>study history
>become anti nationalism pan islamist
anyone else?
>study history
>become anti nationalism pan islamist
anyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
After studying history, philosophy, religion, science and economics, I've become a:
>YEC Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Freedom-loving, Fundamental, Bible-believing, Gun-owning Man made in God's image
I made a 360 because as a teen I used to be an edgy God-hating Marxist who believed in evolution and nihilism.
10/10 post.
Also no.
Now how about you two fight for our amusement? It will be like a MMA match only gayer somehow.
After studying early 20th century history I have unironically become a fascist.
What, where it caused terror and destruction in every country it was tried?
>hey let's be antinationalist
>by embracing an Arabian imperialist ideology
>OEC Christian, Conservative, Distributist, Freedom-loving, Evangelical, Bible-believing, Nogunz Man made in God's image
Get on my level.
This. It's like the (((universality))) of Christianity, believing everyone is equal while literally submitting yourself to a Jewish God.
Jews worship Satan. Have you read the Bible?
God isn't Jewish you retard.
God isn't a human, so he doesn't have a racial identity like we do.
'Jew' means descendants of Judah, one of the 12 tribes of Israel.
This post made me laugh, thanks user.
Judean means descendant of Judah. Jew means modern LARPer mutts.
I don't know how a life changing event for me made you laugh, but okay.
If studying history makes you anything other than a classic liberal, or a social-democrat, you're actually retarded.
0/10 poor bait.
if studying history doesn't make you a Christian, you're actually mentally ill
Wow, that's a good post user, keep it up.
You big fat moron
I sure have. Why?
>a fictional being invented and worshipped by the Jews who believe Hebrew was the original language and that a bunch of Jews signed a covenant with God about becoming the literal master race destined to rule over everyone else
>his divine son Jesus who also happens to be Jewish
Yes Moishe it's absolutely not Jewish!
Stopped reading.
>Worst Objection to Theism: Who Created God?
>Digital Physics Argument for God's Existence
>The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
>Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism
>The Introspective Argument
>The Teleological Argument
>What Atheists Confuse
Part 1 youtube.com
Part 2 youtube.com
>Is Atheism a Delusion?
Part 1 youtube.com
Part 2 youtube.com
>Atheists Don't Exist
Educate yourself, retard.
>i don't understand the bible or the deep truths within it
>i see everything in terms of race or skin color
back to your nazi LARPing echo chamber
>referring to Jew fanfiction
I bet you really think this is actually going to work on me.
>deep truths in the Bible
It's actually one of the most base and primitive of the ancient texts, especially compared to Greek philosophers it's really brainlet tier.
Just ignore him.
He's a typical fedora keyboard warrior.
No logic, reason or intellect. Just empty rhetoric and ad homs.
>i don't understand it therefore its bs
you're a brainlet indeed
It's funny because I used to think this as well when I was an atheist.
But then I became a Christian and realized there is so much to the KJV Bible that is beyond the understanding of man.
You can spend 30 years studying the Bible and still have something jump out at you that you've never noticed before. The Bible cannot be mastered, it's God's Word and contains eternal truth.
Is that why the Bible is the #1 best selling book in history and nobody cares about Greek texts?
God's word > man's opinions
>creation myth
>hundreds of pages of completely irrelevant genealogies and chronicles of shit that never happened
>over 600 borderline autistic yet base and idiotic rules in the spirit of "if you walk under a ladder on thursday evening you need to sacrifice exactly two oxen and five chickens to atone for your transgressions, otherwise you'll get gonorrhea"
>seething butthurt of the Major Prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah about being Babylon's bitches, literally entire pages of assblasted fantasies wishing Babylonian children get bashed against rocks and similar shit
>the only book that's even remotely philosophical, Job, deal with the question of why does God make the righteous suffer and the conclusion is basically "beause he can, lmao"
>Ezra throwing an autistic shitfit over Jews racemixing with non-Jews
>more Mary Sue shit about women like Esther
>later comes Jesus and he ensures you don't have to sacrifice chickens anymore because he sacrificed himself instead
So deep
>the truth is determined by sales
Truly a Jew mindset
Stopped reading.
So far all your posts have been trash. You need to try better.
>After failing at life I turned to ideologies that allow me to feel superior about myself without actually putting in work
I admire your honesty but why not just grow up?
>Wow, that's a good post user, keep it up.
But I don't feel superior about myself? Christians are about being humble.
>it's a myth because i say so!!!
>it never happened because i say so!!!
>reading the Bible in English
Are people actually this retarded
Ah linkflooding. The larpers way of evading arguments.
Can you explain to me why almighty God is impotent to protect his holy book and key aspects of the christian faith hinge on us not having the original texts?
>I made a 360 because as a teen I used to be an edgy God-hating Marxist who believed in evolution and nihilism.
>Get on my level
Such humble.
>not knowing the KJV was made by scholars who knew Hebrew and Greek fluently
>not knowing it took 7 diligent years and repeated proofreading
Imagine being this retarded regarding manuscripts.
>being too stupid and lazy to learn the actual language of books you believe are about eternal salvation
Only the Anglo.
You're a bitter and presumptuous person.
