Why do some retards here think Byzantine Empire is Roman Empire?
Is it just underage paradoxtards or r/byzantium?
Why do some retards here think Byzantine Empire is Roman Empire?
Is it just underage paradoxtards or r/byzantium?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be Roman Empire
>Divide in two since administrational issues
>West falls apart
>East survives
>It's somehow not the Roman empire
> Constantine wasn't a Roman because he was Christian!
>Be Greek
>Hijack Byzantine Empire from inside
>Don't speak Latin
>Boast about how Greek you are
>2018 AD
>A retarded underage on Veeky Forums is defending your shithole empire and claiming it was actually Roman not Greek
>The Byzantines were based Romans because they were Christian!
>Constantine was based because he was Christian!
The east was just colonies, the Roman Empire ended when Rome fell.
Pretty much the same cause of death as well.
Infighting over who gets to be Emperor, and consequently getting conquered by barbarians, instead of working together to strengthen, enrich, and expand the Empire.
t. urk
t. byzaboo retard
Constantinople wasn't a colony, it was literally the capital of the empire.
History is not polandball comic you dumb fuck
byzantium is reddit: the empire
What about when it was retaken?
Stop sending terrorists into Syria you cockroach.
They literally called themselves Romans. It was culturally Greek, but so was Rome itself.
>They literally called themselves Romans
So Russians were Romans too then.
And they were called Romans by their neighbors
Russians didn't call themselves Romans.
>Be le me
I don't think you are a Turk. A real Turk would know that conquering the Roman empire is the main thing his nation has to be proud of, what else is there?
>"Eastern Roman Empire".
>This is very difficult to say while keeping a straight face. I wonder who can, because indeed it is hard.
>"Eastern", you say, grinning like Procopius did. "Eastern", it is its name. But when thinking of "Eastern", you think about how Rome was located in the West. You think about all those who succeeded Rome in the West. You think about how the Catholic Church continued Roman political system in the West.
>But then, the funniest is coming: "Roman". Yes, now, you cannot contain your laughter. "Roman" it is called, despite the fact that this "Roman" body is standing on Greece, a land so harsh and poor that it took the Legions of Rome 66 years to set foot in it. A Greek-speaking and non-Roman Catholic people, yes, but still calling themselves "Roman".
>And now, here is the end of the fun: "Empire". Now you fell on the ground, laughing so hard you can't breathe. An "Empire", a body made of dozens of pretenders to the throne, all fighting for themselves, giving strange names to their position, full of Despots or Autokrators. An "Empire" who will stay divided and eventually ruled by Turks.
-İlber Ortaylı, Turkish historian
>Turkish historian
Funniest part of your post.
Post Analcik pls. Old ass nigga is lucky to finally be dead.
>Turkish historian
>>>>>>>>>Turkish historian
>Turkish historian
Is he friends with the Mexican intellectual?
Voltaire thought you were animals btw
You'll always be inferior to him in terms of intellectual capacity
There are actually some decent Turkish historians.
If you're interested in the early Ottomans, you're more likely to get a load of daffy duck shit reading Colin Imber than Cemal Kafadar.
Sure I will. I bet this faggot is still pimping the old 'strogn Kayi hurritage' whore.
Considering his country’s average IQ is only 90 I sort of doubt that. What’s up with that anyway? Did getting degenerated and Mohammedanized make Anatolians stupider?
kek subhuman amerimutt
>Did getting degenerated and Mohammedanized make Anatolians stupider?
Anatolians who?
>his highest IQ region is 98
EMBARRASSING, that’s literally burgermongrel level. Does every Anatolian have to live in denial to avoid suicide? You’ve lost so much... and
And how does this prove him wrong? It's only a regional representation that doesn't state the national average. But at least now we know that eastern and pontic turks are borderline autistic.
I know what you mean by your "Anatolian"
Real Anatolian are Greeks who are assimilated cucks
We crushed their skulls
which region do the kurds live in
No, your ancestors were Greeks who abandoned Christ and get to live in a Kurd infested Mohammedan shithole as punishment
Your North East, South and Pontus aren't doing too well either, Emir. Can't blame the Kurds for everything.
Pontus is filled with retarded Pontians.
pic related
debunked meme lad. was debunked years ago.
Turkey is filled with retarded Turks
You might be right in the sense that it created a somewhat new christian identity for itself. Here in greece we call it Byzantium, not just the eastern roman empire, even though "Rum" and "Greek" meant the same thing 200 years ago.
However as a rule I have learned not to take seriously anything a Turk says and to promptly ignore him.
They are the legal remaints of the Roman Empire. however if an Empire with no Ethnic Romans or Roman culture can be regarded as Roman is anyones guess.
