Can we expect historical accuracy?
Or would that be too humiliating for the demographics they're trying to pander to with this movie?
Can we expect historical accuracy?
Or would that be too humiliating for the demographics they're trying to pander to with this movie?
Calling it now they'll make the french look like the bad guys
>inb4 fuck off /pol/
I'm not a /pol/ack
>Calling it now they'll make the french look like the bad guys
Yeah, but that one was obvious
What I'm wondering is whether they're gonna depict this war as it really was (Dahomeans getting utterly raped), or will they modify this a little to make it look like they put a good fight
I mean, the thematic of the movie is strong black women, so seeing them get utterly BTFO by white males is a bit contradictory
It'll be muh doomed heroes fighting against all odds schlock
>8,000 vs barely more than 1,000
>against all odds
Well, besides the 'heroes' part, that would be a pretty accurate depiction.
Which is fucking absurd when Dahoemy was a state built on slave-trading.
>“The Woman King tells the story of Nanisca (Davis), general of the all-female military unit known as the Amazons, and her daughter Nawi (Nyong’o), who together fought the French and neighboring tribes who violated their honor, enslaved their people, and threatened to destroy everything they’ve lived for.”
This is fucking hilarious because the neighboring tribes were the ones whose honor was violated and people were enslaved by the Dahomey.
>King Tegbesu made £250,000 a year selling people into slavery in 1750. King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade:
>"The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…"
>"Today, 150 years after the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, there is still bad blood between descendants of raided villages and descendants of the Kingdom of Dahomey," Burnett says. "The kings of Dahomey — located in Abomey, in present-day Benin — aggressively captured and sold neighboring tribespeople to the slavers. The practice was quite developed, and went on for some three centuries."
>The story of the slave trade is kept alive in the songs of village griots, or tribal storytellers, who sing the history of the slave-conquering kings of Dahomey.
I'm sure they'll depict the French having 200 machine guns and the poor oppressed Navi, I mean Africans with only their bravery and deep ancestral ties to the land rather than the rifles they historically had
I really wonder how they will make such an awful kingdom the good guys without just completely ignoring history
>On October 6, the French had another major encounter with the Fon at the village of Adégon.[10] The Fon, again, fared badly, losing 86 Dahomey Regulars and 417 Dahomey Amazons.[10]
>The French suffered six dead and another 32 wounded before the fighting was ended.[10] The French made use of a bayonet charge, which inflicted the lion's share of Dahomey's casualties.[10]
>The Battle was a turning point in the mind of Dahomey. The royal court decided that there would be no victory for Dahomey.[10] The battle was also significant in that much of Dahomey's Amazon corps was lost in the engagement.[10]
So basically, this is a movie about a corps of "strongs wimminz" that got annihilated by a bayonet charge in which only SIX fucking French troops were killed?
How are they going to turn this into something heroic for the Amazons rather than for the French, I wonder....
They'll do complete and utter fiction. This is patently absurd, Dahomey was the unabashed villains. This is just pure 100% fiction.
If only they had more money for dem programs
By completely ignoring history.
They already have Iraq war movies.
Adahoonzou cuts off 127 heads to complete the ornament of his wall.
ht tps://
Dahomey had a monopoly on the slave trade at one point, practiced cannibalism and committed genocide against their neighbors. There king will be the villain and France will look like they had no other choice.
they literally could have chosen anything, but they chose the conflict where the nogs were the bad guys, and on top of that one where the strong warrior women of color got fucking raped
This is from the second Dahomey war, but yes, the amazons got fucking raped
Lmao, that's basically Rorke's Drift but more impressive
So much for making black women look badass
My sides! Proud of my country yay!
I wonder how historians will react to the inevitable twisted facts of this movie.
wymyn btfo
We wuz strink wimin
literally what?
What in hell is that war and since when does it exist
I thought that sounded familiar
Hopefully it'll be like the film Zulu (we all know it won't be)
>Wow how comes there is no epin American movie or video games about that
>I thought the French went straight from Waterloo to the Franco-Prussian War to WW2 xD
Just like the British, the French BTFO countless of African "civilizations" and other third-world shitholes in the 19th century
It's just that, unlike them, they don't brag about such non-achievements
Good old times of the colonies when we brought civilization to these savages. Hell, we even provided them guns to make it a fair game.
>Can we expect historical accuracy?