Not knowing the translators explicitely noted thattheorigonal languages are authorative
Being a christlarper
how about you read on church history and how the bible came about.
you sound like illiterates asking such basic questions that aren't even issues at all. it's as dumb as mudslimes saying "the bible has been corrupted" which is laughably and demonstratibly wrong.
the worst part is, i bet you think you've got a "Gotcha" moment don't you? retard
>being so oblivious to the fact God said He would preserve His Word
>thinking God cares about a specific language like the retarded Arab supremacism of the Quran
The Gospel is universal and world-wide.
The OT was written in Hebrew and Aramaic.
The NT was written in Greek.
Not bitter at all. See thisis the issuewith pretending to hold a position you know is bullshit. You'll never be able to approach the subject honestly. Like anybody honest could deny that large sections of the christian revival deus vult gang only care about christian culture and posting edgy crusade memes and are in fact repulsed by consistent christianity.
ITT: atheists yet again showcase their ineptitude and how little they know about history
At this point it's not even funny any more, just sad.
I know how the biblecame about. Unlikeyou. But what I asked is why God isn't able to protect the original texts of his holy book. Someone who lol tells others to read church history surely would know what that means
But I'm not one of those retarded Catholic LARPers.
I actually mean it when I say I believe the Bible literally and my entire worldview is based on what I said earlier:
I'm sorry it hurts your feelings to see an actual real Christian once in your life. You desperately wish we didn't exist because we are the light that shine upon your darkness.
This. Worst thing is that they pretend to be christians.
>this is your brain on deep fried semen
Do you know how many times the manuscripts were written and copied? He did perfectly fine preserving the text.
The Textus Receptus (received text) is what the King James Version is based on.
The Catholic Sinaiticus/Alexandria manuscripts might be sketchy - and the whole modern perversions that nobody reads.
The point is, the KJV is the perfect Bible in the English language that is considered the preserved and inspired Word of God.
I converted to Christianity in 2007. Your bitterness has totally consumed your ability to even interact with people.
If the KJV is good enough for Paul it's good enough for me
Looks like a b8 image
I know. But not the oroginals. We only have edits.
Erasmus himself said it's vitally important to go with the oldest manuscripts. So once again: Why was the jewish god too retarded to protect his holy book?
If you don't even know about text history why discuss it? To shine a lighton how little christlarpers care about christianity?
They're not edits, they're translations.
Do you not know how translations work?
What you read in the KJV is exactly what the originals stated. God promised to preserve His Word and He did. The KJV in English, and other languages have similar versions.
Might some cultural or meaning be lost through translation? Sure. But that's where lexicons come in. You're free to look up any English word, see what it meant in Greek or Hebrew, and take it all in. This is literally how Bible studies work.
The KJV uses the Vulgate for reference which is why bullshit translations like Lucifer (capital L even, a fucking proper name) appear in it.
>it's another "atheists barge in, thinking christians don't know anything, get surprised when faced with christians who know their shit and proceed to get completely told and embarassed" episode
Lucifer was Satan's name before he fell from heaven and became known as Satan/adversary.
>What you read in the KJV is exactly what the originals stated.
What makes you say this?
Years of studying where manuscripts came from and how the Bible was compiled..??
Start at the beginning, when the Torah was being written by Moses or his scribes around 1500 BC. End at around 1600 AD at the completion of the KJV. Proceed to laugh at all the modern perversions based on incorrect manuscripts.
>Years of studying where manuscripts came from and how the Bible was compiled..
So, again, what makes you say this, based on your years of studying manuscripts?
First of all it can't be Satan's name as the word is literally Latin and the iron age Hebrews didn't speak Latin. Second, it's a mistranslated lowercase lucifer (light bringer) in the Vulgate, which is a translation of Greek heosphoros in the Septuagint, which is a translation of Hebrew helel (literally "shining one"). Why did the KJV translators borrow the Latin word ad verbatim and even made it into an uppercase proper name I don't know, I guess they really are this stupid. Fast forward a few centuries and there's suddenly a horde of brainlets believing there is a being called "Lucifer" and even worse, thinking this refers to Satan when the passage in Isaiah LITERALLY says this is addressed to the king of Babylon and "shining one" alongside "Morning star" was a common honorific for Middle Eastern royalty if you know anything about those societies, which Anglos obviously don't.
If this is the "most perfect" English translation then I don't want to see the bad ones. We honestly shouldn't let Anglos translate any ancient texts, they're a collection of absolute retards.
>iron age
Evolutionist detected, post discarded.
OK Nigel whatever helps you cope, I'm sorry you people are too dumb to do a proper translation.
As opposed to your typical pope hat keyboard warrior? You fucking people are the worst. You have an answer then beg the question. Your logic and reason is niether of those things, and you preach being humble while you berate people as your lessers. You're egos are incapable of living in a world where you aren't the most important thing in it, so you flip the script and make it a reinforcement.
>he went from one faggotry to another
This, constitutional Christian conservatism is the final intellectual stage.
Look at capitalism, which is slowly killing the earth and the people with it.
Look at communism, which has halted human development and killed countless lives.
Positioning itself apart from these two is fascism. It doesn't make sense if you look at it's failures of the 30's and 40's. But it makes sense if you look at what the alternatives are.
>the intellectual capacity of this fucking poster
Right? Would have been more to the point if he just said "after studying history, philosophy etc., I decided it was too hard and devoted myself to religion"
Ted Cruz is a bitch. Him getting elected would have ushered in a dark age
"You're a bitter and presumptuous person," he bitterly presumed.
>capitalism and communism dont work because of their failures
>but let's ignore facism's failures