>even though "Rum" and "Greek" meant the same thing 200 years ago.
to call this shitstain of an Empire Greeks is an insult to our ancestors.
both Byzantines and Ottoshits should have never set foot in Greece.
I hate when you post this dumb shit you fucking child. Paganism didn't survive in Europe, get over it. And there are only 3 reasons Greece isn't as good as western countries. The Ottoman industrial flop, the burning of Thessaloniki and the Greco-Turkish war. But we're still fairing pretty well considering how the odds were stacked against us ever since the constitution.
>to call this shitstain of an Empire Greeks is an insult to our ancestors.
'Insult to our ancestors', jej. You're saying that your ancestors are an insult to your ancestors.
Imagine being so ashamed of your present day humiliation that you start LARPing as an extinct nation, to avoid coming to terms with reality. This is the position of the Romans.
You lot terrify me, it's like looking into the future.
>Portugal is as close to Belarus as it is to Southern Italy
what to heck
>Paganism didn't survive in Europe, get over it.
said the jew worshipper
>what is Mystras
>not knowing that there were still majority pagans atleast until 600 a.d.
>not knowing the Byzantines hated Hellenes because they were idolators
name me some inventions or intelligent people the Byzantines have brought forth especially in comparison to Ancient Greece Armenios.
>The Ottoman industrial flop
gee maybe if the losers who failed to protect it werent so incompetent. then again why would non greek emperors care about greece?
>I hate when you post this dumb shit you fucking child.
until you prove to me that byzantium was greek, i will keep posting this shit.
how can you call yourself greek when you put jewish scriptures over that of your ancestors?
>'Insult to our ancestors', jej. You're saying that your ancestors are an insult to your ancestors.
Almost all Byzantine Emperors were non Greek.
I doubt there were even any Greek Emperors.
>Imagine being so ashamed of your present day humiliation that you start LARPing as an extinct nation, to avoid coming to terms with reality. This is the position of the Romans.
>calling yourself after a multi ethnic state with a jewish religion
very good argument
I know
>Almost all Byzantine Emperors were non Greek.
Good thing you're not a Greek.
Greeks lived two thousand years ago and assimilated into the Roman nation, like the Isaurians and so on.
>calling yourself after a multi ethnic state
They weren't ancient Americans with some retarded idea that 'values' make someone Roman, they believed themselves to be a nation. I imagine that if you faced a Roman with the 'multi-ethnic' character of the empire they'd respond the same way Turks do today.
>jewish religion
You mean like the one the 'Greeks' practice?
Early Christianity was full of Greeks, ancient ones at that. Blame yourselves for Christianity, was more popular in the East than the West.
Didn't stop you lot killing Jews either.
>Why do some retards here think Byzantine Empire is Roman Empire?
Because calling it the Byzantine Empire was an invention by revisionists who wanted to craft a narrative of a Christian dark age brought about by the total destruction of an Empire, when that exact Empire still existed throughout that entire period. The Empire called itself Roman, the people called themselves Roman, when Greece was in the middle of revolt, the call to arms was initially sent out to ROMANS not Greeks, not Hellenes. Edward Gibbon called them Romans, degenerated Romans, but still Romans. Fuck off degenerate turkman.
not an argument. they were LARPers. They didn't speak Latin. They weren't Romans.
I am more Roman than any Byzie will ever be.
I bet for those samples they groomed through a crowd of Greek looking Anatolians to find the one with the slantiest eyes
Lol nah you’re an Arabized Easterner from yet another low IQ Mohammedan shithole circling the drain
>Good thing you're not a Greek.
i am judging by my physical traits and love for ancient greece
>Greeks lived two thousand years ago and assimilated into the Roman nation, like the Isaurians and so on.
T. Anatolian
>They weren't ancient Americans with some retarded idea that 'values' make someone Roman, they believed themselves to be a nation.
the army was mostly comprised of non greeks/romans, the empire consisted of many different peoples. thats pretty multi ethnic
>You mean like the one the 'Greeks' practice?
>Early Christianity was full of Greeks, ancient ones at that.
citation needed
>Didn't stop you lot killing Jews either.
a trivial matter. however they let jews into the empire, but killed hellenes.
top kek
hahahaah no
Regular Turkish results. Retard.
>Greek looking
Greek look does not exist. Greeks look like Arabs. If you called someone "Greek looking" i'd probably beat the shit out of you and break your bones irl. Greek=Arab. Pic related. A regular Greek.
dont insult this guy. judging by his looks he came here from anatolia, meaning that he is probably your kin or looks similar to you.
pic related is a real greek
Anatolian Greeks are closer to Armenians and Hittites than to Turks
and how much of turkey is actually turkish?
most of you look like middle easterners, some are greek, others kurdish. only a small number has a mongolian look to it.
>i am judging by my physical traits and love for ancient greece
Know who else were philhellenic? Romans.
