Do roids change your face?
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>roids grow every muscle in your body
>you have jaw muscles
do that math, OP
If that was all that it changed, then that would be great. However, there are minor changes that I can't put my finger on, that just makes people look overall uglier.
This guy ugly.
yes, roids will strengthen your jaw muscles, making you more attractive
you are objectively wrong
Growth hormone will
and my nigga is on it
This guy isnt really better off with those retard jaw muscles coming out.
it causes 0% face fat. you need some fat on your face or you look like a meth addict.
the it must be krapnshitz. i doubt "yo nigga" owns good stuff. good clean hgh is at 2500-3000 euros per 100 unit kit
Compared to what he used to look like, yeah. He has aged rapidly in just the last few years.
Dunno man
He's new look looks almost plastic. I mean I'd still fuc him though.
Dude looks like a ken doll.
That's because you have more than just jaw muscles in your face. All of your face muscles get bigger leading to the buff face effect.
jesus fucking christ how horrifying, literal monsters
I was alluding to Mr. Efron you turboretard
Wonder how old they are
I mean, this looks like a good 15 yrs of aging here.
>thinks manly face muscles are ugly
well at least you're not a homofag. I think face muscles look handsome and I'm bi
Pre-roid Rogan was sexy. Do roids make your head expand to twice it's size?
>them trips
Also he was hot as fuck
I feel like with zac its a combination of a few things:
>no longer 20 so his face is probably losing it's tautness
>roids exaggerating the muscles in his jaw, making his face look a lot more square
>super low body fat compared to his earlier days (see pic for 2012 comparison), making his face look gaunt and hollow
the bottom two things really arent helping. he still has a great face but roids + low body fat actually are hurting him in my opinion. but none of this matters anyway because let's be honest, which girl would turn down zac efron given the chance
>ITT: jelly nogf havin lanklets/manlets criticize a handsome dude(no homo) with millions of dollars and bitches ready to fuck at any given time.
Sometimes you faggots are so delusional it makes me wonder how you cope with life. Most of you are probably jobless losers or guys so disappointed in their life decisions that it drives you mad. The point of all is this ranting is to better yourself and quit being such irresponsible dipshits. Get a grip on reality.
>any criticism of any succesful person
Are you 12? I actually think he still looks very attractive, I'm just saying that he seems to have aged a lot quicker than usual. Are you going to deny that?
no idea, thirties/forties?
It's true.. any man that posts rants about other men being ugly or this or that is just pathetic IMO. Who fuckin cares. He's 29 years old and no I don't think he he aged a lot quicker than usual. Ya I admit he's on some regime of gear but he's extremely cut as a result. He could probably look more boyish again in a few months if he wanted to. He's dried out and tan as fuck.. that in and of itself makes you look older.
I never "ranted" or called him ugly. This thread isn't even about Zac Efron FFS, I'm literally asking if roids changed your face, and using him as an example.
"Hmm Efron's face looks a like he aged quicker than usual, I wonder if roids had anything to do with it."
You can keep denying it all you want. 29 years is like the peak of masculine facial features even if you're natty and have decent genetics. You start to exhibit the cross between young/old. Especially if you're in shape and have facial hair/body hair and a handsome face. Even without the gear. he looks older because he is older. 29 years of age going into your 30's. At around this age you are recognized as a fully grown man and not someone stuck between teenage/young 20's face anymore.
Denying what? I think he looks much older than 29.
Well that's your opinion and you can think about it all you want.
Cringy mate
>cringy mate
>why don't I look masculine for my age :^(
I look better than this guy and I'm a KHV. I don't get it.
he looks so aged now jesus
if you're serious, you probably never leave house, never talk to anyone, and aren't rich and famous.
>implying you're better looking than zac efron
Sure buddy. Sure.
Some girl I hooked up with on tinder said she swiped left on Zac Efron. I don't believe it, but I think some girls would turn down hot guys for an ego boost. And they're objectively stupid as fuck.
Fuck yeah sterons change your face.
>be me age 25
>look like a semi buff 16 year old
>break up with girlfriend of 4 years
>fuck it, gonna do some Test
>and Dbol and Deca
>it's a basic but slightly more intense bulking cycle
>go from 160 lbs to 210 lbs in 3 months
>B E A U T I F U L gains
>go back to my home town
>see ex girlfriend and talk to her
>first words out of her mouth
>"OMG user. You're so much bigger. And you look so much... older."
I only did 2 more cycles after that first one and I haven't used anything stronger than creatine for 5 years, but using steroids did change my face. It's hard to put my finger on it but my face just looks stronger. I don't entirely like it but continuing to lift seems to maintain the buffness in my face. I got into running and hiking for a year and it sort of went away, but now that I'm lifting again the broadface is back.
this guy was awesome in ninja scroll
he fucked up his face with ROIDS
what a dumbass
Too be fair he's probably always been on roids. Just took too many this time.
Fuck thats pretty funny. The last shot in the dark room was hilarious.
>go from 160 lbs to 210 lbs in 3 months
I can't tell if you're trolling or serious
Will 500mg of Test E for 16 weeks reduce fat on your face/give you hollow cheeks and give you a more square jaw?
All if those drugs make you retain a fuckton of water, retard. Especially Dbol. I know a guy who gained 35lbs in 40 days on the same cycle, and he was so visibly bloated he couldn't see his ankles. He dropped 10lbs as soon as he went off cycle.
Yes, very much so.
He looks like Mike o Hearn in this shot