who was in the wong here?
Opium wars
Same answer as ever, user.
do we blame junkies or pushers? they depend on each other
Drug addicts are fucking scum. Especially potheads who swear up and down they’re better than drug addicts.
t. virgin
t. Degenerate
I don’t need to use drugs or chase people who do drugs in order to get laid. I’ve smoked pot, I’ve sniffed blow, I’ve even done Xanax before it was popular and I’ve sold all the above. Ive seen first hand what drugs do to people which is why I know drug addicts and their dealers are scum of the earth who would sell their mother for a fix. Assume that I’m a virgin. I would have turned your sister out back in 2009 and had her selling pussy for some OxyContin and blues nigga.
dang, user, I cut myself on that edge
I WISH I was leaping and being an edgy shit poster. It’s clear you’re the virgin.
I unironically reported my beaner neighbor to the cops for smoking pot and he turned out to be an illegal as well.
so jews?
What a tard
Lol, ur gay dude
English spend their Silver in China. China happy, they need Silver as it's how they process taxes. English sad, since their monetary system depended on it too. Get mad China hordes the Silver; use Opium to get Silver out of China. Chinese plead on moral level; pointing out how many people it's destroying.
English don't give a fuck, continue selling opium. While the ruling class aren't affected; they're forced by the Buddhist/Confucian ideals of the "Mandate of Heaven" to act; very moral man sent to cleanse the drug trade, won't be bribed. China burns opium. English kick China's ass, rob them, take territory, and continue to sell Opium.
In short, nothing forced the English to send their Silver to China.... but the Chinese had no way of stopping the English from being "gangster".
>The "no one forced them to buy drugs line" is weak, moreso than buying silk/porcelin for silver; life is harsh, even moreso back then. A certain percentage will always succumb and be destroyed.
>The "washing their hands" moral argument is shameful when you know for a certainty that people will be completely destroyed by your trade.
What's a better question; why couldn't they find a way to resolve the issue for the "common good"? or Why should the English have settled the issue for the "common good" when they could come out so much further ahead when they acted according to the principles of "game theory" and "rational self interest"?
>There's a joke about people dying to know the truth about religion when they finally pass on.
Looks really comfy, like the opening scene in From Hell. Was drug addiction classier back then or were the junkies as bad as the modern ones?
Well, maybe, but if so they used their ever useful mercenaries, the bongs.
Cant wait till i engineer a cirus that wipes out the poppy plant just like that wood beetle did to the north american ash tree.
Then all the junkies and dealers and pharmaceuticals and all those acute people will collectively cry out in pain
The Chinese were a bunch of pretentious dickheads. They deserved the punch in the stomach.
***washes pills with coffee and sugar***
There were many kinds of opium addict but you could say it was an elegant thing. Heroin ruined it all.