Will the leg press grow my muscles as much as a squat?

Will the leg press grow my muscles as much as a squat?
I want to lunge and do the leg press.

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How about to stop being a pusscake and start squatting

It hits your quads about the same if you're doing enough weight and going deep, which most people don't do. Won't hit your glutes much compared to a squat, I made the mistake of only leg pressing for a while and ended up with a Hank Hill ass.
Just squat.
Boy get yo ass

I just can't get the squat form down so idk

Don't stop trying until you succeed. Get help from a PT if you have to.

bump help

You got help, faggot

Do squats and then do leg press as an accessory

squats > all other leg exercises

remember that

Try lowbar, I wrote squats off because my femurs were too long to do them normally, but once you get them down they really are one of the key exercises.

Everyone here has a boner for squats and deadlifts cause their all fat fucks.

You can leg press if you don't want to squat, just keep in mind you won't be hitting the glutes very well. Also squats give you mom hips if your dyel so be careful to not look retarded

Are you looking for aesthetics or strength? Squatting can give you both, leg press has the same shortcomings as any accessory lift, it will make your legs bigger.

Mom hips? I'm a woman so I guess that's good?
I want both but mainly aesthetics

Leg press is fine, you will be stronger but not as strong as you would be by working with a heavy compound lift like squatting.

Work in some leg curls to target hams/glutes.

hack a squat and leg press. And use those mule kick machines.
Just look at the fucking leg machines in your gym, see what they work and do em

>Will the leg press grow my muscles as much as a squat?
No, it will grow them more. Someone who squats 150 kg easily leg presses 250 or more, for more reps and sets too.
Now for another question you should have asked
>Is this a good enough reason to not squat?
Fuck no
Don't be a faggot, do some squats first, then kill your legs with the machine
>I want to lunge and do the leg press.
Ok, then squat, then do lunges and then leg press
Some women find back squats and deadlifts intimidating. If you want to be one of them, do your ass a favor and at least do RDL for dat ass and front squats for dem thunderthighs
Both exercises are "comfier" than their "original" counterpart

Jusy because you can move more weight with an exercise doesn't automatically make it better. The amount of force being applied to your max squat is the same amount applied to a max leg press, not less. Plus, the squat works more muscle groups than the leg press so it's way better for strength


The leg press is a ok exercise fine for bodybuilding routines but not strength training.

>front squats
Bro fuccccc no

Men have been getting Veeky Forums for thousands of years without this shit.

i haven't used the leg press in years bc of videos like this

I'll never touch one.

After I saw this webm a few months ago I legit stopped going heavy on the leg press.
I just use the machine now.

and the video of the woman bending her leg in 1/2.

Not worth it bros. It's never worth it to go stupid heavy and risk injury. Once you have a major injury bye bye to all your gains and then get ready for atleast a year to get back to where you were.

I'll never see, hear, smell, or taste one.

I'd see, hear, smell, and taste you. If you catch my drift.

lol not watching that shit fuck

the leg press is seriously overrated. Theyre good for keeping causuals away from the squat rack or for bodybuilders who can already squat a shit ton. The reason ppl like the leg press is so they can load up all the 45s that will fit and do quarter reps and think they look badass because they weight is so high. I remember seeing this one kids instagram where he posted his 720lbs leg press in his bio alongside squat,bench,and deadlift (which were shit) He couldn't even quarter squat 2pl8s, but he sure as hell though a 720 1 rep leg press was impressive.

Who is this Semon Demon????

Perfect bodyfat...

Also asking for sauce

Melissa Debling

here. The insta i mentioned is this kid. He removed the leg press from his bio bc he got flamed on big time by @quartersquatgang. His 300 squat is a lie. He deleted a vid of him struggling to half squat 225, that was the one posted by QSG

that's the name i found too.
but i honestly don't think it's the same person.
different face.

>elissa Debling
No it's not you retarded faggot.

Please who

how do i sign up for programs with companies to represent them on instagram. How do you make money?

>Front squats
>comfier than back squats

Maybe if you're squatting the bar

Leg press is bad for lower back because it is rounded. Squats can be bad for lower back if you don't brace right and real good form which is unlikely for you to have. Since you are a woman just do light squats and all kinds of shit like reverse lunges, glute ham raise, glute raises, reverse kickbacks and other sloot routines.

