Why didn't he have any kids or start a family? Was he gay?
Why didn't he have any kids or start a family? Was he gay?
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No but he had a Scat fetish
>Was he gay?
Yes, and he killed to hide it, new study says
It's extremely unlikely. There is proof of multiple relationships with women.
Ernst Röhm was his closest friend—the only person who called him "Adolf"[28]—but after the Night of the Long Knives (1934), Hitler described the homosexuality of Röhm and other SA leaders as corrupt and immoral.[29]
>closest friend
>somehow only knew he was gay and killed him
When he was young, he was just a poor artist who couldn't afford to support a family.
Then he got captured and brainwashed by Dietrich Eckart and the Thule Society to be a sort of "Manchurian candidate" for their movement. After that, he wasn't really a person anymore in the sense of having personal goals and desires. He spent the 30s and early 40s as a drugged mouthpiece for a shadowy occult elite. When the war was clearly lost, his handlers fled Germany and left him to his own devices, which is why he completely fell apart towards the end of the war and an-heroed in the bunker.
what a manwhore
at what point was Hitler left to his own devices, and is there a clear change of communication, strategy, and personality record around this point
>the guy furthest left in the party was also the most gay
wow really
he wasn't captured and brainwashed, he was sent as a spy by the Weimar government. Good post though.
Wanted to show an image of being the father of the nation that is too busy running it to have a family. Plus women loved the guy who it helps if he appears single.
Too old and autistic enough to be interested in 1 thing and 1 thing only: Germany
I don't remember if it was in "Mein Kampf", but Hitler thought(Larped) himself as a """Great Man""" and that """great man""" don't and shouldn't have children because they will be burdened having a hard time in surpassing their parent achievements.
He took example of great men like Frederick the Great who didn't have children.
His family tree was full of inbreds and retards, he was afraid he might have a retarded baby which would delegitimize his racial ideas.
>thinks Röhm was killed because of his homosexuality
Go back to /lgbt/ or r/faggot with your oppression complex.
This reads like one of those Stormfag conspiracy theories about Jew-controlled Churchill/Roosevelt but this time it's about Hitler
Lol Frederick didn't have kids because he was gay. Vast majority of 'great leaders' had children. Think of napy Caesar and Alexander all had children.
Technically Alexander died before his son was born though. Got a Persian bitch pregnant than drank so fucking hard he died to get out of having to raise it. What a madman he was.
His family was Germany.
Frederick was gay
Although Frederick wrote to his sister that, "There can be neither love nor friendship between us,"[17] and he considered suicide, he went along with the wedding on 12 June 1733. He had little in common with his bride and resented the political marriage as an example of the Austrian political interference which had plagued Prussia since 1701. Once Frederick secured the throne in 1740, he prevented Elisabeth from visiting his court in Potsdam, granting her instead Schönhausen Palace and apartments at the Berliner Stadtschloss. Frederick bestowed the title of the heir to the throne, "Prince of Prussia", on his brother Augustus William; despite this, his wife remained devoted to him.[24] In their early married life, the royal couple resided at the Crown Prince's Palace in Berlin. Although Frederick gave Elisabeth Christine all the honors befitting her station, he rarely saw her during his reign and never showed her any affection.
ment for
>Persian bitch
You mean Sogdian Bitch?