Who is most likely to come out on top here? and how much longer will it be before this conflict is resolved?
Who is most likely to come out on top here? and how much longer will it be before this conflict is resolved?
The legitimate government of Syria of course.
The offensive in eastern Ghouta is going really well, the SAA is about to split the pocket in two. The terrorists are getting their asses kicked hard.
Assad already has it in the bag bro.
It still pisses me off how when the Syrian army was on the way to break the IS siege of Deir Ez-Zor, suddenly the U.S.-backed Kurds started racing towards the oil fields.
Kurds are scum, but especially their CIA handlers. They better give that territory back when the war is finished.
I wonder as well, its obvious the rebels/jihadist are knocked out of the race.
Honestly how Assads approaches the kurds is what will shape the future of Syria
This conflict is going the most documented war in history.
Years from now military advisors and academia are going to be talking about this. Tons of documentaries will be made.
It's fun to watch all the progress being made, it's literally history being made. It's like the 1995 Bosnian/Serb war but on steroids.
>yfw ANNA News and their GoPro's mounted on tanks footage
>Syriana Analysis
Great sources.
>eastern Ghouta
It's literally a tv show.
America's escalation and prolonging of the war is frustrating, since it has expanded the refugee crisis which is plaguing Europe. I hope the next American civil war takes place soon so the world's policeman will have to tend to his own house for a change
props to the syrian men who are defending their country from foreign-sponsored terrorism.
and shame to those syrians that went the easy way, into europe as refugees instead of staying and defending their home land.
syrian army are brave heroes
Nobody. That country is fucked beyond all chance of repair.
>America's escalation and prolonging of the war is frustrating
Should have thought of that before pissing off every single neighbor and supporting terrorists against America, Ahmed. An eye for an eye.
Probably nobody since even when Assad wins he gets to rule over a ruined dump that will be in tatters for decades
Feels thread?
Veeky Forums tire post
I am american
Fuck off back the_Donald and /pol/. Assad is a brutal dictator you alt-right fuck. He's butchered innocent muslims without any shred of remorse. I bet you Donald Dotard scum like it when Assad and Russia kill Muslims because you hate Muslims. Assad is an alawite, meaning he's not a Muslim and he's a terrorist.
OP here, I'm fine with this
isn't trump opposed to assad? he did bomb that airfield around this time last year
0/10 poor bait.
You're either a butthurt Islamist or a retarded liberal that bought into the western propaganda machine.
Trump doesn't have a consistent policy. His administration has recently explicitly said they're there to oust him.
I hope you get gold for this post, my friend.
People like you are saving this board from poltards and r/the_donald newfags.
that doesn't conflict with bombing a Syrian government controlled airbase
I'm a liberal that voted for Clinton but I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter who hates the alt-right and fascists. Assad is a fascist and we are letting a dictator get away with butchering his own people in Syria while the alt-right cheers on Assad. Assad is a brutal tyrannosaurus dictator.
>Russian military struggled against Afghan farmers with AK-47s
>American military struggled against Iraqi insurgents
And those were just local terrorist organizations.
Can you imagine what the Syrian military had to face? The SAA was just a Soviet-era army + had to face a terrorist onslaught from all over the world.
Really got respect for those men. Since 2011 they had to deal with CIA/Mossad/MI6 snipers killing people, starting fires, staging fake revolutions, funding and arming Jihadists, random assassinations of police men, all while NATO/West's media machine was in overdrive to demonize the democratically elected government of Syria and paint the humble Assad who was a fucking eye surgeon as some sort of evil baby-eating tyrant, whereas the literal AQ terrorists were painted as freedom-loving rebels.
The odds couldn't be any more stacked against them, but they managed to do it. Syria will not be Libya v2.0
>based USA and its allies inflict an economic loss equivalent to $200 billion on Syria by stoking their rebellion
>while also ensuring a $40 billion loss for Iran >while ensuring the deaths of thousands of Iranian troops, thousands of Hezbollah troops, over a hundred thousand Islamists and over a hundred thousand Ba'athist troops
>while baiting their old enemy of ISIS into going full-on conventional which made them fantastically easy to bomb and wipe out by the tens of thousands
>all for the low low cost of a couple billion in arms and earmarking a percentage of their defense budget for their yearly air campaign
really satisfied with how the yanks handled this one desu.