Based frogs
b-but muh Wakanda organic soylent skyscrapers n shiet
>Schulman told Deadline, “Black Panther just showed us how the power of imagination and lore could reveal a world without gender and racial stereotypes. The Woman Kingwill tell one of history’s greatest forgotten stories from the real world in which we live, where an army of African warrior women staved off slavery, colonialism and inter-tribal warfare to unify a nation.”
no fucking way, dude
They'll probably devote screen time to the PROUD WOMYN WARRIORS and portray them as fierce while ignoring the 100:1 death rate as the French slaughtered the Beninese effortlessly. There will probably be more French soldiers killed on-screen than actually died in the war.
>actually thinking anyone will give a shit about anything other than evil whitey oppressing innocent black people
>an army of African warrior women staved off slavery, colonialism and inter-tribal warfare to unify a nation.
But they were themselve slavers, they were the cause of inter-tribal warfare, the colons went there to stop their barbary, and in the end they didn't unify anything because thank god they were annihilated...?
>having Babar the elephant as a flag
Never heard about this until I saw this thread.
I want a movie about the French in this war. Defeating such a larger force with so little casualties is a lot more interesting and heroic imo than the narrative these movie makers are trying to spin.
Think of it like French 'Zulu'.
Did they just go out of their way to have the LEAST conducive historical setting to the message they want to give ?
I especially love how they wrecked them with a fucking bayonet charge
When I think of late 19th century colonial wars, I picture whitey mowing brown people down with Maxim Gun, but not with fucking bayonet
They played it fairly yet, the Neolitic tier African hunter-gatherers still got BTFO
The leftards saw the part about "Amazons" and thought it was perfect to promote "muh stronk black women"
They don't care about the fact said "amazons" were slavers and got utterly BTFO by frogs despite of their crushing numerical superiority
The darkies had guns user, that's pretty much what Dahomey traded slaves for
The Fons got btfo’d because the French colons had long bayonets. The Fons had shorter machetes and blades. Why didn’t the Fons manufacture spears? Never mind the state of the art Lebel rifles the French had. They defeated the Fons at hand to hand combat. At their own game. How fucking useless do you have to be?
I'm always a fan of historical films, especially those based on obscure events. I fear that there will probably be too much of an emphasis on the female/black empowerment angle. Like, the story is inherently about those things, but I imagine the film is going to push those ideas obliquely and artlessly to appeal to modern ideas of social justice. Which is a shame, because I could imagine this being a good movie
>could have made a movie about Alexandre Dumas
>could have made a movie about Haile Selassie
>could have made a movie about Musa I of Mali
>could have made a movie about the Battle of Isandlwana
>could have made a movie about Shaka
But now they needed to find something about strong black women who don't need no man even if they were slaver.
Given how the real events unfolded, an accurate depiction would be insulting to both black people and women
So I seriously doubt this will happen
What, just because they lost?
It would be virtually impossible to release a film with a colonial subject matter and setting that are not overtly postcolonial. People would lose their shit if a non-apologetic film like Zulu were released today.
Someone should make a virgin/chad meme out of this
Because they lost pathetically
They had firearms, yet they got beaten by a fucking bayonet charge that killed several hundreds of them while only 6 french died....
How can you get BTFO this hard?
Even Rorke's Drift was less humiliating for Africans
I know. But a man can dream of having historical epics that aren't made primarily as fodder for modern political debates
Fucking hell this shot is stunning.
I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never watched the film. One day, I will.
The question isn't which group of expansionist power will be the heroes (it'll be the Dahomey), but whether the French will be given any depth, or if they'll just become repainted Nazis hon-honning over platefuls of roasted children.
At 3:40, it will take a day. But it's worth it
>Looks it up
Well, it looks like there were 2 wars, separated by about 2 years, and both times the French won with relatively few casualties. Man, is this really the best they could find for anti-colonist movie? Why not pick the Ethiopians, who actually, you know, won? Furthermore, who is this queen? Cause it seems like this guy was running the show.
They didn't just lose, they got fucking raped by a much smaller force. Also, they are just objectively not the good guys no matter how you slice it.
>started the war to get slaves
>lost horribly to a smaller force in melee combat
It would be impossible to make this film historically accurate and not look like a racist.
They couldn't pick the Ethiopians because the Ethiopians were led by a male Christian, which is too close to being white in intersectionality for the message to work.
>Straight black people are the white people of black people
I sincerely hope you didn't expect me to actually click that link.
It was just for a proof of concept.
