How European were the Tarim Basin mummies?
How European were the Tarim Basin mummies?
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The early societies of the Tarim Basin were completely Europoid in appearance. Even today, traces of that heritage can be seen in the southern corner of Xinjiang.
Swastika is older than Indo-Europeans.
They weren't Aryan, Tocharians probably didn't even know this term.
They were Kalash
100% European Aryan Nordic Caucasoids who got RICED
That's a big erection
Pretty mixed but less than Uyghurs
>Tocharians probably didn't even know this term
Neither did the Germans, Celts, Italians, Greeks, Slavs, Thracians, Dacians, or Illyrians. That's how languages evolve.
>it's ok when we do it
Nothing comparable, bruh.
That doesn't make any sense what you said. Use normal British English please.
Tocharians actually did have a partially European origin if steppe people count as European.
It's an open question what role they played in East Asian development but most likely a very small one.
>if steppe people count as European.
Some consider the steppe migration into Europe an invasion from the outside.
Others consider Volga the eastern boundary of Europe and PIE urheimat was on both sides of it.
I didn't know Ukraine and Russia aren't European.
They didn't come from Ukraine though
Yes, they did.
Damn he hung as a horse, they were definitely black.
Not originally. Khvalynsk is in Saratov the shores of the Volga.
They were "Eastern Europeans" :)
By this logic ENF weren't Europeans either. Oldest R1a comes from Eneolithic Ukraine though.
True, some kilometers from the Russian border. Must be eastern influence.
R is Siberian.
If you go far enough you're African. Mutations matter, you know.
They're not Europeans, they just share similar biological features with Caucasians like brown or ginger hair and blue or green eyes, Iranic peoples also has these features. Some of them may have Eastern or Northeastern Europe ancestry, but that's about it.
Iranics were Eastern Europeans.
Not at all.
> PIE peoples were european!!!
Go tell that to Iranic people :^)
I serious doubt they'll consider themselves as "Eastern Europeans".
This is all just semantics. Indo-Iranics later migrated back into the steppe as the Scythians. They had lived with close contact with areal Indic and Iranian peoples, as well as borrowed from BMAC, before doing so.
I don't care what modern Iranians think or not. It's like Pajeets trying to "reason" against Pontic Steppe.
>I don't care
Yeah, they and I don't need to care about what you think either :^)
0%. Tarim Basin mummies were Asian and probably never set foot in Europe.
It still doesn't change the fact that Iranics were Eastern Euros.
>Tarim Basin mummies were Asian
They were not. If so, provide the evidence.
It's nothing similar. That Pajeet revisionism is blatant historical denial.
Claiming that Iranics were European is simply false, unless the only thing you mean is "They lived in/near the geographical location of Europe".
Were Indo-Aryans "Middle Eastern" because of the Mittani?
Europeans have their own genetics too, from pre-steppe migration peoples, their own cultures, and their own histories. If you want to group Scythians with them, be extremely clear in what context that is (genetic affinity, geography, language, etc.). Otherwise, it's an abuse of the word "European", or of Indo-Iranic identity. Words aren't devoid of their connotation.
Also, this .
Yeah, except it's not fact, just what you want to believe. You don't decide how they identity their ethnicity, unfortunately :^)
>Iranics were Eastern Euros.
You're fucking retarded. They weren't. Do you mean, Indo-Iranics (their origin)? Or perhaps you mean Scytho-Sarmatians (who did not originate in that area)?
At most you can say, "some Iranic peoples lived in Eastern Europe, and shared genetic and linguistic affinity with certain modern Eastern Euro populations, most closely being Slavs. They probably were absorbed by Slavs."
>the evidence
They lived in Asia.
So no evidence at all. Are negroes and pakis living in Europe, genetically close to Europeans?
>They probably were absorbed by Slavs.
Slavs don't have R1a-Z93 except some Russians and Cossacks but even that is from Turkic mixing. Slavic populations like Poles couldn't have much less Scythian ancestry.
Yes. Europeans/Negroids share DNA now.
Eastern European doesn't mean Slavic.
No, they don't.
Slavs probably had a much larger population. I wasn't implying the slavmeme that they "descend from scythians" or something, just that AT MOST, it's possible that some of them have Scythian heritage due to simple proximity.
It's not different at all, Scythians showed up at the borders of Europe, raped and pillaged, and weren't related in any way, save extremely distantly, to European culture or peoples.
Scythians originated in shared Indo-Iranic population first, and they were NOT European, unless you literally think every Indo-European population was "European".
Tocharians were even more distant, not even sharing linguistic features like the Indo-Iranics did with the Slavs, and not interacting with Europeans in any way.
Scythians and Sarmatians originated from Sintashta which was a blowback of European Corded Ware. Your asshurt is hiliarious.