Also Egypt had a backlash, they kicked out the Muslim Brotherhood. So the 'Arab Spring' was largely a failure, thank God.
But yeah, R.I.P Libya.
Southfront produces really high quality and informative videos
haven't heard much about ANNA news anymore, but yes those Jobar tank footage videos were amazing.
>Also Egypt had a backlash, they kicked out the Muslim Brotherhood
More like exchanged a Qatari puppet for a Saudi puppet.
>and cause hundreds of billions of losses in refugee related costs in Europe
>while also demanding Europe pay more money for their defense
Not really smart yanks.
I love when Euros just act like it’s a given that you have to take rapefugees and blame ebil America instead of your own incompetence for not closing your borders to them.
The U.S. also lost all respect they had left in the ME region.
Iraq has moved to the Russians.
Egypt has moved to the Russians.
Turkey has moved to the Russians.
The relationship between Syria and Russia has been strengthened.
And now the Kurds feel betrayed and backstabbed by the U.S.
America has thrown all its "allies" under the bus - so no one trusts them anymore.
The U.S. has less control and influence in the region than it did before the war.
Russia now has a lot of diplomatic and military allies.
Seriously, fuck you guys. Over 1,000 civilians have been killed by Assad's forces in Eastern Ghouta and you are cheering the Syrian regime army on?! What the fuck! You're inhumane! Assad and his fascist air force have been over 1,000 people in two weeks in Eastern Ghouta!
no one is falling for it
To be honest I can't tell if he's serious or just baiting.
There are still a couple people left who actually believe in the MSM narrative.
But thankfully they're a minority at this point.
Bitch alawites are muslim too, if anythimg assad os the good guy here the retarded mountain monkey kurds and IS caused more harm to islam and muslims than based assad.
I bet you would all side with Hitler and let him do whatever. Appeasement doesn't work you monsters. I bet you believe the Holocaust never happened.
He's not even trying any more.
T. Shlomo
Believe it or not, Jews invented chemical weapons and you’ve been whining about it ever since
>let’s do the same thing as in Iraq
This isn't current events.
The U.S. probably intends to use the Kurds as a leverage in the future political destiny of the country. They want to balkanize it.
The same way they took Kosovo/Bosnia away from Serbia.
>voted for Clinton but Bernie Sanders supporter
Confirmed for richfag
Poor Bernie voters switched to trump
They are drunken masters of the craft
good thing the Turks invaded.
even thought I hate T*rkroaches, it's a good thing Erdogan hates Kurds even more so he struck a deal with Putin allowing him to attack the Kurds
Yes I would
This. Also, no wonder we have so many shitty threads if dumb /pol/acks are so common on this board. Assad and his father were brutal dictators and Russian propaganda won't change that. Naturally Islamists are even worse but no one here glorifies them.
>If you don't regurgitate falsehoods and blatant lies from western propaganda, it mean's you're a /pol/tard!
the state of retarded brainlets
What falsehoods? I bet you also deny the holocaust happened. You /pol/tards believe in all kinds of conspiracies.
>and cause hundreds of billions of losses in refugee related costs in Europe
Refugees don't cost hundreds of billions.
>If you keep terrorism out of your country, it mean's you're a dictator!
Assad has a better approval rating than Trump or Obama did. The majority of Syrians love him, and they hate the foreign terrorists (which your media calls "rebels") which have ruined their country.
Post proof or get the fuck out. Empty accusations don't work on people who have been closely following the conflict for 7 years and actually understand the situation on the ground.
>implyng the US dont want a EU divided
UK literally had the chance to stay with Europe or USA and they choose 'murica and the same will happend with every country that leave the union
Russia and Iran are truly the most trustworthy sources.
Stop replying to him. He's baiting.
Nobody believes in the western/jihadi propaganda anymore.
Oh boy, Syrian "democracy" clearly at work!
Same with Hitler or Stalin. They were also really popular among the people.
Well, he lost 10% in a term, if he was a dictator he would had stayed at 100%
You're right. He reminds me of this retarded journalist who clearly has no respect for a head of state:
Leftists really are clueless.