Holly shit I hate how the internet turned serious issue like racism into a fucking game where the winner is the one who have the more oppression point. You are a woman +1 point you are straight -3 points, you are a trans hedgehog who identifiy sexualy as an apache helicopter? +100 points congratulation you win the oppression game and have the right to call anybody who disagree with you on the internet -ist name and act like you have the moral high-ground. What will that change in real life? Fucking nothing but now you can win any internet argument.
>lost horribly to a smaller force in melee combat
It was a bunch of women, too. There's no way you could make a historically accurate movie about this and have it be PC.
>almost 100:1 casualty ratio
>in fucking melee combat
jesus christ
>They had firearms, yet they got beaten by a fucking bayonet charge that killed several hundreds of them while only 6 french died....
bayonet charges are done with firearms. Strange comment there. Usually the receiving side of a bayonet charge would flee and then come the casualties.
It could be poignant if they have a huge build up to the final battle only to have the Dahomeys get destroyed and lay bare the brutality and sense of helplessness.
I actually think a movie about Menelik II being a sly schemer and playing the Piedmontese and various other actors (Russians, Sudanese, Egyptians, and French) so he could engineer their defeat at Adwa would be pretty cool.
They could have made a film about Yaa Asantewaa, the Ashanti queen-mother who in 1900 lead a rebellion against the British who had taken over a few years ago after almost a century of fighting. The Ashanti had a sacred golden stool which embodied their nation, said to contain the spirits of their ancestors and only sat on during the coronation of a new king, so when the British governer demanded to sit on it and insult the entire nation they rebelled and forced the British/Nigerian occupiers to take refuge in their newly built fort, and though the rebellion was eventually crushed by a relief force they technically achieved their goal since nobody got to sit on the fucking stool, and Yaa became a national hero. It could be a really interesting story seen from different perspectives; the Ashanti trying to overthrow their conquerors, the British and their Nigerian levees trying to hold out against much larger forces in a small, isolated fortress, the missionaries caught up in the middle of everything, and the relief force making their way through impenetrable jungle as they're assailed by guerrilla who appear out of nowhere. All in a setting filled with beautiful architecture and dress, depicting a sophisticated culture that's never really been depicted before.
Sure, the Ashanti were brutal slavers who practiced human sacrifice, but they can still be seen as admirable in the same way as the Mayans or Aztecs. They were respected by the British and the Dutch, who sent them embassies, recieved embassies from them, wrote detailed accounts of their society and hired them as mercenaries to fight in the East Indies. Basically, like the Zulu, they're easy to romanticise and would be really interesting to see depicted in a movie.
But nah, let's have a film about fucking Dahomey, a 'society' synonymous with utter depravity because dude Wakanda with amazons lmao
Now this I would actually fucking see. But no, what we'll get is a ridiculous whitewash in the name of 'fuck wypipo' with no further effort or justification. Sad.
>so when the British governer demanded to sit on it and insult the entire nation they rebelled
Why do the Brits always do stupid shit like this? It took them a whole week to work out the protocol for meeting the Emperor of China because they didn't want to have to kowtow like every other schmuck under the sun.
BTFO doesn't even cover it. They should be ashamed of every single event that took place in this "war."
>In 1874, King Tofa took power in Porto-Novo and re-established French protection over the kingdom after Dahomey attacked it in 1882. Dahomey continued raiding the town, which culminated in an incident that brought the Fon and French into war. In March 1889, Dahomey attacked a village on the Ouémé where a village chief under the protection of the French. After remarking that the flag of the tri-color would protect him, the Fon commanded one of his Dahomey Amazons to behead him and wrap his head in the flag. Then in March of that year, France sent a mission to Dahomey's capital of Abomey to assert its claims to Cotonou and offer an annual payment. The crown prince and later king Béhanzin received the mission but nothing was achieved other than mutual distrust.
>France responded to these events by building up its force in Cotonou to 359 men, 299 of which were Tirailleurs or French trained Senegalese and Gabonese. On February 21, the French arrested the senior Fon officials in Cotonou and began fortifying the town. Skirmishes with local militia also broke out. It wasn't long before word of this got back to Abomey. Dahomey sent a force straight to Cotonou with plans to bring it firmly back under Fon control once and for all. On March 4, a Dahomey army of several thousand charged the log stockade around Cotonou at approximately 5 in the morning. This was usual for the Fon army of Dahomey that almost always marched at night and attacked just before dawn. Prying apart the stakes and shoving their muskets through, the Fon fired into the enclosure. Some even managed to surmount the 800-meter perimeter inflicting casualties within the walls. After four hours of intense fighting, often occurring hand-to-hand despite withering French firepower and even gunboat shells, the Fon force withdrew. The French sustained few losses, but the Fon suffered several hundred dead.
