Why are they still larping as communists?
Why are they still larping as communists?
>Be China at the eve of switching to State Capitalism.
>"Haha guys, we admit it. We failed as a government in our earlier plans. Sorry about all that."
>Chinese rebel.
Chinks are pretty merciless towards failing governments. So the CCP pretty much keeps the label for continuity's sake.
Xi is a classic Maoist.
China is very much turning inward again.
Ask the USSR ... oh wait, you can't.
>Ask the USSR ... oh wait, you can't.
Because China did not have the current conditions for Socialism since you need the industry snd development to actually be Socialist. Xi just removed his term limits, done some weird golf ban for the party and upper class and has been outspoken in his future plans for a more socialist China.
Chinese Marxism is also class-cooperation with the upper classes
Really? How would you know that?
>Chinese Marxism is also class-cooperation with the upper classes
Which upper class, the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie? Also Marxism to its core is populist and anti-elitist, so it's clearly not Marxism.
China admits to shooting 50 labor protesters on average a week in their own English language media platforms. 50 a week. They're full blown unironic fashies
So if Bolsheviks allied with Russian Royalists that would be Russian Marxism?
>>Chinese Marxism is also class-cooperation with the upper classes
>Which upper class, the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie?
The bourgroisie
>Also Marxism to its core is populist and anti-elitist, so it's clearly not Marxism.
Marxism is a very expansive term which covers everything from Stalin to Anachists who are all Marxists of different styles. Current Chinese """marxism""" is based off Dengism which is based off Maorisn which is based off of Marxist/leninism which is based off Marxism
Also current China and Dengism obviously aren't Socialist. China is playing the long march for Socialism which is why they reformed their economy.
China is playing the long march for China, they could care less about any Western ideology.
>they could care less
so they do care at least a little?
No, they do not care about socialism, communism for modern Chinese intellectual and cultural elites consider that a foreign ideology.
>lso Marxism to its core is populist and anti-elitist, so it's clearly not Marxism.
but that's wrong
Apart from the ruling party and the current head of state who are Communists. China is Long marching Communism, and xi is one of them.
Big believers in continuity the Chinese. At the moment they're a bureaucracy without an Emperor.
How so?
Another naive Westerner.
Have you been to China? They are more capitalist than America. Then America is "Long marching Communism" as well.
Chinese care about national interests of China, not global international proletariat.
Xi is not a Maoist he's a legalist, as was Mao. Maoism is just propaganda. In practice they both followed millenia-old ideas about authoritarian rule which is so heavily embedded in Chinese culture that people simply accept it. He's strong, so he has the right to rule.
>Xi is a classic Maoist
*Revives Confucian learning*
Correct, which is why seeing Western Marxists shill China is so pathetic. For all its faults, USSR at least did attempt to spread socialism around the world.
This is a question I've often wondered. I don't see why they don't just drop the Communist aesthetic and adopt a nationalistic one but It's for purely pragmatic purposes as stated.
If the old hard-line communists have the early 20th century could see the CCP today they'd be rolling in their graves.
Kind of how like in America where we LARP as a free republic.
>Another naive Westerner.
>Have you been to China? They are more capitalist than America.
Which was dengist reforms to provide ample industry to actually be Socialist since just having some collective farms doesn't make you Socialist. You seem to think a Communist party can't be in control of a capitalist nation. Was Stalin in the middle of ww2 just supposed to resign and desolve the goverment since that's closer to Communism disregarding what would be the outcome of doing that? If communists took over America right now they would have to slowly become Socialist which is what Xi is planning for.
>Then America is "Long marching Communism" as well.
No America is not gonna long march anything, its gonna short run off a pier with the way it's going.
>Chinese care about national interests of China, not global international proletariat.
Chinese national interests are the Communists party national interests. Based off of Socialism in one country, it's like saying Stalin wasn't a Communist because he didn't invade Japan to help the Communists there
>Literally got humiliated, beat and forced labor by Maoist red guards, couldn't go to school, couldn't join the party.
>Father was humiliated, demoted and suppressed by Mao, tortured by red guards.
>Hurr muh "Xi is a classic Maoist"
I suppose to some to do that will be siding with the enemy, the Republic of China and vindicating its truth and demonstrating the failure of PRC and Mao.
I've never heard an-coms described as Marxist
Isn't ancient traditions suppose to be considered superstitious and completely contrary to Communism? Why don't they just pick a side already for fuck's sake instead of trying to infuse contradictory ideologies together into a big mess?
Their government is a complete charade and I wonder the percentage of chinks understand the mafia they live under.
Why DO all liberals/leftists perform extreme mental gymnastics to defend China? Are they just anti-American? Why ARE they anti-American to that extreme when the country they support actually DOES much of what they criticize America of doing?
