>"These bloody neo Marxists keep pushing cultural relativism! Morality is absolute!"
>"The Roman and British empire were based!"
"These bloody neo Marxists keep pushing cultural relativism! Morality is absolute!"
I've never seen anyone on here say morality is absolute. Great strawman.
British empire was a Jewish empire following Jewish interests. Romans were cool though.
Being against relativism means supporting absolutes.
No it doesn't. There is such a thing as soft and hard relativism. You can believe an aspect of something is relative while other aspects are absolute. The problem with Marxists is that they're dogmatic; they're absolute in their belief in relativism.
>the righteous aryan race must eliminate all others and spread its genes and culture
It actually wasn't isn't it weird how multiple different things happened just to beat britain
>The spanish failed invasion's
>American revolution
>hundred years war
>German empire
Why would the jew's expend so much effort just to get rid of 1 anglo(reminder than napoleon is hailed as a hero in israel).
Anglo's have continuously fucked over jew's things like henry the 8th defecting from the catholic church which lets be real is a jewish puppet and remember that the monarch of Britain back only 100 years ago was a fascist.
*just to get rid of 1 puppet
>Slavery and colonization was ultimately good for everyone
>Wtf niggers are getting richer and smarter than me, go back to Africa
>Wtf niggers are getting richer and smarter than me
Said no one ever.
>inb4 nigger rappers that are loaned gold jewelry and fancy cars to pose with in exchange for letting rich Israelis LITERALLY fuck them up the ass are held up as an example of rich niggers that whitey is jealous of.
>implying they are any way similar
Romans fought for degeneracy
The proud British fought for freedom
Anti slavery
>literally defending relativism by using absolutism
Anglos post Cromwell are literally a Rothschild enterprise masquerading as a nation.
>passive-aggressive political greentexting on Veeky Forums
all edgy retards shold be shooted
What did Schlomo mean by this
You ok user?
The hierarchy of the world is actually the following
>Eternal Anglo
>the rest
Judaism is a religion that anyone can join without being particularly powerful so it's not like they hold specific authority because they're jewish
>Anglo's post cromwell were a jewish puppet state
No in fact cromwell was the first attempt by the jews to take control of britain except unlike the second time it was a horrible failure. Again napoleon is seen as a hero in israel if everything post cromwell in britain was jewish controlled why would israel say napoleon was the hero. It just doesn't add up.
Oliver Cromwell was a fucking puritan you historical illiterate
Because Napoleon is a great figure of nationalism and fighting for your freedom against invaiders which is what Israel does?
So was Hitler. Why is he not praised in Israel? Especially since Israel took many of their current policies from him
Because he systematically killed 6 gorilion jews while Napoleon didn't