After regrouping, Dahomey sent another force south, this time toward Porto-Novo. After receiving numerous reinforcements, the French ordered between 350-400 men with three field guns to march north and intercept the Fon. This time, the French would be assisted by warriors from the kingdom of Porto-Novo. Some 500 of King Tofa's warriors marched ahead as a screening force. Barely 6 kilometres (4 mi) outside of their target, the Dahomey army encountered and routed the Porto-Novo force. A group of tirailleurs fighting alongside the group did hold its ground, allowing the rest of the French force to form a defensive square. For over two hours, the Fon attacked the French square with numerous charges forcing. The Dahomey force was able to fight the French all the way back to Porto-Novo before breaking off the attack and returning without taking the city.
>Dahomey did not launch any further attacks on Cotonou or Porto-Novo. On October 3, 1890, Dahomey signed a treaty recognizing the kingdom of Porto-Novo as a French protectorate. Béhanzin was also forced to cede Cotonou, but did receive 20,000 francs a year for giving up his customs rights. The war was a resounding victory for France and a humiliating, though eye-opening, experience for Dahomey. Despite the treaty, both sides believed peace could not last and made preparations for another decisive encounter.
Which brings us to the second """""war.""""""
>After re-arming and regrouping, the Fon returned to raiding the Ouémé Valley, the same valley fought over in the first war with France. Victor Ballot, the French Resident at Porto-Novo, was sent via gunboat upriver to investigate. His ship was attacked and forced to depart with five men wounded in the incident. King Benhanzin rejected complaints by the French, and war was declared immediately by the French.
>On June 15, 1892, the French blockaded Dahomey's coast to prevent any further arms sales. Then, on July 4, the first shots of the war were fired from French gunboats with the shelling of several villages along the lower Ouémé Valley. The carefully organized French army began moving inland in mid-August toward their final destination of the Dahomey capital of Abomey. The French invasion force assembled at the village of Dogba on September 14, some 80 kilometres (50 mi) upriver on the border of Dahomey and Porto-Novo. At around 5 a.m. on September 19, the French force was attacked by the army of Dahomey. The Fon broke off the attack after three to four hours of relentless fighting, characterized by repeated attempts by the Fon for melee combat. Hundreds of Fon were left dead on the field with the French forces suffering only five dead. The French forces moved another 24 km (15 mi) upriver before turning west in the direction of Abomey. On October 4, the French column was attacked at Poguessa (also known as Pokissa or Kpokissa) by Fon forces under the command of King Béhanzin himself. The Fon staged several fierce charges over two to three hours that all failed against the 20-inch bayonets of the French. The Dahomey army left the field in defeat losing some 200 soldiers. The French carried the day with only 42 casualties. The Dahomey Amazons were also conspicuous in the battle.
>running away from a bayonet charge by a much smaller force
>After the hard-fought victory at Poguessa, the Fon resorted to guerilla tactics rather than set-piece engagements. It took the French invasion force a month to march the 40 km (25 mi) between Poguessa and the last major battle at Cana just outside Abomey. The Fon dug foxholes and trenches in their desperate battle to slow the French invasion. On October 6, the French had another major encounter with the Fon at the village of Adégon. The Fon, again, fared badly, losing 86 Dahomey Regulars and 417 Dahomey Amazons. The French suffered six dead and another 32 wounded before the fighting was ended. The French made use of a bayonet charge, which inflicted the lion's share of Dahomey's casualties. The Battle was a turning point in the mind of Dahomey. The royal court decided that there would be no victory for Dahomey. The battle was also significant in that much of Dahomey's Amazon corps was lost in the engagement.
>The French column was able to cross another 24 km (15 mi) toward Abomey after Adégon, bivouacking at the village of Akpa. From the moment they arrived, they were attacked daily. From the French arrival until October 14, Dahomey's Amazons were conspicuously absent from the fighting. Then, on the 15th, they reappear in nearly every later engagement inflicting significant losses especially against officers. Once resupplied, the French left Akpa on October 26 toward the village of Cotopa. From October 26 to 27, the French fought through the Dahomey forces at Cotopa and elsewhere, crossing lines of enemy trenches. Bayonet charges were the deciding factor in nearly all engagements. The Fon penchant for hand-to-hand fighting left them at a disadvantage against French bayonets, which easily outreatched Dahomey's swords and machetes. The Amazons are reported by the French to have fought the hardest, charging out of their trenches but to no avail.
