskin books.[10] To Landa and the other Franciscan friars, the very existence of these Mayan codices was proof of diabolical practices. In references to the books, Landa said:
>We found a large number of books in these characters and, as they contained nothing in which were not to be seen as superstition and lies of the devil, we burned them all, which they (the Maya) regretted to an amazing degree, and which caused them much affliction.[11]
Its not as easy and clean as you imagine it, Im not even anti christian but please go beyond CS Lewis.
there is not a single primary source to suggest alexander the great existed
any and all evidence we have for his existence is second-hand or dates from after his death.
primary sources are funny things
>Mormonism and JWs are cults.
So? What bearing does that have on the accounts of the 12 witnesses do you think ex cult members would lie to protect a hated minority group?
Are you going to ignore the fact they faced genocide at the hands of the Missouri Government? No non native American religious group has suffered the same large scale persecution the Mormons have.
Do you think that should somehow make their doctrines true?
there is a difference in claiming one guy was born to a king and the other to god via retarded concept of virgin birth.
>there is not a single primary source to suggest alexander the great existed
You know that primary sources arent just documents right?
The God of Abraham is a fact.
Atheism is false.
Well first of all, bodily resurrections are at odds with everything we know about medical science and science in general.
Secondly, why should anyone believe that Jesus was resurrected specifically and not the mountains of other people in mythology throughout history? Resurrections are a common trope in religions and mythologies all around the world, so even if one grants the possibility that it can happen what makes Jesus unique in this context?
Thirdly, given how commonplace resurrections are in the Bible(Daughter of Jairus, Lazarus etc), what exactly does it prove about Jesus?
>proof: none
No great scholars who have not gone full conmen selling sensational books to the public for money have claimed that the resurrection of Jesus is historical, obviously a lot of them are christians and think so but the vast majority of them admit that it's just their personal opinion because of their religious beliefs.
Same way christian philosophers don't make the claim of proving their specific religion but just theism or that having religious beliefs is not really irrational. (Plantinga)
Other people have already torn this response into a thousand little pieces but I'd like to point out that this hysterical overreaction utterly failed to address the simple fact that
>>for all the supernatural shit that supposedly happened after this supposed godman died and came back there is very little to no independent verification of the events in question. No roman sources about dead rising from the ground, sudden earthquakes, eclipses out of fucking nowhere and other things like that.
You don't address this simple fact because you can't. Events like the extraordinary ones contained in the bible that supposedly happened after your messiah died would have sources unrelated to your tradition either reporting on them or trying to debunk them during the timeframe these events supposedly occurred.
We see none of this for the supposed miracles and powers of Jesus, all you have from non-biblical sources is stuff written long after the fact.
>the god of abraham is a fact
pls treat ur schizophrenia
Give me a true argument that is not just about the Prime Mover of philosophy.
I wonder which memester went around minting coins that said Alexander the King in 325-323 and then scattered them all around the known world.
Satan is very clever.
His open persecution in Pagan Rome only helped further the spread of Christianity.
Hijacking and corrupting the faith was his next step.
Papal Rome, the Whore of Babylon, the Great Harlot, the counterfeit church, drunk with the blood of the saints.
I see you live under a rock, because materialism has already been debunked. The physical world is not all there is, and even mainstream science is now admitting this. There are plenty of fields of research that baffle the mind, i.e ufology, near-death experiences, etc.
Spread by the sword and terror. Huge difference.
Mohammedans conquered the same way the Mongols, Huns or any traditional empire did.
Christianity spread through the Gospel, and it engulfed almost the entire world.
>A library or witnesses and historical records is not proof
The Bible still stands tall.
Tons of people have tried to hammer it down just like you, to no avail.
To the contrary, with every passing year the Bible gets proven right more and more.
Remember when atheists thought Hittites were just a biblical myth?
Then we actually found remains of the Hittite culture. There are tons of archeological examples like this when the Bible is constantly affirmed as an accurate historical book.
>they're misguided because I say so
>Christianity spread through the Gospel, and it engulfed almost the entire world.
>it gets proven more and more
so moses...parted...the sea?
Atheism is literally a mental illness.
>Worst Objection to Theism: Who Created God?
>Digital Physics Argument for God's Existence
>The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
>Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism
>The Introspective Argument
>The Teleological Argument
>What Atheists Confuse
Part 1 youtube.com
Part 2 youtube.com
>Is Atheism a Delusion?
Part 1 youtube.com
Part 2 youtube.com
>Atheists Don't Exist
If you believe you're just an animal that crawled out of a soup after a random accident, you might want to get yourself checked.
>because materialism has already been debunked
>even mainstream science is now admitting this
>baffle the mind
Pseudosicence. Provide source.
>near-death experiences
Pseudoscience. Provide source.
>they're misguided because I say so
Its more about pointing out your false dichotomy - do you think all other religious leaders were con men?
Atheism is a mental illness, but so is Abrahamic cuckery
Congratulations on dumping these retarded videos for the 13213th time, dumbass.
You do realize the Roman empire was huge, and Judea was just a backwater province, right?
You do realize phones, the internet or even the printing press were not invented yet, right?
Ouch its an " in physics observer means a conscious being looking at something" user.
>give me proof except this proof that shows God exists
Just admit you don't want there to be a God.
No matter how much evidence presented, you refuse to believe.
Stop lying to yourself. It's unhealthy.
Roman Catholicism =/= Biblical Christianity
The cosmological argument specifically proves Jesus!!! Even Aquinas couldn't do it but you brave internet christian could do what he couldn't!