>America is so bigoted and racist towards Muslims
>China bans the name Muhammad, uses flamethrowers on muslims, sends Muslims to reeducation camps...IN NATIVE MUSLIM LAND, THEIR OWN PROVINCE
How many times do I have to fucking tell you we're practicing Socialism With Chinese Characteristics? Fucking Laowai, I swear.
das rite we building up the productive capacities of the economy
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. They'd essentially be admitting that they were the bad guys and the KMT were the good guys all along.
I guess they really don't have a choice in the matter, they'd have to continue the fraud or their scam would collapse.
>It's not real Marxism!!
lol. Every time.
The only brainlet who still can't understand the whole picture is gweilo such as you.
>Are they just anti-American?
Yes. This is the only reason.
Marxism is like the endgoal (sort of). So anybody who vaguely plans to reach Communism could call themselves that.
>Why don't they just pick a side already for fuck's sake instead of trying to infuse contradictory ideologies together into a big mess?
Because Chinese leadership are pragmatic as fuck and have long since ruled based on practical matters as opposed to meme ideology
>This kills the Western Left/Right Dichotomy Brainlet.
Also Confucianism- according to Xi and his followers- will instill patriotism to the Chinese state. As it had done centuries ago with the Empire. So the Party believes there's nothing wrong with it anymore.
WHY though? What fucking drives them to support a state that treats minorities even worse, by literally banning segments of their lives and physically torturing them?
Xinjiang isn't native muslim land. Muslim steppeniggers moved in after the Qing genocided the buddhist steppeniggers that lived there originally.
It's Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics.
Actually, let me correct myself:
*A Century ago.
>WHY though?
because daddy wasn't around enough
>This kills the Western Left/Right Dichotomy
It doesn't. Marxism is incompatible with any religious philosophy and is 100% secular in ideology. I'm not saying you can't have socialism with some traditional aspects but to call what China is doing anything other than an distant off-shoot of Marxism is fucking retarded.
Why the fuck would the chinese public rebel? They already suspect the Party isn't infallible or all-powerful, they're too busy indulging in their materialistic greed to give a shit.
>It doesn't. Marxism is incompatible with any religious philosophy and is 100% secular in ideology.
And the modern Chinese absolutely do not give a fuck.
They're Marxists practicing Capitalism and appreciate their Imperial Past & traditions, in addition to espousing a Nationalist vision of the state. If that offends Orthodox lefties then what the hell.
Nationalism is a LARP
Because they are effectively communists.
They are effectively just marxist lenninists but with a much less explosive fervour and they dropped the idea of internationalism due to its impracticality because one, a communist block no longer exists and two the failure of the cultural revolution to wipe out chinese traditional values and nationalism.
That having been said the communist party of china is the vanguard pary.
Most privately owned businesses exist in the same way nep businesses did where the only truelly massuve corporations are owned by party members who in effect serve the pulit bureau one way or another.
Most of the ondustry is run by the party.
All land is managed by the party.
Names are dictated by the parties newly minted efficient lettering system.
Education is of the party.
Religion is vetted and approved by the party.
Atheism is promoted by the party.
These are all
Communist or heavily leftist policies.
Whenever the communists show natinalistic or traditionalistic tendencies its meant as a pacification policy.
Like a lullaby to keep the proletariate from misbehaving untill theyve finished theyre 5000 years plan of presumably turning into ant men.
Because it's funny to see Communist China beat the Capitalist West at its own game.
China is by all means a fascist state.
Most of the things you listed aren't necessarily communist though. They show the state has massive power and reach, but that's all. You could argue that the reason the state has that power is because they need it in order to help the country transition from feudalism to capitalism and then to communism, but I don't think anyone seriously believes that. It seems more like a way of keeping a gigantic country under control, stable, and strong. The ends and the means are the same, probably
ESL-kun please
Tbh Deng was actually completely right, just like the Mensheviks. Unfortunately China will either need an ideologically committed dictator or another revolution if it wants to actually go back to socialism. Thanks to Xi whoever becomes president of China will essentially have a free hand, so if some closet Maoist plays 4D chess and becomes president then get ready for China to lead the proletariat into the future.
topkek the pinko delusion
chinese are breaking through the middle income trap, they want money, they want consumerism, there's no "class solidarity", and even dictators have to abide to the will of the people.
Largest security apparatus in the world
The great firewall
Distinct split between us and them
Little to no personal freedoms
Lack of individualism
High degrees of financial repression
High taxes
China is a Communist country and all you plebs have bought the 'liberal China' line from the shills.
Western Marxists need at least some political entity that is relevant on planet they can call socialist and support, for if they admit that China dumped Marxism long ago, there are no longer any relevant communist countries.
Also, China has been quietly purging all mentions of Marx, Lenin and Stalin in their schools.
