What percentage of crypto investors are women?

I'm guessing ~15%

please dont ruin crypto for us like u did with gaming.

Its literally like 2%. Why would women invest in something when they can spend that money on shoes and make up?

Tits or GTFO!
There are no girls on the internet



Your all mixed up kid. Why would women care about crypto when they can just sue for the profits? #metoo

I'm not a woman but I'll show you my dick for some LINK

tfw you get your cutie girlfreind to invest 700 dollars into bitcoin

tfw you see her refreshing her blockfolio and seeing her gains.

more to the point is what percentage of pink wojak threads are started by women

Was the $700 her own money or did you give it to her?

I would be surprised if it were more than 1%. I've met one woman who has invested and it's only because she has a 130-140 IQ and was introduced to it by her boyfriend.

literally how do women ruin shit? I never understood until a chick broke up my friend circle and essentially ruined everything good we had going.

Veeky Forums is for losers so zero

Women don't invest; they tend not to be competitive enough to accept the risk associated therewith.

Why invest money when you can look pretty and fuck men who invested money?

Etherscan released their Google analytics data; a reasonable proxy for the ethereum community. 92% male.

There are no women actively investing at all. Women just have their brains wired differently. Instead of thinking "how do I make money" they think "how do I find someone with money". So what you will see is a rampant increase of "crypto babes". Girl next door types who know just enough about crypto to roll with the crypto influencers group. They will be mostly on Instagram with travel pics and their laptop "trading", but mostly just using their beauty to attract actual crypto men who think they see an equal in her.

I have already seen some of these "crypto babes" and they will quickly have more followers than the likes of wolfofpolo or even Ian Balina. If you are creative, best is to invest in a girl next door type and do photoshoots to create this fake persona. That's where easy money can be made.

Just make sure you get royalties on EVERYTHING like sponsored posts etc. Just pay her for the photos and the right to use them freely.

Hmm I'm honestly thinking of hitting my sister up for this

Veeky Forums is full of cute girls
i'd say at least 90% of Veeky Forums is female (male)

How does etherscan (or google) know if I’m male or female?

Woman here, I'd say 1%.


There is no space in daytrading for women.

Under 10% I would guess. I'm the only woman in a crypto fb group for a new coin. There's about 60 men in it. Bukkake style.

On reddit, forums and Veeky Forums you can't tell but the facebook group makes it obvious it's almost all dudes.

>real data instead of pulling shit out of thin air
>at devcon3.
>it's 8% for Ethereum.
>data from etherscan team.

oh yeah, buy REQ before it moon.

women or "women"?

it's a certain type of woman. They join a group with a passive interest in something, and stay for the attention while feigning interest. Of course that can split up groups of people who like the minimal attention they get from said woman, and the other people in the group who see what's going on and are sick of it.

It's honestly probably under 1%, maybe under .1%

YCombinator is extremely aggressive

The Chad REQ vs The Virgin OMG

Based on what you clicked on when you made your gmail account. I bet a bunch clicked female because why not.

In my case my gf threatened to kill herself whenever I wanted to hang out with my friends. Eventually all my friends drifted away. I ended up having to move cities to get away from that bitch.

Under 1%.
Risk taking is a male trait, women do not have it generally.

This is why traders are men.

In my case I was accused of rape, despite having messages of her telling me to come over for sex.
I was kicked out of my frat, and lost most of my friends.
Now i stock with money stocks, and porn. Shit makes me so happy it's not even funny

imma trap do i count?

its not women. its germanic women who are literally that trash tier who cant behave themselves

european women are just shit and shouldnt be wasted any attention on

but user, a girl with a penis is just a boy?

Check yourself, be humble. Not all girls have a penis.

havent heard one single intelligent or insightful thing from women about crypto once

i would have just walked, dont bother wasting your life on people like that.

i tried to explain it to my step mother on monday.

she doesn't trust it, but threw down 200 bucks on the melbourne cup yesterday and lost.

Not a lot of women around, but it isn't due to a lack of intelligence as many /pol/ losers would like to believe.
Women are generally more averse to risk and agreeable than men. These traits imply, respectively:
>Women are less willing to invest in high risk high reward endeavors
>Women aren't as bothered by the possibility of being a "normie", and working within the system. This does not imply lack of ambition, though. It just means they'd rather work towards more conventional means of achieving success than stay home shilling imaginary coins on a catalonian separatist simposium

more like 0,15%

ill give you LINK if you post ur dick.

I say 7%-12%
I'ts still a guy thing sadly

> women taking risk
> biology is a meme

~15% ist fake
more like -15%

> only 2 genders
is eth /ourcrypto/?

>I'ts still a guy thing sadly
Yup. As soon as we get serious numbers of women involved day trading and PnDs/shilledcoins are going to be easy af to profit from.

fucking on the money, life with the flatmates was the best until the beta in the group got a girl to orbit. And then it just went to shartville.

How did pink wojaks become a thing
What makes them special compared to any other wojak other than just being a different color

hello goldstien

Reminds me of this guy I knew who brought his gf to play league with us and it was her first competitive game. I won't play games with my gf

Pls make me your apprentice, user

Ofc he gave it to her. A real gent shares his wealth with beautiful women dear sir.

I wonder how they have measured this. For instance my sister's husband have invested in crypto, with their shared money. So technically my sister is an "investor".