What do you do with FIAT between trades??

Norman checking in.

Have 4400 USD in Gemini. Dumped link at 315 a few hours ago (bought at 295). Feels good, man.

Now where do I put this 4400 while waiting for the next buy in? You guys have told me to get my coins / cash off the exchanges as soon as Im done trading. I use MEW for ETH and Electrum for my BTC bag, but where do I send actual USD?

The only exchanges Im registered on are Gemini (duh) and Bitstamp.

Is that what this whole 'tether' term means? I've yet to figure out what it means when you guys talk about tether (Fairly new to crypto).

Can I do this on either of those exchanges and if so, what wallet will hold these tether coin things?

Thx /biz

Other urls found in this thread:


kys. blue board

sage, hide, report ect


I wonder if wearing a thong would irritate a girls asshole after a while.

How do they put up with it?

Thats blue board approved from what Ive seen on /biz so far

bum bum

i can't help you since i've literallt just started to get interested in this stuff but just google "tether crypto"


From what I understand she is wearing a bikini and therefore this is not considered pornography.

Report away fag

i'd suck a shit snake right out of her vipers den know what i'm saying?

but you can see a bit of her bum bum hole

Thx for the legit reply!

Today /biz was good

OMG calls the cops!

The non-NEETs here browse from work on their lunch etc. I usually keep the window as small as possible and on the second monitor at an angle to prevent wagecucks seeing delicious pink assholes while they wagecuck

I think you'd have to be pretty dumb to browse Veeky Forums, any board, blue or not, from a work PC where (((they))) can monitor your traffic.

that picture is not work safe you fucking poorfag NEET

What an asshole

I clicked on this thread because of that big fat ass and delicious asshole. So your bait pic worked OP but now people are talking about the porn you posted, derailing the thead. Sometimes bait is too potent.

I'm a mod and the picture is safe for work.

nudes 4 crypto?


No idiot should be on Veeky Forums at work, period.

Thx mod!


unlock the nudes with bitcoin

>im gon broke teh rules cuz i say so hurrr

*sniff* sniff* Oh yeah that's the good stuff

Ya I cant understand why anyone would surf a website like Veeky Forums at WORK. Fox News, CNN and the WSJ are one thing, but Veeky Forums, any board.....

well thats kinda dumb to be on that in the office.

god damn


Managed to get one honest reply about what to do with FIAT between trades, so I guess for /biz thats a pretty good response rate!

Why do people keep doing this?

I need her name.



That's an ugly Gook snatch.

sure is

should i go to a rub n tug place this weekend lads?

sage hide report etc

it's redditors who are used to typing subreddits that way
easy way to spot them and disregard everything they say

That picture is lewd as heck

That is what I assumed, but I keep seeing it more and more and thought it was some kind of garbage meme.

nice fucking meme man

thats a man, baby