Where or what was my consciousness before birth?
Where or what was my consciousness before birth?
You were a goat.
He's kidding.
srs answers pls
It simply didn't exist. You were just a lifeform that operated out of instinct. There was nothing sentient about you.
but where was I MYSELF?
In the body of a goat.
in the gate of heaven where Elohim joins your soul and blood to form consciousness
It's a question of what YOU is you're really asking.
srs answers pls
You were a degenerate
But I MYSELF know what I AM. I just want to know where I was before knowing that I AM.
In my ballsack
You don't necessarily know what you are, you just know that you are, and knowing that you are is a fundamental property of you. Your fetus didn't knew that it was, and obviously didn't know what it was, so it didn't have an I.
OP how can you not achieve ego death in 2018
You don't know what you are and you didn't exist before being birthed.
I exist within myself this is correct, but if my fetus or my future corpse doesn't produce the physical requirements to sustain that I, what happens to it?
But I AM now and nothing comes from nothing, so where did that I come from.
time is not linear
life is not some series of events from pre-existence -> born -> die -> post existence
your mind and self developed from you the baby
it was floating around the universe as energy
The cells that your mother's body produced. Your consciousness is the result of those interacting in a very specific manner.
most likely same as when ur dead.
A pre-assembled computer processor seems like it is "nothing", but when assembled and given electrical current, it is capable of processing information.
As for your consciousness, we don't have enough information yet. My way of looking at it is to think of it as correlated to brain activity. Where does your consciousness "go" when you sleep? I say it fades in and out. This is all just baseless speculation. Ultimately, scientists may discover the true mechanism of consciousness.
You weren't formed yet. You still had to be built.
god beamed your soul into your body
The assembly of cells and all of the substances required for consciousness wasn't ready yet.
Sometime after infancy you develop consciousness as you know it. That is you're aware of yourself.
As to what YOU are, it's a combination of your genetics and your environment.
The way you think and behave for the most part is due to what your 5 senses experienced as you grew up
You can't exist within yourself, because you can't exist at a physical strata below the physical you. A single neuron of yours can't produce the function of the brain that is you, since you are an emergent property, rather than an elementary property of the most fundamental physical reality. Don't worry though. We can't really "get" what happens at the deepest level. If there are such things as Planck units, at the levels below these space and time become meaningless.
Psychology can explain some "real" things, like you, to a certain extent. Classical physics explains reality at a more fundamental level. Quantum physics explain reality at a more fundamental level than that still. Nonetheless, quantum physics aren't very useful to explain macroscopic reality, and classic physics aren't very useful to explain you. Emergent properties are every bit as real as more fundamental properties, at least, in a epistemologically pragmatic sense.
This is the biggest redpill. Also the hardest to understand
State your reasoning
The subject is a closed time loop
You were an angel in Heaven. You accepted the "Plan of Salvation" so Elohim (God) and Jehovah (Jesus) sent you here and you had your memory erased. The more enthusiastic you were about the plan the better life you were born into here on Earth.
It's doubtful you had your consciousness formed even after birth.
I can pinpoint my first memory and I remember clearly that I wasn't orienting in my own house/was trouble getting familiar with my own relatives.
I was, possibly, about 2-3 year old at most.
The same place after your death.
So babbies are blank slates which are unconcious i presume
What does that mean though? In pleb terms
It's possible that you simply forgot and/or had a low level of consciousness like when inebriated or dreaming.
I'm being a little facetious, but the idea is that there's no reason to suspect objective time continues after you die, like the universe as such is still persisting in time and you to continue to exist in it in one way or another, because the universe is only ever constituted by your consciousness. So it is possible that there really is Nothing outside you, and you are your self for eternity. Perhaps your life, your self, out of primeval Void, is the only thing that is really thinkable. And you're stuck with a reality that you are one with, and yet experience as something hostile, infinite, unknowable.
Seems like.
If you weren't a believer you go to a special kingdom, after a 1000 year stint in prison, where each person gets a job (serves god) that is as cushy and prestigious as you were good on Earth. They can't get close to their bosses, though.
Lackluster believers get to hang with the Son, but not the father.
Truest believers get up close and personal with the top dog.
The worst people, the fallen angels and Lucifer go to the outer darkness. Which seems pretty crummy, though there isn't much said about it except that there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I am uncomfortable and unnerved after reading this.
Time is more or less a location, so one way of looking at is that you hadn't yet arrived at the party called "existence".
If that doesn't work for you, consider YOU as the sum of the time you spend existing with nothing else being relevant. You boundaries are defined by the temporal parameters that allow you to manifest. If your existence was eternal in both directions, you would something beyond human and not able to converse with us (and I expect not any better for it)
I find it a lot easier to understand than nebulous ideas about "eternity" within a linear context.
I see it more as a singularity rather than loop, because a loop suggests regression and recurrence whereas a singular point represents its whole in a more indivisible way. When you see the whole picture its the difference between circling endlessly over a sea of fabric pulling you forward versus sitting in an upholstered chair.
You were maybe a thought by God? A previous life maybe? In between lives somehow. In a black void with just your thoughts and no sences. Another universe. List hoes on.
apparently i wasn't too thrilled with the plan
>because the universe is only ever constituted by your consciousness.
we just experience it as consciousness, or experience it as experience in other words. Our sensory experience of external reality is not neccessarily the same as external reality.
I get the impression you're not arguing for bonafide solipsism or idealism right? Consciousness is dependant on what is not conscious
In the abstract plane.