Had did africans make such art work brass and lead alloys and such?
Ife heads
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Check em
I believe that the marks were done to reduce the shine of the brass
Most date back to the 13th century
Europeans were so amazed by these they thought no african could have made them they thought it was done by some lost Greek colonies
Ok cool
can you really blame them? there isn't any other sub-saharan art even close to being comparable.
It was made by the Yoruba people
Actually some europeans saw how they were done with their own eyes.
Here´s a superb portuguese soldier statuette.
That's from Benin not ife
To be fair, Benin statues were an unusual exception. Most traditional African statues look like this.
So not worse than what most Near Easterner art looked like in the bronze age except for Egypt
They stole them from whites. White people also invtented big lips and Kings.
Iron usages dates back to 1000 B.C.
Ah how exactly?
Post Negro iron artifacts from 1000 B.C.
N.B. Iron lumps and sticks don't count.
Date and link.
More iron
Use Google search
Iron ore lumps and sticks.
"Found at a ca.-1590 Spanish colonial site in the southern Caribbean"
Sounds very African.
Iron tools
Not my post
While these primitive negroes were making these shitty terracota scultures, look what the Indians, Greeks, Chinese, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Peruvians etc. were making at the same period.
As I said, this culture was very primitive for the standards of the time (500 BCE and 200 CE.).
Are you copy pasting this
Most of the world didn't have iron during the nok culture exstance they were still using bronze
Also nok was dated to be around 1000 B.C. though it's not the oldest in west africa the sahelian states were
It's not what the Britannica says.
Back to the Yoruba Ife art
They also made terracotta
False. The Iron Age starts in 1200BC. At the start of the Nok culture, everybody in Eurasia was already using Iron for a long time.
Iron working started in Nigeria around 1500 bc
Not in Europe the iron spread to them from the middle east
When the Nog culture emerged Greeks, Persians, Celts,Indians, Chinese etc. were making iron artifacts of great sofistication.
The Britannica is more reliable than Wikipedia for History.
The Greeks never independently developed metallurgy the got it from the middle east the Arabs
Ok, sure. I don't care since I'm not European nor White.
>The Greeks never independently developed metallurgy the got it from the middle east the Arabs
Post Negro iron artifacts from 1500 B.C.
N.B. Iron lumps and sticks don't count.
The africans skipped the bronze age due to the lack of the materials needed to produce bronze
Iron is iron it was shipped and given form
He was right minus the Arab part though. Point still stands
19th-20th century.
So what? Nobody is saying that Europe was the cradle of civilization.
Again, you claim the Nok culture had iron metallurgy. So, were are the artifacts? Were are the metal sculptures? Everybody was doing that for a long time in Eurasia during this period. When I ask a photo you post metal works from the 19th and 20th century.
? Europe had it, North Africa and the Middle East had it, India had it, China had some too
False, that claim was rejected, it only started around 500 bc
Source then
Source for your bullshit that is an archaeological paper and not Wakanda.com
Did you read the article ? Or just look at the picture
It says 1000 bc, you added 500 years
I said niger not nok
Still wrong
I'm very sad with all these Wakanda-deniers on this thread.
It's not wrong niger did develope iron during 1500 B.C.
lol, no
Stop using the N-word. You need to go back to /pol/. Seriously.
shut up you dumb niger
source : Nok: African Sculpture in Archaeological Context
so cute
pew pew
Here is his source for claiming 1500BC
The radiocarbon date is 591 plus or minus 104 AD. Very shitty stuff for this period.
UNESCO is a well known political leftist organization. That's the same as posting a stormfront link claiming that the romans were blue eyed nordic aryans.
These are terracota not iron sculptures.
>That's the same as posting a stormfront link claiming that the romans were blue eyed nordic aryans.
Come on dude, UNESCO can't be as extreme. Anyway, here is other source that claim 1500BC, or even 2000BC
- Duncan E. Miller and N.J. Van Der Merwe, 'Early Metal Working in Sub Saharan Africa' Journal of African History 35 (1994) 1–36; Minze Stuiver and N.J. Van Der Merwe, 'Radiocarbon Chronology of the Iron Age in Sub-Saharan Africa' Current Anthropology 1968.
- Ancient African Metallurgy: The Sociocultural Context
And here is a critic paper about the last discovery about iron metallurgy in Africa :
"Did They or Didn't They Invent It? Iron in Sub-Saharan Africa"
This book also talks about iron TOOLS.
Material excavated at Egaro, west of Termit, has been dated to 3000-2500 BC (Christopher Ehret, "The Civilizations of Africa", 2002).
so why was realistic sculpture only produced in such a small area during a short time period? why did the Ife school of art die out? because it was reserved for royalty?
It was specific to Ile-Ife, that didn't last long.
To clarify some of the retardation in this thread, the Nok culture has been redated to between 1500-1 BC, with the terracotta art produced between 900-400 BC, and iron appearing somewhere between the latter two dates. The 1500 BC dating makes it one of the early sedentary farming societies in West Africa. Places like the Middle East had such societies by about 8000 BC, so the later development of civilization in West Africa compared to the Middle East was pretty inevitable.
Stop depending on Wikipedia and Britannica.
It appeared around the 13th century and ended around the middle of the 14th. There's evidence that there was a population collapse at that time due to the black death, but it's hard to say exactly what happened. Realistic art continued in some other cities like Owo into the 15th century, but eventually more abstract styles like those of Benin won out in the 16th century (not necessarily implying any sort of decline; compare how Roman art changed with Christianity, despite the wealth of the empire in the 4th century).
>Stop depending on Wikipedia and Britannica.