Egyptian chariot wheels are found on the bottom of the Red Sea.
Satellite images show there is an underwater land bridge exactly where the Israelites passed through.
there is a god, but it is not the abrahamic one
We literally have none of that.
Evolution is pseudo-science.
how did he do it?
>if there is a god then jesus is real!
No, I genuinely think that the god of philosophy could be real but no religion has convinced me of not being a human invention built around philosophical concepts.
>>His open persecution in Pagan Rome only helped further the spread of Christianity.
Are you trying to say that the antigod/antithesis character of your particular religion wanted the religion of the guy he was opposing to spread? Whut?
>>Papal Rome, the Whore of Babylon, the Great Harlot, the counterfeit church, drunk with the blood of the saints.
Dude, you wouldn't even have a religion to try and convert us to without the catholics/orthodox. Setting that aside, the protestants have racked up more then their fair of atrocities in various religiously motivated wars and persecutions.
>>I see you live under a rock, because materialism has already been debunked.
No it hasn't.
>>The physical world is not all there is, and even mainstream science is now admitting this. There are plenty of fields of research that baffle the mind, i.e ufology, near-death experiences, etc.
A mix of pseudo-science and people mislabeling hallucinations as fact.
>>Islam: Spread by the sword and terror. Huge difference.
You mean, like christianity was when the various efforts at subverion of local deities into saints and co-option of various pre-existing holidays into a christian format either weren't working or weren't working fast enough?
>>Mohammedans conquered the same way the Mongols, Huns or any traditional empire did.
The Carolingian Empire wasn't an empire? lol wut
Byzantium wasn't an empire?
lol wut
>>Christianity spread through the Gospel, and it engulfed almost the entire world.
Blatantly false. The variant of christianity you specifically are talking about was never what various historical denominations tried to preach to the various "heathens" because it simply wouldn't actually convert anyone.
A Jack Chickian mongoloid motherfucker like you would be chopped into multiple pieces by any Germanic warlord worth his roasted meat and ale.
god is real, if he isnt existence has no value and we should all off ourselves, the Christian god is a big farce full of contradictions
>You do realize...
The entire earth gets plunged into darkness for three days strait yet no other culture in the entire world records or makes mention of this. Even worse as the Pliny was literally writing a book about events like these at the time but forgets it.
You do realize that rumors would still spread? Especially about things like sudden eclipses and earthquakes, let alone blatantly supernatural things like the dead rising from their graves en-mass.
>expert scholars believe in the biblical historical christ
This is so misleading that it's laughable. The Historical Christ that most historical scholars believe are three basic facts of his life: he was born, he preached, he was crucified. The rest of the Gospel is not "shown to be more authentic and accurate than any other story of antiquity" and you will be hardpressed to find anyone with a history degree who claims that, much less a credible scholar.
What compels you to come on a history discussion board and complusively lie? Do you get your jollys out of seeing replies to your nonsense?
There is a spiritual war being waged for your soul, and you're completely unaware of it.
There are only 2 religions: Cain and Abel.
Cain showed a proud, unbelieving heart. Therefore he and his offering were rejected. Abel came as a sinner, and according to God's appointment, by his sacrifice expressing humility, sincerity, and believing obedience. Thus, seeking the benefit of the new covenant of mercy, through the promised Seed, his sacrifice had a token that God accepted it.
Religion is about doing 'good works', it is about self-righteousness.
Christianity is entirely different. We can't be good because we are fallen sinners.
We need a savior, a redeemer. Christ who took the punishment for us.
You're a cuck to sin.
You're a slave to the evil one.
Lmao, nice blogs, brainlet.
2 Peter is a 2nd century forgery
by who's standards? the Popecuck's or the sectarian ones?
He didn't, God did.
Interesting that this happened before the invention of cameras.
You might want to start researching about the various occult societies that control the world, and what they believe in.
Start with Bill Cooper.
The elite that run the world hate Jesus and the Bible.
Oh dont worry biblical christians had no problem slaughtering the native americans of North America.
So you're a catholic who believes any old bullshit and thinks all relics are genuine
I'm gonna pass on agreeing with you
Also, we have a primary source that Muhammad was miraculously transported to Jerusalem from Mecca (Quran 17:1). Does that mean we should uncritically believe it happened?
Nice Gish Gallop, faggot.
I am a god-believing white guy who hates Jesus and the Bible, not elite per se
Open persecution didn't work because Christianity thrives under persecution. People see all these martyrs and want to have what they have, something stirring in their soul.
That's why the devil went with the compromise approach.
>mix Christianity with Paganism
>marry Christianity to the world and its politics(when the Bible tells us to be separate and apart from the world)
>vóila: the birth of Roman Catholicism
>steadily and slowly introduce unbiblical doctrines and heresies over the years
>You do realize that rumors would still spread?
And the Gospel spread, people accepted it, and Christianity exploded, changing the world forever.
>steadily and slowly introduce unbiblical doctrines and heresies over the years
Like biblical literalism?
The Biblical Christ is the Historical Christ.
You're snarky, under-handed attack doesn't work on me.
Nice argument, you're constructive criticism totally convinced me to rethink my position. Thank you for your contribution.
And the Gospel *burns the library of Antioch* spread *murders pagans*, people accepted *genocides native americans* it, and *uses state power* Christianity *burns heretics* exploded, changing the world forever.
>Driver gets drunk and smashes into a tree
>It's the car's fault!
atheist logic