What are the actual philosophical differences between Catholicism and Protestantism?
What are the actual philosophical differences between Catholicism and Protestantism?
What kind of Protestantism?
This is an edited form of a meme which used to make sense.
It's all the same retardation.
but what if god didn't mean to put in all those walls. they're kind of arbitrary and retarded.
This, there are literally thousands of forms of Protestantism and not all of them even like Luther.
sometimes i winder whats the point in ven asking that question. niether party is usually informed on anything and on the base level. 90% of Catholics couldn't tell you the difference between a mortal and venial sin
>Detailed Documentary Exposing Catholic Church (8 hours)
>The Jesuit Agenda Exposed
>The Real Bible Version Issue
>The Catholic and Islamic Connection
Roman Catholicism = Satanic
The Poop = Antichrist
Protestants were protesting against the unbiblical doctrines and heresies of the Papacy, the selling of indulgences being the last straw.
>literally buying your way into heaven
The people wanted real Christianity back, based on the simple and clear Gospel.
People like Hus, Wycliffe, Luther, Zwingli and Calvin were on the forefront in the reformation.
Catholics got butthurt, started the 30 years war because all they cared about is material power and politics, and they don't want people to read the Bible for themselves.
The Protestant Christians continued to become the most succesful missionaries, puritans, evangelicals and new-world settlers. Creating the U.S. and Canada, and making England a powerful empire. God blessed these people because the Gospel was being spread all over the world.
The Spanish Catholics meanwhile settled in South-American shitholes that are still shitholes to this day.
more like
>bible says salvation is free gift and simple
>catholics say you gotta jump through a bunch of hoops and do all sorts of rituals
>protestants listen to what the bible says, not some latin child-raping priest
In Catholicism, the divine and the mundane coexist in the same dimension. It's theoretically possible to see and understand God, because theoretically the two aspects of the world are governed by the same natural laws. But you almost certainly won't ever get it. Ask one of our tall-hatted mages if you have any questions. He'll prescribe you a regimen that obviates any need for understanding.
In Protestantism, the divine and the mundane are totally segregated. God knew what he was doing when he made the world and dipped. There's nothing to really understand because the divine isn't subject to the simple and consistent laws of nature. As such, you'd better just focus on living your life the way he says to. Ask one of our floppy-hatted sages if you have any questions. He'll prescribe you a platitude you will politely pretend to understand.
in short I'd reduce it to epistemology, I guess
>I'll change the maze to suit you
This is the case for a lot of modern Protestant denominations, sure. But, as far as Luther is concerned, it would be more appropriate to say something like:
>the maze is irrelevant; only the faithful make it through regardless of the direction they take :)
(God Luther was nuts)
It doesn't actually seem nuts when I read it back.
It really doesn't, oddly enough. Maybe it isn't a credit to his theology that it makes sense to an atheist like me. Or, maybe it is?
Post the original pls.
Catholics and Protestants are more similar to each other than the Catholics are to the Eastern Orthodox. the true theological split started sometime around Augustine of Hippo, and everyone else that followed him (Anselm, Aquinas etc)
Protestants aren't a single thing
Flip the labels on Catholic and Protestant. He's lying when he says that's the original though.
Woah watch out guys we have an intellectual over here
I too watch Rick and Morty while smoking weed and eating fruit loops
In what way. I have been to numerous churches, and my discussions and experience have led me to believe quite the opposite.
the ONLY good protestants are the American annabaptist. Prove me wrong.
Why do you people keep asking absurd questions, insinuating that Christians are "Protestants"?
Martin Luther, a Catholic friar, and all of his fellow Protestants WERE ALL CATHOLICS until they were excommunicated, and then they were all EX COMMUNICATED CATHOLICS.
Catholicism has nothing to do with Christianity.
To expound:
Christian: God the Father is God the Father.
Catholic: Nimrod the Sun God of Babylon is God.
Christian: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Catholic: Tammuz, son of Nimrod, is the son of god.
Christian: God the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of God.
Catholic: We have no idea who the Holy Spirit is.
Christian: Mary is the virginal mother of Jesus, the messiah.
Catholic: Mary is the Mother of God.
Christian: Mary was born a sinner, lived a sinful life, believed her son was the Son of God who rose from the dead, and is in heaven now.
Catholic: Mary was born sinless, lived a sinless life, never died but ascended alive into heaven, and is in heaven as Co-Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix of mankind, Queen of Heaven, and our only link to the Father. We also don't know that we're just referring to Semiramis, the Babylonian Queen of Heaven and Mother of God.
Mary was barely a footnote until people realized that it was easier to convert filthy pagans believing in a mother godess by telling them "hey our god was born from a mother u should worship him".
