How much roids do I need to look like this Chad?
How the fuck do I become Chad!
you're born into it
About tree fiddy per week
You are born Chad. Your face structure and personality is 95% of it
>wanting to be chad
Guess that's what you have to settle for when you're not a slayer
Put in height too.
Maybe frame but i know tall chads with narrowish shoulders but they have insane face genetics, muscular athletic physiques, and thick necks
You can fake personality honestly
Faux chads are cringy
Chad is just another way of saying alpha. To be alpha you gotta be leader of your group.
All there is too it. If all the men turn to you for advice who do you think whose dick the women are gonna want to suck? The one in charge. Just like how at work the boss gets the pussy because he has power. Regardless of looks women will fuck him just because he leads the group.
What are faux chads? show pics please
fake it till you make it.
For me i dont believe on "fake".
If you fake something, well in that Moment is real, so you are.
If you act öike it (fake it) enough you will become the way you act.
So "fake it" and you will make it
Eventually you'll lie about yourself so much it will become you
>play sport
>be good at sport
>remember neck day
>don't be ugly
>chad is just another way of saying alpha
oh yeah and dont forget the other 95% that consists of extremely masculine face, height and bone structure
Can I be chad if I'm 5'9?
pua tryhards
Chad is natty
well not really...
There are Alphas that doesn't look nothing like chad.
Napoleon, Hitler, fucking Alexander the great and so on...
thats a slayer.