I haven't been on Veeky Forums for awhile after immigrating to /pol/. But I just wanted to post in memory of rich piano...

I haven't been on Veeky Forums for awhile after immigrating to /pol/. But I just wanted to post in memory of rich piano. The tunes he played will forever be memed into existence.

Rest in peace sweet prince

Other urls found in this thread:


you mean emigrating, brainlet


someone needs to make one with the pianoman. RIP

Nah bra I'm here on temporary visa. I'm a /pol/ack not a Veeky Forumsizen


he's doing glorious 8 hours arm workouts with gods at this very moment

>Half-Life 3 confirmed dead
>rich piana confirmed dead
>han solo is dead and star wars is being whored out cheaper than ever
Veeky Forums memes are all dead. /v/ memes are dead too.
Gone are the halcyon days of my youth playing jedi knight games and half life, gone are my college years posting about zyzz, Jeff, piano man, as I first got into lifting.
I'm posting from a gray cubicle with a Styrofoam cup of coffee.
It wasn't supposed to be like this

>after immigrating to /pol/

Please go back there

>I'm a /pol/ack

Kill yourself

>all of this hate for /pol/
Oh you poor newfriends


/pol/ peeps are usually the new friends tripfag. Your board got overrun during and after the election and now you guys can't keep your autism to yourselves at all.
I voted Trump (with plenty of reservation, but still) and I consider myself pretty right wing, but you Nazi tards can't go 5 minutes without bringing up Hitler. You're worse at integration than the refugees of peace.

Offtopic but why do unattractive people put pics of themselves on the internet? Regardless of background or political affiliation.

People accuse Veeky Forumsizens of being obsessed with looks, but they really do matter. If you are ugly and out of shape, why on earth would you put pics of yourself for the world to see? You are going to become the laughing stock of the world, an internet meme eventually.

Sorry for the rant, I just don't get how unattractive people can be so lacking in self awareness.

>making blog posts

And you're calling me a new? lmao
don't forget to kill yourself kid


Lack of awareness, lack of caring, social media culture meaning you have to be validated and documented constantly. Only reason I still have a Facebook is for fucking tinder and bumble sloots.
Only reason I have an insta is because I like to see pictures of my niece and nephew back home.
I hate social media.

>Sorry for the rant, I just don't get how unattractive people can be so lacking in self awareness.

There's actually a study that shows that less attractive people have a higher opinion of their own attractiveness, and are more likley to think that girls they interact with are into them. However the more attractive you are the reverse happens.

I'll see if I can find it

Veeky Forums was built on tripfags you autsist

I wasn't talking about him being a tripfag I was talking about him being a Nazi you dumbfuck.

>mother jones

You can actually see his stomach protruding through the flag, christ /pol/fags are disgusting little cretins


So what killed him? Was it the cocaine or the scoops?


shut up

Not an argument, they cite all their sources retard


Sing us a song Rich Piano man..... please come back and sing to us once again ;_;

Strong argument
>/pol/ isn't sending it's best


mother jones is fake news

actually that is /pol/s best

You can post on Veeky Forums all you want unless you start crying about Jews or sucking the "golden gods" small dick, keep your schizophrenic ideas to yourself and your board newfag

/pol/'s best don't feel the need to proselytize to Veeky Forums...

t. Jew

>tfw I remember him first being introduced here

..yet they're here talking about /pol/

You do realise, that all problems in US are because of the so called "liberal" jews and their influence on culture? Just look, who owns msm, music, film, sport industries. You are fucking delusional, if you think jews have nothing to do with this. Also, they are in bed with muslim brotherhood right now.

So you acknowledge that youre a shitty subpar/pol/ faggot who came here to push your shitty ideas on us.

The irony here is that /pol/ is a cesspool filled with people from Reddit and newfags. It's the same thing with /b/. Now leave you fucking faggots nobody wants you here

>user sweety, please take your meds. I'm worried

Every board on Veeky Forums is /pol/.

Follow through on the thought, and realize I'm saying that's not /pol/'s best. It's wasted effort with virtually no pay-off...autistic rambling at best.
I come here to glean a little knowledge from the experience of others that I can apply to my personal fitness. I might get baited once in a while when I see ignorance being spouted, but I really feel that a fitness board is a terrible audience for politics. So no, I'm not here to push ideas, I'm here to take them jn.

>i'm too lazy to google the names, ethnicities and connect the dots
You have to go back, Pancho!

Unironically kill yourself, newfag. You fucks are exactly like the irl migrants. I wish there had been a possibility you would've drowned in the Mediterranean.

