Is there any historical explanation for such a large amount of furries in Germany? Was Hitler a possible a furries?
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Is there any historical explanation for such a large amount of furries in Germany? Was Hitler a possible a furries?
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The german soul died after WW2, since the Germans no longer had a real identity past a few stereotypes they... well let’s just say the Germans went back to their pre nazi Berliner roots...
It's German autism.
>well let’s just say the Germans went back to their pre nazi Berliner roots...
So this is how the German people truly are...
nice trips, I've noticed germans are degenerated like wild. It might have something to do with what you just said because that shit ain't normal, probably the jewing went a little too intense on them, like the usual spreading of degeneracy hit them like mega hard, probably to keep them down, interesting topic for sure. But I'm worried since I see no sources for their degeneracy, but I'm sure if we dig just a little some jewing might stand out shining.
Hitler said plenty of jews used to run degeneracy entretainment back then, like theathers and sex shows, it might have something to do with that.
So this.............. is the power.................. of the Master Race......................................
It's literally just a population density map.
Nah, being filthy degenerates is just the Germans natural state, it takes a strong man dictator like Hitler to tap into their inner autism and tell them to knock that shit off with the threat of violence if they don't fall in line
They are preparing their revenge
Well Hitler was vegand, loved animals and was an massive autistic. He could very well also be a furry.
Also it would explain this
but the joos promoting degeneracy, HItler said so
>Well Hitler was vegand, loved animals and was an massive autistic.
>was an massive autistic.
>an massive autistic.
Why did you have to leave reddit.
>this fucking map
Relax my friend. It only means that we have a convenient database for the upcoming purges. :^)
Autism makes you feel more comfortable around animals than humans.
This is because autistic people have a harder time reading facial cues so cartoon animal faces are automatically more attractive due to their very exagerated facial features and expressions, they also obsess over certain visual cues and shapes, and animals often have very unique and identifiable shapes and patterns.
Infatuation with anime works the same way, anime style drawings are more expressive and less threatening to the autistic mind.
I find it really fascinating how the biggest losers in WWII developed very strange weirdo cultures.
germans were always the biggest losers
>they're even in Belarus
How the fuck are they even allowed there? This is the country that shoots up gay clubs with the KGB.
Killing Bites?
>that huge gap in Wallonia
Maybe we shouldn't secede from the Walloons after all...
The Thirty Years War permanently fucked up Germany and resulted in the autism we have today
>Thirty Years War
It goes deeper than that, all the way back to not sharing Rome's light.
It's not just German it's Germanic just look at England
furfags are surprisingly resilent and resourceful, they have an unsettlingly large economic output in art, game development, suit and sex toy manufactures as well as social events.
as soon as you put more than 2 together they start building and fucking.
So you're saying that the furfags bought off the Russian mob's Belorussian branch? I'm kinda scared.
why are there so many in fucking poland
>>That dude in Antarctica with Far away from furfags as his little message thing.
Okay, who was it.
This person specifically. Explain yourself, you are tipping them off.
I'm going to assume that like 95% of these furries are white, it just kind of seems like a white thing, and this is Europe, so I ask.
Is White Genocide really that bad?
An asinine assumption to make, given that this map shows furries in the middle east and lots of furries in east asia. This is more of a wealth thing then a white thing.
>Germans gets furries
>japanese gets animu
Nothing has really changed if you think about it.
German autism following the societal conditioning of the country after WWII
I'm afraid to click and see how rampant it is in merely my own state.
Oh god, one is like 2 miles from my house. Why did I zoom in that much?
>the Furmanic race
That pic makes it look like it's along the rhine where the real problem is
those must all be immigrants and jews