What does Veeky Forums think of Kronstadt rebellion?
What does Veeky Forums think of Kronstadt rebellion?
both sides were wrong
>From Kronstadt during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the sailors of the Baltic Fleet had steamed their cruisers to aid the Communists in capturing Petrograd. Their aid had been decisive.... They were the first Communists to realize their mistake and the first to try to correct it. When they saw that Communism meant terror and tyranny, they called for the overthrow of the Communist Government and for a time imperiled it. They were bloodily destroyed or sent into Siberian slavery by Communist troops led in person by the Commissar of War, Leon Trotsky, and by Marshal Tukhachevsky, one of whom was later assassinated, the other executed, by the regime they then saved. Krivitsky meant that by the decision to destroy the Kronstadt sailors, and by its cold-blooded action in doing so, Communism had made the choice that changed it from benevolent socialism to malignant fascism.
this desu
muh violence is fascism and liberal anarchism is good
They tried to do the right thing.
Larping anarkiddies who were destabilising the young workers and peasants state. The working people of Russia needed to be united behind a strong vanguard movement.
Pretty ironic considering you're shilling for Trotsky and Lenin who weren't workers
But sailors are?
Yes. Are you stupid?
Need more threads on the Russian Civil War.
Sailors were right.
Start a White General appreciation thread
>Rebel against SR's and Provisional government and massively support Bolsheviks
>Bolsheviks take power and turn out to be tyrannical totalitariat movement that doesn't adhere to your own beliefs
>Rebel now against the Bolsheviks and they fucking exterminate you like a pathetic worms you are
Fucking kek.
There's a russian saying that goes similar to "you reap what you sow" but about retards who fight for something they regret later.
Anarchists as always in the end up become weak cuckolds to communists after they aren't useful anymore for them. Makhno and Petrichenko got what they rightfully deserved in the end, shame cheka didn't torture them to death.
What a load of shit. Trotsky wasn't even at Kronstadt.
They were closer to the working class then the old russian military elite, or the czar for that matter
>average sailors are "military elite"
Lay off the soy.
I'm talking about the leadership of the white army
What does that have to do with Kronstadt?
It will end up in shitstorm between degenerates who are obsessed with tsar daughters and trotskyites
What does Lenin or Trotsky not being workers, in the first place, have to do with Kronstadt?
Maybe you should read the entire debate.
I'm familiar with the entire debate.
Clearly you aren't.
It was an attempted fascist coup against the workers state.