They openly defend terrorists who rape, plunder and behead, while demonizing a secular leader who gives freedom to the nation and lets all sorts of ethnic or religious minorities live in peace.
Syria was never a democracy so when someone says that Assad was democratically elected he's clearly a moron.
Or maybe he just pretended to lost. And it was already the civil war so territories controlled by the rebels weren't included.
Syria was doing just fine before the war.
It was a very beautiful and exotic country. Aleppo is the oldest continued-lived city in the world.
But then the "Arab Spring" started and CIA-da wanted to turn Syria into another Libya.
It's not only lefties, neocons are just as bad if not worse.
>implying the rebels even wanted to vote
Do you know how many broken ceasefires and shelling of civilians your so-called "rebels" have done? They don't give a shit about political solution, they just want to start fires and force their backwards Takfiri ideology on everyone.
Every city they inhabit is turned into a ghost town or a mini-Saudi Arabia where women are forced to wear a burka. Civilians fear for their lives and can't wait for the SAA to liberate them. It happened in Aleppo, Deir-ez Zor and it will happen to Ghouta soon.
His father was a brutal dictator, Bashar not so much. However, that's what's needed in that region.
If you think his opponents have something better for Syria, you're not really fit to discuss about this stuff. ''Democratic'' Syrian opposition was a smokescreen from the start.
Because the opposition did not exist. Assad was a secular dictator, not a democratically elected leader. His father showed pretty well what will happen to people opposing their rule.
>keeps making "brutal dictator" accusations
>doesn't provide any proof or evidence
I guess if the media repeats it often enough, it becomes true in your mind.
>what will happen to people opposing their rule
Do you know who were the people who were opposing their rule?
>His father showed pretty well what will happen to people opposing their rule.
Are you referring to the Homs uprising?
They were Muslim Brotherhood fascists, and should obviously have been squashed. What do you think Washington would do if a terrorist cell started building up in a city?
Read my post again, I'm supporting Assad family, but I'm not gonna pretend they aren't dictators and that they don't have blood on their hands. That's just retarded.
I'm not talking about rebels, but people living in territories controlled by rebels. Like I said, no one here glorifies them. Only Assad shills think their idol is a perfect human being that never did anything wrong.
The only blood Assad has on his hands is the blood of terrorists who behead women and children.
Why do you think it's wrong for a country to defend itself from radicals?
I don't...that's why I'm supporting Assad. Why are you ignoring this?
Well, compared to western leaders nowadays, Assad and Putin look like fucking saints.
Look up any interview and you'll see how much sense these guys make.
History will look back and say
>Was Putin the only logical and clear-headed president of this time?
Yes, all of them were evil fascists. Including some and children. Also, they were not fascists, don't use this term as an insult.
Just admit you don't like refugees and could care less what Assad does to keep them out of Europe. Glorifying a dictator or denying a dictatorship makes you look retarded.
Tell that to the cock gobblers in the thread
>defending Islamic Brotherhood
Okay, now we know who you are.
Or maybe you just fell for Russian propaganda. It's not about good and evil, it's about influence in the Middle East.
It'll end with the Turks annexing the entire region and the EU writing a strongly worded letter to Erdogan
Russia is at least interested in saving lives, having a political solution and ending the war.
All America wants is to fuel the war and keep it going. I haven't seen American doctors arrive in Aleppo to treat wounded civilians. I haven't seen American sappers defuse bombs and mines. I haven't seen the American Air Force completely BTFO terrorists.
Russia has done all those things. And Russia has been invited there, America's presence is illegal.
Was speaking to a syrian girl who works for an ngo as an interpreter.
She told me she and her family (including all males of fighting age) left Syria because they didn't want to get involved, and feared for their lives.
She said men came in their home and threatened her father by putting a gun on his head, so he decided to flee.
I said that was disgraceful. If you can fight then you ought to stay back and fight.
I wouldn't mind if the women and children decided to flee, but all males that could fight against isis should have stayed.
She seemed extremely offended, and she said she didn't want to discuss it anymore.
The main problem with those that decided to leave Syria is what happens if they choose to go back when the country becomes stable.
How the fuck will they face the people who actually fought isis and all other islamic crazies that wanted to destroy Syria?
WTF will they say to them? And how will they be received by them?
