There's 5 centuries of intervals between his birth and the founding of Carthage. Thousands of Phoenicians couldn't remplace the indigenous population (that was black at that time). The citizens was Canaantized Libyans, in other wors Libyans of Libyco-Phoenician culture. A similar event occured in Europe in the eight century. Arabo-Berbers conquered them and they assimilates them to their culture. Moors were in fact natives Iberians.
Hannibal WAS a mulatto
Prove me wrong.
A real black would make more spelling mistakes.
>We also find significant signatures of sub-Saharan African ancestry that vary substantially among populations. These sub-Saharan ancestries appear to be a recent introduction into North African populations, dating to about 1,200 years ago in southern Morocco and about 750 years ago into Egypt, possibly reflecting the patterns of the trans-Saharan slave trade that occurred during this period.
> We refer to this North African ancestral component as the “Maghrebi” throughout the remainder of the paper, reflecting the primary geographic distribution of this ancestry in the Maghreb: West Sahara, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The west-to-east decline in Maghrebi assignment is only interrupted by the Tunisian Berbers, who are assigned nearly 100% Maghrebi ancestry.
sheeeeeit, was he Songhai+Berber?
He wasn't a Berber, he was a Canaanite nobleman ruling over the Berbers. It's like saying British governors in
Furthermore, Berbers in Tunisia/Algeria are not black and are arguably more "white" than even southern Italians. The fact some half-niggers roaming the Sahel get also called Berbers by association changes nothing about it.
> The west-to-east decline in Maghrebi assignment is only interrupted by the Tunisian Berbers, who are assigned nearly 100% Maghrebi ancestry.
Based Tunisian berbers
Most North Africans are mullatic to varying degrees. The levels of cognitive dissonance that white insecurity produces is mind boggling.
One drop rule. If it applies to Americans it applies to everyone.
Tell em broda
diez bih nigga whyt crackas gotta be shown dey playce
Do I have to explain to you why this is incorrect?
Very mullato looking
That's assuming Hannibal descended from locals. If he descended from Phoenicians (Lebanese) instead:
> Here, we sampled the petrous portion of temporal bones belonging to five ancient individuals dated to between 3,750 and 3,650 years ago (ya) from Sidon... We next tested a model of the present-day Lebanese as a mixture of Sidon_BA and any other ancient Eurasian population using qpAdm. We found that the Lebanese can be best modeled as Sidon_BA 93% ± 1.6% and a Steppe Bronze Age population 7% ± 1.6% (Figure 3C; Table S6)
> SNPs associated with phenotypic traits showing that Sidon_BA and the Lebanese had comparable skin, hair, and eye colors (in general: light intermediate skin pigmentation, brown eyes, and dark hair) with similar frequencies of the underlying causal variants in SLC24A5 and HERC2.
Hannibal was most likely an OLIVE bull.
Why would you want the bad guys to be your race?
The face of the BLACK warrior
North Africans look exactly like mulattos retard.
The white man trembles at the sight of this fine BLACK specimen
>north africans were black
bait thread
That guy looks egyptian to me
Also I'm Moroccan
Good thing he had 0% black blood.
Man, can we please stop threads like this. why does this matter at all. you guys are such fucking clowns fucking stop please
In America he's "black"
>(that was black at that time)
[citation needed]
Negroes were Cannibals not Hannibal.
The oldest mummies ever found was some black kid in Libya.
But Hannibal knew who his father was.
you're welcome to try
[citation needed]
Is from Egypt?
Also why should what americans think is white or black matter to the rest of the world?
some losers are obsessed with america
Eh not unambiguously . He would get questions about his ancestry
I feel like it's mostly americans overblowing their opinions's importance
same thing really
Yep this definitely looks like a mixed black guy kek
It's this retard from /pol/ who keeps spamming several boards on Veeky Forums with this shit for years, claiming that Egyptians were black, posting nigger revisionism and invoking one drop rule every time.
What? The population would have been Berbers who look like MENA people
Lightskinned blacks are included in "black" because of how our American culture and society functions. I'm high yella myself and people mistake me for a Hispanic or mahgrebi, but the one drop rule has always determined blackness for American. It's hard to explain. Black people accept us as thier own while white people purity spiral and at times have an obsession with exclusion.
This is a typical African American phenotype.
Fucking called it
Where did they get thier baseline ancient sample from?