The kid only has 90 followers. He's probably lying about having a corporate sponsorship. Also that part where it says yellownutra athlete or whatever the fuck isnt a verified thing. You can literally make up anything you want and make it a part of your bio. So yeah, he's just some fat teenager trying to appear like some social media big shot bodybuilder

leg press removes half your body (the core) and provides artificial stability

also lunging is harder to do properly than squatting

I injured my lower back awhile ago and after finally getting better, I tried squatting low and it start hurting again...I think I can't really squat anymore until I stretch my hamstrings a bit more. Can I still do legpresses in the mean time?

Keep squatting, just go light. The best corrective exercise for the squat is the squat. duh. 100% of people on planet earth get back pain during their lives. That's not a reason to stop squatting.

holy shit dude

fuck that made my knee hurt

Squats are not appropriate for everyone, and if you knew anything at all about fitness you'd know that.

squat is not the optimal ass exercise tho.
obviously it works it and will grow, but its not necessary there are alternatives

leg press is dangerous when you put 30ish plates on the machine.

Who would have guessed

Videos like this make me wince more than any other gore, chinkshit or isis productions

Iskra Lawrence

FUCK. I actually yelled out loud.

tits too big to be her

No it's Melissa Debling, didn't look like her at first but she does her hair makeup a lot different than the pic usually and she isn't quite as thicc in other pics.
Look up join me on the sofa on pornhub, it's her.

just do leg press with rdl
this will make up for the lack of glute work in the leg press while also focusing on the glutes

I inhaled very very sharply

>Will the leg press grow my muscles as much as a squat?
>I want to lunge and do the leg press.
No problem.

Lunges > Squats anyway. If you want that thick "deep" (wide from front to back) booty, do glute bridges or hyperextensions instead of squats. Hits the ass very, very good. If you want a wider ass (from side to side), just eat more and use a waist cincher like all the booty models do.

>I just can't get the squat form down
You sound like a bitch.
How much do ya bench?

In order of priority
Barbell hipthrust, back squat, Romanian Deadlift. You don't have to do weird things like donkey kicks or whatever, if you do BB hipthrust. Just go as heavy as possible, no bitch weights.
Also, don't be afraid to eat. You need to eat enough to gain muscle. So don't fucking starve yourself like many women do.

Any news or info on this guy? Curious to see how he's doing now.

Squats utilize your butt and hamstrings more. Also you will use more stabilizer muscles and shoulders to hold the bar.

Why are lunges better than squats?


enjoy having no erectors and fucking your back up later in life

i throw in some high rep work at the end of my lower days, its fine if you dont ego lift like a retard

The limiting factor in squats is core, not legs. See: belts exist.
>The leg press is a ok exercise fine for bodybuilding routines but not strength training.
That's literally what I said
Up your mobility game senpai
Stop neglecting your rows, sounds like your upper back is shit

They are absolutely not, literally everything in his post is broscience

>squatting as my main lift
>Do rdl, leg press and hip thrusts for accessories
Am I being fucking retarded? Running nSuns 5/3/1.

>Sounds like your upper back is shit.
Not that user but the bar digs into my delts and it feels horrifically uncomfortable.

Must suck being such a pussy.

120 kg on the delts is objectively comfier than 145 kg on the traps

>squat 300

What an odd round number. 2x45 + 2x25 + 2x10 + 2x2.5

Who the hell wastes their time adding 2.5's on a squat of all things - probably bullshit

I don't know, no "glute exercise" gives me the same doms as going atg for a few sets of 10

How the fuck do you progressively overload without using 2.5 lb plates? I bet you squat less than two plates.


Start squatting you fucking fag

If you knew anything about fitness you'd understand how wrong you are. Form is key. If you cant properly squat, then you have imbalances somewhere else that need to be worked on. Lifts like squats, DL, Clean & Jerks, etc... expose your weaknesses. Work on your flexibility, supporting muscle strength, breathing, diet, etc. Dont blame the exercise, blame yourself. A properly executed squat will actually improve your joint strength, flexibililty, circulation, muscle growth, etc, assuming you do them with good form. As the other guy said, dont be a pussy and learn how to fucking squat.

Are lunges without weight useful at all? I already do squats and leg press.
I ask because I could do them at home, since I'd rather spend my time at the gym doing other exercises.