Nobody thinks China is remotely liberal. It has and always will be a legalistic state at its core, no matter what meme ideological veneer it uses to justify its authority, whether it be Communism or Confucianism.
All of those are authoritarian but not necessarily communist. Also taxes aren't that high, and are commonly evaded. You get prison in some western countries for tax evasion, where in China it's tolerated by the authorities. Doesn't sound too communist to me.
>defending muslims
I wonder if this is not the soul of every nation fundamentally. Ideologies serving as veil behind which lies true soul of nation.
Stalin was a Red Tzar, Mao a Red Emperor after all.
>Communist country performs popular
Haha, suuuure that's "not real communism," whatever you say! Your special kind of communism is surely different
>Communist country performs well
Th- that's not real communism!!!! Its a different kind of system, its special!
Libertarian Socialists are often Marxists.
Some ancoms take more after Proudhon or Kropotkin or Bakunin. Marxism is the Tupperware (registered trademark) of socialism - the brand is so iconic of the type of product that is used to refer to nearly all instances of it.
>liberals defend China
What? Where?
Do you mean they recognize that Deng's reforms made China better by implementing market solutions? Because that is the only positive thing a liberal can say of China.
Why are still larp'ing as freedom fighters?
These are actually traits associated with Nazism and Fascism, also.
They are though, they still fight wars to liberate oppressed peoples around the world from authoritarian regimes and despots.
>China performs well
If you don't care about human and animal welfare and workers' rights, sure, it is doing great.
t. drank the koolaid
Why are they still larping as a democracy?
Actually they updated it.
It's "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era."
t. Xi Jinping.
t. George W. Clinton
Free market socialism
t. Twitter tankie
Literally no one considers Xi to be a socialist. He is a 100% a state capitalist and the economy is 80% private as of 2017.
LARPing rhetoric != actions
Xinjiang is as native muslim as it is native Chinese.
Both genocided the original inhabitants at the same time in the 18th century.
For the last time, your title/position means nothing in the CCP.
Xi could name a new General Secretary and President tomorrow, but the power would still be his.
You only become powerful in the CCP through cunning and intelligence. A Maoist would never get there because the CCP is 99% rich fat fuckers who like muh “Chinese Characteristics”.
See Bo Xilai, a neo-Maoist, who got purged by Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping for covering up a murder.
Good bait
Calling this “Xi Jinping Thought” is stupid and intellectual dishonesty.
The phrase “Mao Zaedong Thought” is in the constitution while “Xi Jinping Thought” is not.
The reference to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is extremely important, alongside “For a New Era” which signals that China is entering a new era of development where the environment and culture is promoted.
“Mao Zaedong Thought” means whatever Mao wanted, while Xi’s policies are in direct reference to Deng’s.
China doesn't need confuscianism, it needs a philosophy that teaches them cobcepts like compassion and empathy. As it stands we have 1 billion people on this earth that are bonafide sociopaths to anyone but their parents, and they don't even know it's a bad thing
Yeah, you sound so "compassion and empathy" just like average Veeky Forums scumbags, and you don't even know it.
Btw, one of the core values of Confuscianism is exactly about compassion and empathy, but of course egoistic western sociopaths like you would know that already.
NEP with Chinese characteristics
Why do these internet communists feel the need to defend all these minorities anyway?
Xi jinbing barely finished education and can't read very well. Watch him read a written speech, he struggles with difficult words.
>defend China
They're your best buddy on anti-Chinese united front, just from different angles to demonize China. Furthermore, CCP never consider themselves in the same shoes with libershits.
Also Xinjian is not native muslim land, they're actually the true invaders, you fucking moron.
In July 2017, the character Winnie-the-Pooh was blocked on Chinese social media sites because bloggers had been comparing the plump bear to China's leader Xi Jinping.[169] This follows an incident where Chinese authorities censored a 9-year-old for comments about Xi's weight.[170]
True libshits gets triggered by MUH FREE SPEECH MUH TAIWAN MUH TIBET and they hate CCP
Just check /r/china on reddit and you will see the insane amount of shilling
the economy being owned and operated by the party is not a fascist or nazi economic plan.
You must’ve got cucked by an asian guy
Taiwan is a free and independent country.
1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations
Xi wants to be China's permanent dictator
Wow such illiteracy on live television.
He memorized all 3.5 hours like a boss.
>be wh*teoid
>have "compassion"
>take in refugees and gets cucked
>12.5% average real annualized per capita growth since 2007
How awful!
European conscience dictate everyone has to be the good guys even though that's never been our goal for other countries. The thing was a pseudo-oligarchy till 1920's with the 17th amendment and we've been forcing our prerogatives onto other countries for our benefit since 1860's under Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson.
Nothing's changed, except what television tells you.