Google it
>telling the person you're debating to look up your argument for you
quality Veeky Forums lol
Post your face and I'll tell you if you look Moroccan or not
Do you not know who colin Kaepernick is?
He's right.
"The specimen was determined to be that of a 30-month old child of uncertain sex, who possessed Negroid features"
"the age of the mummy to be approximately 5600 years old, which makes it about 1000 years older than the earliest previously recorded mummy in ancient Egypt"
No I literally don't.
No I don't, he looks kind of egyptian because of the curly hair it's common for them because they're all mixed with Sudanese other than that he doesn't look north african at all let alone maghrebi or berber
What is this pic supposed to show?
Anyway, your eyebrows are the first clue
We north africans have really thicc eyebrows especially maghrebis
Post a real pic
I'm wary about showin my straight up face on this shit.
>backwards flat brim hat
Why do mongrels want to act like niggers so much? Bet you also listen to rap
Here's my eyebrows for comparison
It's fun
I have notoriously whispy eyebrows. I always got made fun of for that shit. On a superficial level, the point is being "black" in America is not the same as being "black" elsewhere.
Yes but why should what's considered black in america matter to me?
It shouldn't, but it ties into alot if misunderstandings.
A lot of misunderstandings such as?
I mean what does it have to do with Hanibaal being black? are you implying north africans would be considered black in America because we look like mullatos? because a) we're not considered black more like brown and b) we don't look like mutts, infact my neighbors are mutts (green eyed berber pale mother + black berber father = light brown children with a weird green brown eye mix) and they're easily recognized as such
I don't want you to think I'm racist or anything, I consider my self berber african before anything else and see people as far south as Senegal and Mali as my ethnic kin because we share a language.
But this shit about how ancient north african carthagians or egyptians were black or white nordics gets irritating after a while.
He was actually a chinaman. Prove me wrong.
El Hannigoblino
It is irritating. The point is your neighbor is no less morrocan than you are.
I never said they aren't dude
Look at his hair and tell me he doesn't have any black blood.
Pic related is the leader of the North African Almoravid empire.
The misunderstanding comes in when people get mad about us putting the "black" label on certain groups off of looks alone, without considering where we are coming from and how that effects our perception of what is included in "black". It is drastically different than the rest of the world's understanding of the concept of "black".
It's not kinky and he has a straight beard
>The current citizens (that was black)
Lol what he looks like european
Nice try cracker
>racist pic
>almost assuredly made by a /pol/tard
>'thieves' is misspelled
Yep, everything checks out.
>very mullato looking
wtf no, thats not what mulatto looks like at all
its not so much "one drop rule" as it is "nigger lips" rule.
>indigenous population
>in a foreign colony
L fucking MAO
Herodotus notes that most of the North African tribes didn't mix with the colonial city populations, except for some in the Cyrenica region. And even if they did, North Africans weren't black, they were closer to semitic or mediterranean in complexion.
Where in Lybia? On the coast or on the frontier with Chad and Sudan?
Both the Libyans and Phoenicians weren't black you gigantic retard.
Look at how the Egyptians painted the Libyans - pale as fuck.
Phoenicians were very multicultural and mixed, and they say multiculturalism is a recent phenomenon
Herodotus never notes such a thing, he was talking about some remote African tribe in the Atlantic coasts, also Herodotus was notoriously full of shit
>(that was black at that time)
>Herodotus notes that most of the North African tribes didn't mix with the colonial city populations
Not to endorse afrocentric autism but they did, Hannibal's sister even married a numidian.
>that was black at that time)
Once again, North Africans were never negroid (black), you utter mong.
>mocking the racially bastardized as inhuman while at the same time foaming at the mouth over anything /pol/
For fuck's sake.
OK, so:
>this migration post dates Hannibal and the destruction of Carthage
>even if the migration was within date, you're assuming the rulling class was automatically black when all evidence indicates otherwise (cough, Phoenecians, cough). This is a moot point anyway, given the first point, but your claim tantamount to saying Jefferson must have been a nigger because there werw blacks in America
>Phoenicians were proven to be a multicultural society both by archaeologists and geneticists
>negro heads were found in Phoenician settlements in North Africa, Italy and Iberia
>Waaaa nooo there were zero negroes among them they were all Semites
Read this
>blindly trusting a pop science article in the current political climate
You're as bad as Slavoj.
Yeah because /pol/ told you they were all racists who didn't mix with others