You'd think the whole Libya debacle would be a learning experience for them, but apparently no.
>Libya before the NATO intervention
1. In Libya a home is considered a natural human right
In Gaddafi’s Green Book it states: ”The house is a basic need of both the individual and the family, therefore it should not be owned by others”. Gaddafi’s Green Book is the formal leader’s political philosophy, it was first published in 1975 and was intended reading for all Libyans even being included in the national curriculum.
2. Education and medical treatment were all free
Under Gaddafi, Libya could boast one of the best healthcare services in the Middle East and Africa. Also if a Libyan citizen could not access the desired educational course or correct medical treatment in Libya they were funded to go abroad.
3. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project
The largest irrigation system in the world also known as the great manmade river was designed to make water readily available to all Libyan’s across the entire country. It was funded by the Gaddafi government and it said that Gaddafi himself called it ”the eighth wonder of the world”.
4. It was free to start a farming business
If any Libyan wanted to start a farm they were given a house, farm land and live stock and seeds all free of charge.
5. A bursary was given to mothers with newborn babies
When a Libyan woman gave birth she was given 5000 (US dollars) for herself and the child.
6. Electricity was free
Electricity was free in Libya meaning absolutely no electric bills!
7. Cheap petrol
During Gaddafi’s reign the price of petrol in Libya was as low as 0.14 (US dollars) per litre.
8. Gaddafi raised the level of education
Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans were literate. This figure was brought up to 87% with 25% earning university degrees.
9. Libya had It’s own state bank
Libya had its own State bank, which provided loans to citizens at zero percent interest by law and they had no external debt.
10. The gold dinar
Before the fall of Tripoli and his untimely demise, Gaddafi was trying to introduce a single African currency linked to gold. Following in the foot steps of the late great pioneer Marcus Garvey who first coined the term ”United States of Africa”. Gaddafi wanted to introduce and only trade in the African gold Dinar – a move which would have thrown the world economy into chaos.
turkey is headed towards balkanization
erdogan has made many enemies
and he is despised even by his alleged allies in NATO
he's headed down the path of saddam and qaddafi
>Libya after the NATO intervention
1. Failed state, country is ruled by militias and terrorists.
2. Literal market for slavery. Blacks who want to cross into Europe are treated like slaves and beaten.
3. No one wants to go to Libya any more.
How convenient there's a media blackout as well. No reporting from Libya, because it shows how the entire Arab Spring was a farce that made things worse.
>what happens if they choose to go back when the country
Aint never gonna happen, Hans.
Is there any way I can follow this?
There seem to be a lot of people who are closely following it, got any sources?
No you're clearly a butthurt Muslim since you felt the need to mention that alawites aren't Muslims
we'll send them back alright
>Arab Spring was a farce
arabs can't do anything right
they are used to be ruled by dictators and despots
and frankly they don't deserve any better
un-ironically the Syrian Civil War Reddit.
also LiveLeak, but they changed their layout so the website seems a bit fucked now.
He's being retarded. Anyone with a brain these days would see Assad as a necessary evil. I'm sure he's done bad things and he's not doubt a dictator but he's like you said, not as brutal as Hafez Al Assad. I just hope one day that Syria will be liberalized politically.
>butchering his own people
Assuming you're not trolling,
Can you explain this statement?
I never understood why a ruler who murders "his own people" is worse than a ruler who murders people that are not his own?
Do clarify please.
Kurds deserve their own state
He's not even evil.
You retards are just pulling this shit out of your asses. 90 posts in and you still haven't posted any proof for your baseless accusations.
They should be granted Anatolia (the eastern part of turkey).
>It's 2018 and there are STILL people who believe Assad is a bad guy
You can't be this fucking stupid.. holy shit..
Like someone else said, I've been following this war since 2011 and can definitely say Assad is a very likeable president. I wish we'd have someone like him in the White House, instead we have clowns and puppets.
It's just leftists, user.
They don't know reality. They believe in fantasy, propped up by their liberal media.
I'm not the same user you are talking to. He supports Assad, I support Assad staying in, its just that in civil wars there tends to be atrocities on both sides and Assad is no saint so that's the point. I support keeping Assad because he's not Pol Pot.
>I wish we'd have someone like him in the White House
We have a much better man in the white house