>From November 2 until November 4, the French and Fon armies fought on the outskirts of Cana. By this time, Béhanzin's army numbered no more than 1,500 including slaves and pardoned convicts. On November 3, the king directed the attack on the French bivouac. Amazons seemed to have made up much of the force. After four hours of desperate combat, the Fon army withdrew. The fighting continued until the fourth. The last engagement at Cana, which took place at the village of Diokoué, site of a royal palace, was the last time Amazons would be used. Special units of the Amazons were assigned specifically to target French officers. After a full day of fighting, the French overran the Dahomey army with another bayonet charge.
On November 5, Dahomey sent a truce mission to the French, and the next day saw the French enter Cana. The peace mission failed, however, and on the 16th of November, the French army marched on Abomey. King Béhanzin, refusing to let the capital fall into enemy hands, burned and evacuated the city. He and the remnants of the Dahomey army fled north as the French entered the capital on November 17. The French tricolor was hoisted over the Singboji palace, which survived the fire and remains in modern Benin to this day. The king of Dahomey fled to Atcheribé, 48 km (30 mi) north of the capital. Attempts were initiated to rebuild the army and its amazon corps until the French chose Béhanzin's brother, Goutchili, as the new king. King Béhanzin surrendered to the French on January 15, 1894 and was exiled to Martinique. The war had officially ended.
Latins win again.
I know I’m probably arguing with /pol/ here, but let’s not pretend that colonization by force is pretty evil. Was Dahomey a liberal utopia? No. But conquering a country and subjecting it to colonial exploitation for the benefit of an Empire that does not have the country’s best interests in mind is certainly evil.
>an Empire that does not have the country’s best interests in mind
But they actually had that in mind. Aside the strategic expansion, colonialism of 19th century was far less about ressources (wood... lol) than about bringing civilization. Paternalism is what they had in mind, be it good or bad.
That was an excuse, the real motivation was denying resources to the other great powers because colonisatian was often not profitable
>subjecting it to colonial exploitation for the benefit of an Empire that does not have the country’s best interests in mind is certainly evil.
>That was an excuse, the real motivation was denying resources to the other great powers because colonisatian was often not profitable
What's wrong with you?
I'm not the same person as the first guy, also denying reaources to the enemy is in the empire's favor in a "better us than them" way
it's another Hollywood revisionism movie
I can't fucking wait to see the heroic resistence of the poor and sorry blacks, surely armed with bow and arrows, against the evil french empire, led by mustache twirling villains
Most colonizers did that my dude, not just the Brits. Even the Romans got into snafu's because they didnt care to learn local customs. Although it is rather incompetent of the governor
Thing is you can easily imagine a bunch of African chimps with spears getting BTFO by rifles from afar, but getting BTFO by fucking bayonets means that they were just shit warriors, even without technological difference...
There was no resources to deny to the enemy. Precious wood and ivory aren't exactly strategic.
at least we'll see a lot of benis :DD:D:D:D:DDD
Could be used as a military outpost or be part of a supply line so yeah it is kinda strategic
And who the fuck conquers another country without taking whatever you want from it?
National prestige is also a factor.
>battle of Poguessa
French Wikipedia tells the story a bit differently.
It says the French only had 3 dead against 150.
And there is this amusing then it
>Les Français capturent trois Allemands, messieurs Schultze, Püch et Weckel et un Belge, monsieur Anglis, dans les rangs de l’armée dahoméenne et les fusillent.
>The French capture three Germans, misters Schultz, Püch and Weckel, and one Belgian, mr Anglis, from the ranks of the dahomey army, and have them shot.
>bow to some chink
Y I’m the subject of the british empire a far more majestic empire than yours
>After remarking that the flag of the tri-color would protect him, the Fon commanded one of his Dahomey Amazons to behead him and wrap his head in the flag.
>Not respecting the customs of the land.
Typical *nglo.
>Most colonizers did that my dude
From user's China example, it must be said that only Britshits complained about the kowtowing. Other Europeans in China like the French, Spanish, and the Dutch thought nothing about it. It's their house/their rules after all.
Pretty much one of the reasons why Brits were locked out of China - besides having nothing the Chinese were interested in buying and French/Dutch/Spanish maneuvering- was that every representative they sent to the Qing court in the 18th Century was a diplomatic fuckup.
It doesn't help that British crewmen in merchant ships in Canton caused a lot of trouble with their drunken antics.
Why the jews push this anti-white agenda do zealously?