I'm the OP from last night that talked about NULS. It was severely undervalued (was 9m cap when I bought), so I gave the shill a shot and went ham. I knew it'd at least double but didn't expect it to rise so quick. Cashed out and now am /comfy/. A $40m valuation on a coin with no wp, no team, and no roadmap is insane.

Team is supposedly delivering the WP tomorrow, so that should be good for those who bought at the high today.

For it to go to $2, though, it needs to have an $80m market cap. Not even VeChain (established partnerships) has that MC yet.

Oh and call it a LARP for all I care. Those that got in early with me, grats. Always take profit especially when something goes 4x in less than a week. For those still holding, don't sell unless you need to. The coin is actually promising. But may take a while to get the 2x+ that you wanted from here out.

What the fuck is this shit? Why did it moon? This screams manipulation, though it doesn't means it's not a good coin.

how much did you cash out?

Nice op , I remember you . yeah I wouldn't touch iwith a 100 foot poll now super sketchy .

How did you know about it . And why won't VeChain (which we no a lot more about and is much better ) pump . Or will it ?

Cheers user


HES FUDDING TO BUY THE DIP! DONT LET HIM BUY BUY BUY and forever be a nulmarines.

might aswell just hodl at this point.

It is a pump n dump user, those who followed OP last night are the winners, now being born are the bag hodlers. Nice work though goys good to see /biz getting ahead again

It takes a lot of disparate connecting for a westerner to put it together it seems, but from what I habe gathered they provide customizable backends in the form of side chains to chinese enterprise. There are aspects of neo in that it can be a platform, aspects of walton, as they provide supply chain logistics, and aspects of ven as they provide an anticounterfeiting protocol. All of those features are already present in their parent chain.
Partnered with inchain already.
They have some kind of deal with a huge chinese payroll and accounting firm.