Quitting veganism

I've been vegan for about eight years now. Started when I was twenty and got involved with the local permaculture scene. It's been great from a health and gastronomical perspective but for a few months leading up to today, I couldn't help but CRAVE meat again. I don't know what the fuck it was but it was exactly like Alex Jamieson described it. No manner of supplementation or sugar reduction could stop it. I felt like I was a kid again when I walked past a kebab shop and smelled meat cooking on the spit. I thought I could tough it out because well, Alex is a woman and women tend to have less willpower than men. More women smoke and cheat on their diets and that. And I was like that for 3 months. I felt like I was a smoker that never got past that week hump. Hell... I thought there -WAS- a hump but it just wouldn't end.

Sorry for the blogpost but I'm seeing a lot of vegans posting here and proselytizing the vegan lifestyle. Guys, don't do this. You're just going to make it that much more difficult when the craving sets in and you decide to eat meat. There's absolutely no shame in it and it is objectively delicious. Seitan and tempeh with the right seasonings are alright but animal meat with animal fat cooked through it is incomparable.

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You're alienating non-vegans by coming on too strong and being too much of an "other." And you're alienating yourselves. I don't regret my time as a vegan but I can't help but wonder if I'd been ovo-lacto and maybe eaten meat every other day and shared that lifestyle with the many people I'd known, would meat consumption overall have gone down? If people had been able to better grasp the sad reality of meat production but not have to be immediately confronted with a seemingly "austere" lifestyle, would they maybe have come to it slowly from a community of accepting omnivores with similar values? I genuinely think that this would have been the case. And I think it might have been nice if after all those years I could have eaten my mum's roast when I was over and shared the culinary experience with my family.

>Not being flexitarian
Just LOL pal


I'm not vegan, I don't give a shit about the animal suffering but I give a shit about our planet. Not eating meet has much more impact on the saved water and Amazonian forest and everything you can think about than not taking a bath for a year straight.
What I recommend is just switching quantity meat for quality meat. Instead of buying the shit you get at your supermarket, go buy a good piece of steak at your butcher on the weekend, knowing that the animal had a much healthier diet, isn't bathing in his shit, comes from your country.
Greentexting to highlight this:
>Watch the documentary cowspiracy, it is an eye opener on the meat we buy in our supermarkets, and you will understand how you can get such cheap prices. Seriously though, tonight, instead of a shitty action movie, watch Cowspiracy.

I'm a full time omnivore. As in, I eat meat and animal products once to twice a day. I'd like to do my part for global health but I can't stop eating meat at the moment. It is too delicious. It's like falling in love all over again. We seriously need to stop and acknowledge the overall objective tastiness of animal product instead of being childish and dismissing it as disgusting and appearing as completely different to non-vegans.

>Mfw that meathead is so butthurt over vegans that his made up a whole story pretending to be an ex vegan

lmao dude

are roids vegan?

i don't believe test is synthesized from the dead bodies of animal who lived their entire life in a 2 square meter cage

Except I'm not and using words like "meathead" isn't really helping.

and where do you buy your meat? I fall in love with a barbecue cooked filet de boeuf, like some high quality one, but honestly I'd be better off not eating the supermarket junk, it's not even that good

I'm in Australia so I do just get my meat at the supermarket and it's perfectly fine. Though I must confess that for the first week or so, I ate all my eat exclusively at restaurants. The whole time I thought that it was just a temporary "setback" and I'd resume veganism all over again. But when I noticed how much better I felt in terms of energy, mood and clarity... I knew that it was more than just a phase so bought some lambchops because
>they're delicious
>they're full of fat and salt
>they're impossible to fuck up for somebody who hasn't cooked meat in eight years and is a bit worried they'd forgotten and might get food poisoning

>I noticed how much better I felt in terms of energy, mood and clarity
good for you man, your pic looks like heaven

Ah those are just from cooking sites. My cooking isn't very pretty. The tastiest lamb chops in general aren't. But yeah... I've had a lot more energy and strength since eating animal products again and I feel less anxiety than I used to.

you were not following a HCLF diet, right? because that's also a fucking meme diet, just like keto.

taste preferences are mostly set in childhood, if you grow up eating a lot of meat it's harder to quit later (cravings). it's possible of course if you're not a bitch

If you're at all interested in permaculture you should know that industrial scale monocultures are harmful no matter what's being produced, from beef to broccoli, ESPECIALLY if to supplement your vegan diet you're buying food produced non locally. You can take part in something like a cow share from a small farm that you trust, and have a weekly supply of fresh milk, and come slaughter fill your deep freeze with enough meat to last you 6 months.

Just add fried chicken to all of your vegan dishes and you are good


was a vegetarian for 7 years, then I quit

didn't even have that much of a craving, eating meat was just too convenient for me right then

forgot link

This should break anyone of associating with vinegars

>More women smoke

This isn't true.

look at this triggered goy