Why the fuck do people LARP about being rich on a finance section in a anime forum? Is your life that sad and miserable? It's funny as fuck at first, but then it's just pathetic and cringy as fuck. Fucking niggers...
Why the fuck do people LARP about being rich on a finance section in a anime forum? Is your life that sad and miserable...
Not a larp dude, sorry you didn't make twenty-hundred billion spacebucks last year like I did.
I know, it's made this place insufferable. I want Pajeets, altcoin shilling faggots and LARpers off my fucking board.
Vote me for mod.
Nah vote me for mod. I'd nuke those threads as soon as they're put up and give those fucking dumb ass niggers a perma ban.
They need to ban you poors off the board. This should be a 6 figure+ only board
its the only glimpse of success such frauds will ever experience
hey great idea dumb fuck, you just banned yourself.
so that for one second of their life they feel noticed
I don't get it. What the fuck happened? I was here some months ago and it was different, now there is all these virtual coins bullshit. What is the point? Is investing in cryptocurrencies the best thing ever? How can there be so much trolls in one place, is it ike the jenkem board in 420chan?
>It's funny as fuck at first, but then it's just pathetic and cringy as fuck. Fucking niggers...
Dam user, you have such a way with words
it got everyone rich this year, most of them arn't even larping
99% of them are larping.
Truly rich people who are attention-seeking get their fill by buying expensive things and showing them off publicly, not bragging anonymously on internet forums to strangers.
This has went too far tho. It wasn't this bad a year ago. Can you still make easy money with cryptocurrencies? Where should I start? What is the wiki/guide/book I should read to learn from zero?
You just jumped in a shark tank with a bad cut on your leg, freind.
well they arn't truly rich, they merely hoard a lot of valuable internet money
Can you elaborate?
>t. OP
Sounds like you've got some heavy SALT bags
>everyone who is rich here is LARPing
you weren't around for the millionaire thread last month were you?
guy came here and made a BTC tx with all his supply and showed us the tx id identifying himself. the fact you believe people are larping here just shows how much of a newfag you are.
because w/o larping they'll literally shoot up a school or blow their brains out, let the mentally ill larp user
What I don't understand is when people LARP about losing everything.
some post btc addresses begging for donations =/
Whatever is funny.
Why you keep using "niggers" you racist cunts. Compensating?
If you invested a decent amount of real money into crypto at the beginning of the year or in 2016, you would have made an absolute killing. Many people here did just that, myself included.
It's easy, fast money.
I'm with you on that user. If I'd be rich I'd have more interesting thinngs to do. How sad is that, to have money and be glued in to your fucking screen... What's the purpose of having money then? When I'll make it, I'll be like fucking living life. Unless you're a basement troll and just larping...
check them
Do a general thread for /bizvip/ for ppl who can prove they control more than 200 ETH. It could be by posting an address and requiring the deposit of some ERC-20 shit-token which could be verified.
wait, people pretend to be rich here?
maybe i have a chance
You don't realize that a decent amount of people here are actually, unironically, crypto millionaires. If you're new here I understand it. Veeky Forums shilled the absolute FUCK out of Ethereum (Like, LINK level shilling) back when it was below $8. People here have actually made a fortune off this shitty chinese basket weaving forum
It's funny seeing poor people like you get upset when we wave our wads of cash in your face!
bruh, biz shilled ETH before it was even a dollar fucking hard every single god damn day. Bless their little hearts for enabling me to buy in at 90cents with 0 research on a whim and afk for a year tho.
Exactly lmao. These newfags talking about people LARPing don't understand that Veeky Forums has genuinely made people millions of dollars
Most of them are larping.
>I started crypto in June with 500.
>Now have 78000.
>post with block folio image.
I am sure some people on here are rich as fuck but most just pretend.
yea it's not even close either there were a good 30ETH threads back then for every one pandacoin/dogecoin or other pnd coins that have ceased to exist by now. Current /biz is a bit schizophrenic thread-wise teebh however.
What do I invest in senpaaaiii
It got harder after the mid year slaughter, start of the year shit was popping off 10 - 50x everywhere, if you only made 2 - 3x you'd lost
Investing in alts at any point from December last year to April this year was basically like printing free money
I've had btc since 2010 and trading since 2013, it's an entirely different world now. I don't feel comfortable giving medium/long recs at all anymore and I feel like swing trades to build ur base capital is pretty self explanatory. Just hang around in the top10 volume coins and buy on the way up and sell on the way down more mediocre profits until u get a feel for buying closer to the base of the raise and selling closer to the start of the drop.
Not even close at all. I've been on Veeky Forums since day 1 (Back before the crypto talk, when we all used to play that shitty MarketWatch stock exchange simulator competition thing) and I've never seen anything shilled here as hard as ETH was. ETH shilling is basically what turned Veeky Forums from actual stock market talk into basically a dedicated crypto board
Those were the days, don't know if we get another run like that though, BTC dominance was 80 - 90% giving the alts so much room
>ETH shilling is basically what turned Veeky Forums from actual stock market talk into basically a dedicated crypto board
It's pretty funny too, up until ETH started to hit 2-3$ and even beyond Veeky Forums straight up wanted those threads to be an insta-ban. I don't even like ETH that much but it was quite literally a gateway for everyone here to catch on to the 2nd biggest wave of crypto with ease.
>vitalik is still a goof and eth threads were obnoxious and fanatical
That's an increase from 2B to 100B market cap, glad I got in during may - sad that I didn't know wtf I was doing.
NEO was still ANS back then, 50 - 60x from May to peak and a lot of anons had crazy ETH gains in their pocket to gamble on it with