> Eastern European doesn't mean Slavic.
Define clearly, what it means then. You're being incredibly slippery about your precise point here. See . Do you agree with that statement about the maximal statement possible? Or are you claiming something stronger? Something different. Be precise, please.
Not him but Hungarians live in Eastern Europe too and they're not Slavs.
Indo-Iranic languages have BMAC borrowings, and quite a few, and they are very early. Linguistically, Scytho-Sarmatians descend from these languages. Genetically it's harder to say, but still, they aren't "European" genetically either, nomatter how you put it.
Also, Sintashta isn't "Eastern Europe", lmao.
Ukraine -> Central and Northern Europe -> Central Asia
Is that her boner?
>Sintashta isn't "Eastern Europe"
Sintashta is exactly in the Urals so the literal borderzone between Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
I never said "Eastern Europe" = Slavic, he simply assumed that me (and the other guy) were.
I acknowledged two potential ways one could think Iranics are European. One: shared PIE heritage. Two: Scythians.
So, you are now simply just pointing to the first one. In that case, you're even more retarded and there's no point here, if you unironically think all Indo-European peoples are "Eastern European". That's just a meaningless use of the term "European", and blatant semantic game.
>if you unironically think all Indo-European peoples are "Eastern European"
Oh wow, they weren't? Both relevant R1a and R1b mutations originated on European Pontic steppe.
I don’t think steppe people even count as human.
I'm obviously aware of it's location. It's at the border of Eastern Europe, sure, but after that point, the ̨PII peoples had a totally non-European history, besides the much later Scythians (who I've addressed already). What makes "Iranics" as "Iranics" is not European in any way, and even genetically, they don't share European Areal genetic features at all.
They came from around Odessa though
I agree if your statement is ONLY "originated in Eastern Europe". This is why I asked you (which you did not do) to precisely state the meaning of "Iranics are Eastern European".
The meaning of "X is European" is not the same as "X originated in Eastern Europe", or "X shares some genetics with Eastern Europeans". Stop being a brainlet and be precise.
Dressing your sentences in eloquent words doesn't make you any less butthurt, you know? Out of India/Iran is dead. Bury it.
>Out of India/Iran is dead.
What? I never implied that I believe that nonsense, and clearly said that I agree on the PIE homeland. I'm arguing on the idiotic usage of statements like "Iranics are Eastern European".
Playing games of "who can abuse ambiguity in language more" is not my interest, and I fully admit that people who do this, make me butthurt.
The boundaries of Europe and Asia are a completely arbitrary Greek bullshit. I suspect when OP said "European" he meant the Caucasoid race rather than the geographic location of Europe.
>How European were the Tarim Basin mummies?
0% considering the Tarim Basin isn't in Europe.
That's not what OP said. He said if they were "European."
They aren't.
>he meant the Caucasoid race rather than the geographic location of Europe.
That's a pretty big slip-up to make, don't you think? Sort of completely different implications between "Caucasoid race" and "They are European/Eastern European".
So either OP is a retard, or trying to push some agenda here.
Sorry to shatter your illusion, but Europeans and Africans are fairly close. In fact with modern world Europeans and Africans are linked together in a super-cluster
this. thread is bait.
That's not what your study says. And African doesn't mean Negro.
Pushing an agenda or being retarded on Veeky Forums? Unheard of!
Yeap, it's just hilarious when they don't admit it when called out.
OP here. With European I was referring to as deriving from the geographical region today known as Europe, like as far east as the Volga. I shoud have specified that earlier.
And yet somehow everyone on fucking planet understood what was being asked, except for some random asshole who came to this thread to play dumb about genetics. Weird.
They still didn't.
Not exactly what I'd call "precise". In any case, it's clear you know about IE migrations, so why the fuck are you asking? You know already, where the IE homeland is.
Nope, people ITT are talking about a bunch of different interpretations of the OP.
Both are probably older. R1b is definitely order and we have some non-steppe R1b in Europe before the IE migration.
Iranics were Eastern Europeans, Iranians weren't.
The relationship between Iranics and Iranians is like the relationship between Spaniards and Mexicans.
Not R1b-M269 and R1a-M417
>The relationship between Iranics and Iranians is like the relationship between Spaniards and Mexicans.
Well put.
>oh and black doesnt mean black.
define negro
I know the difference, I study related languages for a living.
>Iranics were Eastern Europeans
West African.
For you
Here's your (you)
West Africans who were sold into slavery in the new world have no genetic, historical or cultural connection with Egypt but larp as Egyptians.
The evidence is decent that the Tarim Basin mummies were of Indo-European descent which would mean they are basically cousins of modern Europeans like Persians and other Caucasoids are.
we wuz
Ur so mad