Who here making it? Another week of making more money than what your regular wagecuck makes over a year
See you in mars niggers
Who here making it? Another week of making more money than what your regular wagecuck makes over a year
See you in mars niggers
What are you holding, sensei?
Account is only worth 2100
I'm a poor fag so I could only start with 300 about 2 months ago
I just want to be free from wagecucking and money problems
250k here. Getting there at least.
I cant make it past the 32k barrier
>whist I'm down 30%
fuck you
gj op i made around 20% im happy what alts are you holding?
I quit my job when I made more money in one day than I did all year. Waging is for suckers.
Hello lambolandians.
badass. congrats, my dude.
congrats anons
what are your holdings and how did you guys make it?
i wish i can be there with you guys one day
killing it!
spare some bitcoin for a wanna be moon goon?
just trying to ride that NULS rocket to Lamboland but I can't muster any money for a ticket
What are you guys bagholding?
I sold all my BTC at rock bottom prices. Am I going to make it?
IOTA desu
Just started last month
What site is good for trading if you are from eastern EU?
f-f-fake and g-gay
ARK whale here & a kill WAVES Feels good making enough for a house in under a day!!
& a lill Waves , not kill
Please help, I want to become Dirty rich
REQ looks promising
>>Started in 2002
>>Has only made over 50k in that time
That's pretty shit. I can earn that amount working at McDonalds for a year
Stop shilling. I need to acquire more before the blast off.
lol its Nov the 2nd :)
Just my ARK dpos gainz , $550 a day at current price, are more than most city boys make:) .I Love Crypto!!!
EU trading besides Kraken??
d-damn anons...
Holy fuck, what the hell. You fucking made it.
I was happy that i turned my 100 euro into 200 within two weeks, and when i see this i feel destroyed.
really you should feel better knowing that it is possible to actually make it
>everyone here thinks these rich anons aren't just editing blockfolio holdings
What's the point of doing that.
dude, use it as fuel to know that what you doing is correct and you will make it one day.
when do you sell it ?
>when your balance is shown in Zimbabwean dollars
Your profile says you have 468 dollars am I missing something?
Congrats but why are you such a cunt?
maybe don't invest 100€ like a little chicken pussy and you will make real money, but that takes balls. nobody ever made money by being a chicken.
Nice to see there are not only pajeets and poorfags here. I have no blockfolio but my portfolio is 184k tethers right now.
this is the best thing I've read on this site in the 5years ive been here
I fucked up so hard man. Seeing my coins go up just for them to come down again.
how do you get thsi blockfolio
as i see it no one really makes money until they cash out... so, how much have you cashed out?
Or some people have/had good savings and got into promising coins early. So many jealous NEETs in these threads.
Nightmode setting.
Pretty retarded assumption since they're all showing plots that go >1 week back. Even if they were just fucking around in portfolio, they have crazy gains so whatever they're doing is working, mental masturbation or not
how do you show portfolio percentages?
sell you idiot. you can neet off $600k for the rest of your life
jesus fuck sell. having that kind of money in shitcoins is crazy
Are these actually real or just fake? Because it is really easy to fake it.
How do i turn in into a mil?
actual answer, you have to take risks and put alot of money on smaller coins that you suspect will rise alot. then not be greedy and sell before you overstay it.
t. some neet that is at $358 whereas I started with 10$ 2 months ago
small as in how small?
not so small that nobody will buy or trade once you are done. never had this problem with what I put in tho, but then again you have several thousand while I go all in with my 300 bucks.
> Mined 6 BTC over a four week period in 2011 when BTC was like $20
> Still in shock that I was able to hold that shit up until now
Risk free investment anyone?
I changed of phone in August. I started with 35k€ exactly one year ago.
Forgot the pic.