i'm a fucking skinny 155lbs 6'3" mf and i wanna get swole af, i just bought one of these cause the sticky said so but i'm unclear, am i supposed to eat 155g of protein on the days that i work out, or every day?
every day seems crazy, that's like one gigantic 5lbs thing of protein every 2 weeks, i'm not made of money $100/mo on protein powder is totally nutty
Researchers have tested the effects of types and timing of protein supplement ingestion on various physical changes in weightlifters. In general, protein supplementation pre- and/or post-workout increases physical performance [31-34,38-41], training session recovery [32], lean body mass [33,38-41], muscle hypertrophy [35,38-41], and strength [31,33,38,40,41]. Specific gains, however, differ based on protein type and amounts [31-36]. For example, whey protein studies showed increases in strength [31,33], whereas, supplementation with casein did not promote increases in strength [34]. Additional research is needed on the effects of a protein and creatine supplement consumed together, as one study has shown increases in strength and LBM [33].
Studies on timing of milk consumption have indicated that fat-free milk post-workout was effective in promoting increases in lean body mass, strength, muscle hypertrophy and decreases in body fat [38-41] Milk proteins have been shown to be superior to soy proteins in promoting lean body mass [38] and muscle mass development [39]. What is interesting about the milk studies [38-41] is that not one of them provided the 3–4 g of leucine needed to promote maximal MPS (See Table Table2),2), yet they all showed improvements in LBM and strength. This raises the question of whether other components in milk could have contributed to the changes observed. Future researchers should investigate whether other properties of milk help increase LBM when leucine intake is suboptimal to provide maximal MPS. Researchers should also investigate the effects of protein supplements when participants are consuming adequate kcal.kg-1 and g.kg-1 of protein to maximize muscle hypertrophy.
Grayson Edwards
The effects of timing of ingestion of EAAs on physical changes following exercise also have been studied [47,48]. Tipton et al. [47] found that the ingestion of EAAs prior to resistance exercise was more beneficial than post-ingestion in promoting protein synthesis [47], but these results did not hold true with respect to whey protein ingestion [48]. Once a protein has been consumed by an individual, anabolism is increased for about three hours postprandial with a peak at about 45–90 minutes [14]. After about three hours postprandial, MPS drops back to baseline even though serum amino acid levels remain elevated [14]. These data show that there is a limited time window within which to induce protein synthesis before a refractory period begins. With this in mind, an ideal protein supplement after resistance exercise should contain whey protein, as this will rapidly digest and initiate MPS, and provide 3–4 g of leucine per serving, which is instrumental in promoting maximal MPS [29,30]. A combination of a fast-acting carbohydrate source such as maltodextrin or glucose should be consumed with the protein source, as leucine cannot modulate protein synthesis as effectively without the presence of insulin [27,28] and studies using protein sources with a carbohydrate source tended to increase LBM more than did a protein source alone [33,37-41]. Such a supplement would be ideal for increasing muscle protein synthesis, resulting in increased muscle hypertrophy and strength. In contrast, the consumption of essential amino acids and dextrose appears to be most effective at evoking protein synthesis prior to rather than following resistance exercise [47]. To further enhance muscle hypertrophy and strength, a resistance weight-training program of at least 10–12 weeks 3–5 d .wk-1 with compound movements for both upper and lower body exercises should be followed [31,33,35,36,38,40,41].
Owen Jackson
tldr; mix 2 scoops of protein with 400ml of milk and chug post workout
Chase Myers
At 19 I was 120lbs or so, now I'm 20 and weight 150lb at 6'0. Bulking is a big commitment with yourself, right now I'm eating 7 times a day or so. It's hard but it works. Once you start seeeing results, you're gonna be hooked, trust me. I know what it feels beeing a lanky and awkward faggot.
David Gutierrez
OP here, i'm 27 lol : /
at least i can do pull ups on 6 fingertips on doorframes cause i weigh nothing
Brayden Sullivan
Parker Morgan
to create muscle, you need creatons. However to power the creatons, you need protons.
Christopher Johnson
i was just in the hospital for a month, and then had 2 months of being not allowed to lift more than 10 lbs
i can only do 3 pullups, fucking sucks
Robert Brooks
thats 3 more than me m8
Jacob Cox
6'4" 125lbs here. Auschwitz mode.
Caleb Reyes
with bcaa's and creatine before working out?
James Turner
If you're a noob it would just been better to get mass gainers. Until you got some muscles lol
Caleb Barnes
Every day you fucking moron. What do you think your body is doing on your rest days?
Noah Walker
creatine with the whey, bcaas preworkout
Isaiah Watson
>that's like one gigantic 5lbs thing of protein every 2 weeks do u eat any food?
Protein is in food, you don't literally eat 155 grams of protein powder you mong.
Jace Johnson
what's the best bcaa?
Jackson Ross
I want to see For science
Gavin Lee
I'm 6'3 and 127lbs, and that's an improvement from before I started lifting.
Jaxon Turner
I started at 6'2 152 now I'm 183, 14 months later and 13% bodyfat
OP you only need .82g of protein per lb of bodyweight you can even get away with .6 seen in some studies