>T. Anatolian
Sorry but I'm Celtic.
>the army was mostly comprised of non greeks/romans
Romans liked to use foreign nations as soldiers because they brought different fighting styles to the table. So did the Mongols. Didn't make them less foreign.
Enlisting and maintaining soldiers in the Roman manner was an expensive and complex administrative process, so when the administration began to break down in the 11th century the number of mercenaries in the army skyrocketed.
Tagmatic and thematic troops were overwhelmingly local.
> the empire consisted of many different peoples
A more accurate phrasing would be 'many peoples lived under the empire'.
This empire was still considered to be the Roman republic by the Byzantines, as in, the commonwealth of the Roman nation. These different peoples were all subject to the empire of the Roman nation - they lived there but it wasn't 'their state' in the way that the Romans considered it to be theirs.
'Rome' wasn't some ideal thing to them, it wasn't something that could be conquered or granted by the Pope, it wasn't a high-minded notion that makes your scrote tingle.
Everyone in the West called Orthodoxy the Greek faith.
>but killed hellenes
No they didn't, not on the scale everyone thinks, anyway. This is another 18th century bugman meme.
Zosimos' New History and Agathaias' 'history' were both published under Justinian, supposedly some zealot fanatic, yet both of these books are sharply critical of Christianity.
What constituted a hellene is itself contentious, could be any pagans, Platonists, etc. According to Chalkokondyles, the Mongols worshipped Aphrodite.
>Know who else were philhellenic? Romans.
I'm greek myself. romans saw themselves similar to greece, as they were trojan.
>Romans liked to use foreign nations as soldiers because they brought different fighting styles to the table.
is that why they failed horribly. shouldnt a greek empire not find greek warriors?
>A more accurate phrasing would be 'many peoples lived under the empire'.
you aren't wrong. there still is nothing greek about it.
>Everyone in the West called Orthodoxy the Greek faith.
>western jew worshippers called the greek faith orthodox, thats why its greek.
we have our own faith. always have.
of course there were centers of christianity. most of them were jews though.
there is no reason for a hellene to adopt an inferior religion.
>were both published under Justinian,
may i remind the countless attrocities he commited against hellenic culture? what sort of "greek" would do something like that.
>What constituted a hellene is itself contentious,
not according to the Ancient Greeks. even a half Greek like Anarchasis was told to better find friends at home.
Anything that is Ancient Greek is not Greek. Even today in Greece most people who dont care about the Ancients are usually of Anatolian descent.
Don't speak to him. He's just some nu-male faggot with a weak ethnic identity who probably never experienced his own culture and thinks that because he's blonde it means he's special. If I listed the rounds of rape Greece experienced then he might not feel so special about being some deluded queer.
>Don't speak to him. He's just some nu-male faggot with a weak ethnic identity who probably never experienced his own culture and thinks that because he's blonde it means he's special. If I listed the rounds of rape Greece experienced then he might not feel so special about being some deluded queer.
what the fuck are you talking about? greeks were seldom blonde.
ancient greek culture is the only thing thats greek.
>it's the butthurt "pure Greek" slavic rapebaby again
Even if the ancient Greeks were blonde, they weren't blonde like you, faggot.
>my Roman/Thracian/Serbian/Bulgarian/Venetian/Crusader/Albanian/Ukrainian/Norman/Mom is from UK rapebaby ass is on fire
Or do you need me to list other peoples that each raped this place multiple times until you get the point? Not to mention how Greece was never racially homogenous, how Alexander made his soldiers fuck Persian qts and how the Romans brought in mexicans from every corner of the empire.
>Or do you need me to list other peoples that each raped this place multiple times until you get the point?
a few invasions do not change the genetic make up of a people.
>Not to mention how Greece was never racially homogenous
true, though one has to know how different the tribes truly were from each other.
they still viewed race mixing as disgusting.
>how Alexander made his soldiers fuck Persian qts
of whom they all abandoned with the exception of Seleukos.
>how the Romans brought in mexicans from every corner of the empire.
minor numbers
>a few
>Roman/Thracian/Serbian/Bulgarian/Venetian/Crusader/Albanian/Russian/Norman/Persian/Arabic/Turkish/Phoenician/Frankish/British/Anatolian and all kinds of semitic/celtic barbarian trash.
>still viewed racemixing as disgusting
They didn't need to, they were already faggots
>minor numbers
When Western Rome fell the ERE was the most multi-culti empire around
>be named Heraclius
>go to fight mudslimes
>lose 2/3rds of the territory you had to the point where you only have greece and a few greek colonies in Anatolia
>continue calling yourself roman even though you speak greek and are now called Baseilus
It's more Roman than th Russians
Freaking ruskies think they're the 3rd Roman empire