Yup. Slowly built her up to deity, and use Marian apparitions as proof of her divine nature and abilities. (Daily Reminder all Marian Apparitions are demonic)
1. Mary is called the Mother of God. AD 431
2. Prayers offered to Mary AD 600
3. Immaculate Conception (that she was sinless) AD 1854
4. Assumption of Mary AD 1950
5. Mary Proclaimed Mother of the Church AD 1965
Works of Mary
By Mary's prayers, she delivers souls from death (par. 966).
" . . . when she [Mary] is the subject of preaching and worship she prompts the faithful to come to her Son . . . " (Vatican Council II, p. 420). Quote in Context.
"This mother . . . is waiting and preparing your home for you" (Handbook for Todays Catholic, p.31).
She remained a virgin after the birth of Christ (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 510).
"The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the rosary, are an epitome of the whole Gospel," (par. 971).
Mary, " . . . when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven . . . " (par. 974).
"Mary has by grace been exalted above all angels and men to a place second only to her Son" (Vatican Council II, p. 421).
"Preserved free from all stain of original sin" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 966).
Hat tip Matt Slick of carm dot org
Evidence they elevate their tradition OVER the bible:
Luke 1
The Song of Mary
And Mary said:
“My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
>Well, would you look at that. Mary knew she needed a savior.
>not venerating the theotokos
what a miserable life you must live
>worshiping idols
You're doing it wrong.
Maybe read first, then post. No, just lurk. Lurking is good for you.
Is theotokos in the bible? No? Then out it goes.
Is Mary the mother of God the Father? No?
Is Mary the mother of God the Spirit? No?
Then how say you Mary is the mother of God? Do you not know God is triune?
Are you actually retarded? We're having a perfectly nice discussion about mary.
>trudge through my shitposts
no thanks idiot
>Denying Jesus is the son of God.
Ebin meme hebe
One can never lurk enough.
Nobody denied Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.
Mary is not the mother of the Father; she is not the mother of the Holy Spirit; she is the mother of Jesus, who existed before the world was made.
Your Arian heresy was debunked in the 4th century.
>Is theotokos in the bible?
I know you're a retarded idiot, but try to catch this analogy.
When Jesus said he was the Son of God, the Jews wanted to kill him for blasphemy. Why? Because he made himself out to be equal to God.
If you read the bible, you will find many such instances.
So you calling Mary the Mother of God is the same as you calling Mary "God", exactly the same way.
Because what your satanic evolutionistic mind cannot grasp is the truth of the bible when it says "kind begets kind".
For Mary to beget God, Mary must be God.
No, no it is not. The Greek is not in Strong's, and the phrase "Mother of God" is nowhere in the bible.
claiming that mary did not beget god is to say jesus does not have divine nature, which is blasphemy of the highest order.
No, it isn't, you absolute mong.
Jesus created the world that Mary was born into thousands of years later.
How then is Mary responsible for his creation?
You're just an Arian heretic, and don't even know it. Which is normal, because Arius had the ear of Pontifex Maximus Constantine, whose bishops later took the title Pontifex Maximus, or pope.
Arian heresy is that Jesus began his life in Mary's womb.
John 3:13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.
John 6:33 For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
Jesus did not start his existence in Mary's womb.
Jesus created the earth.
Mary provided Jesus with the qualifications to be the Son of Man; the Father provided Jesus with the qualifications to be the Son of God.
For you to call Mary the Mother of God is to call Mary, God.
no one does this.
the heresy you're advocating was quashed at the council of ephesus quite a long time ago.
and it doesn't sound like you know anything about arianism whatsoever.
No one says mary is divine lol
Why is it that Catholics and Orthodox always know the ins and outs of doctrine but Protestants never do?
>getting to heaven is as complicated as navigating a fucking maze and can only be done with the guidance of a priest
No wonder Protestants called bullshit on that as soon as people were allowed to read the Bible for themselves.
>Matt Slick of carm dot org
I don't even care at this point about the Marian dogma only the hat to tip none other than Matt "fails everytime" Slick
>People like Hus, Wycliffe, Luther, Zwingli and Calvin were on the forefront in the reformation.
I still think Zwingli made a huge mistake by exclusiving Sola Fide with other components necessary for salvation. Luther was right on baptisms relation to salvation but failed due to his infant baptismal roots and the catechism.
Whoops, the atheist got called a name, that's some quality argumentation there.
because protestants know that the path to salvation is as simple as professing your belief in god the father and that christ died to redeem us of our sins (as is written in the bible and told to us by jesus himself)
>know that the path to salvation is as simple as professing your belief in god the father and that christ died to redeem us of our sins
depend which protestants you're talking about, since Lutherans believe that baptism is part of faith a requirement for salvation.
do lutherans think that baptism is an absolute necessity for salvation? i've never heard that before. i thought they just considered it a rite of the church albeit a very important one
catholics molest boys protestants molest girls. ain't I right
Yes they do, they believe it's part of faith. Though Luther himself made some exception though, but these exceptions were just that. If man can be cut to the heart of the gospel and were able to repent, confession and be baptised then they should. Exceptions are so rare that it can't be used against someone.