Then shut the fuck up about politics you fucking retards. How hard is it to not hit the submit button when you type out your drivel.

Survival of the fittest, you low test faggot.

>sweety, can you please stop rambling about "the jews" and how they control everything for once?

Fuck off Ahmed. A vast majority of you don't understand this site beyond ebin maymays and shitposting.

>low test
Ebin, coming from a faggot natsoc larper.

You left leaning parasite, could you, please, stop using "uh-oh, sweety etc." tumblr terms?

>mfw you idiots don't even realize I was criticizing the /pol/ sperglord.
You're right though, this thread is getting derailed. Sorry.

I thought /pol/ didn't like immigrants

>all of /pol/ is nat-soc.
You do realise, /pol/ mostly is center-right. But leftie scum like you wouldn't know that.

Im not left leaning and never heard of someone using things like that from tumbler, but in all honestly you need to take meds bro. All this schizophrenic rambling about "muh jews" and "muh deep state is pathetic and worrying.

I thought you were the sperglord trying to justify himself by saying he only posts when "baited". But good on you for acknowledging the derail and stopping your faggotry. It's all good.
>we're all gonna make it

How would you explain all the shtting, lies on Trump, even after he got elected? And don't start with "Oh, he's incompetent etc". bullshit.

Nice strawman, you dumb motherfucker. The victim complex on you beta faggots is unreal. The only reason why people don't like you dickheads on other boards is you derail threads with your reddit garbage and when people justifiably tell you to fuck off, you get unbelievably butthurt and whine about jews/leftists. It's fucking irritating and everyone hates you for it.

Which part of "every board on Veeky Forums is /pol/" you didn't understand? Either adapt or leave. Stop whining, really.

We're all hurting bro. But we're all gonna make it

Absolute cancer.
This is what happens now that we have no fitness icons worth discussing, no good new memes, no board culture.
The vacuum will be filled with /pol/ new faggots who think every board is /pol/, and defeatist/r9k/ robots who havnt necked themselves yet.

I don't know, I don't even watch the news and stuff. I used to go to /pol/ alot 4 or 5 years ago, but after I stopped going there andI could tell you that I was happier and living better without all the fearmongering and worring. So let me ask you, how do you explain everything? And don't start the "muh jews" bullshit you underaged edgy faggot

Define term everything. Ask me a specific question and I will answer.

You're not center right. Center right doesn't say leftie scum. Center Right would align more with center left than alt-right on most subjects that aren't in connection with economics.

Okay, I meant far-left, commie scum. Better?

>why are you guys mad I'm shitting in the kitchen
>because there's a room for shitting that must mean I can shit everywhere in the house
Go back to your containment board

Neck yourself, underage dipshit. Go back to r/thedonald with the rest of your web2.0 mongoloids. You're never gonna make it.

Or just better mods. Look at /a/. They weathered the plebbit influx pretty well because anons report and mods are autistic.

No, Center right would be reasonable and doesn't project themselves in the media with way over the top cartoons. The center right and the center left both are sitting quietly looking at you fucking far right and left retard who are squealing so loud that you think you two idiots are the only two people in the room. When in reality most of us are sitting in the center trying to get you to stop going full autist.

>browsing /a/
Youre never gonna make it

Zyzz should be there to welcome him

>not lifting for your waifu
>posting on an anime imageboard while hating anime

Normalfag scum plz go

>still believing the mick's lies

Thanks brah.
My lifts are exploding and I'm going to a slip'n'slide house party with a QT this weekend. So life isn't too bleak, just the realizing the slow grind of time has destroyed so many things I enjoy.

Veeky Forums isn't an anime image board, /a/ is actually an anime image board also
>Veeky Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images.
Notice how it doesn't say "Veeky Forums is an anime image board"? Now go to /a/ and post your faggot Japanese children's cartoon images there

Do (((they))) sell steroids too?

Veeky Forums was an imageboard modeled after 2ch and has always been primarily anime themed, you underage newfag. The other boards were created for people who like anime and also like other things. Go look at the original images of Veeky Forums. Though you probably won't because you're an entitled plebbit refugee that doesn't understand the culture of this website. Fucking drown yourself, cunt.

>/pol/newfriends think they're not new because they've been here for a year
Fuck off you nazi faggots, you set back conservativism 20 years by electing your spray tanned alzheimer's patient. Go to your own board.

Let me guess you're "least oldfag xDD" what a fucking joke you are lmao


Thread theme

Somebody is trggiered.Libtard Loser

>using the word triggered when you browse /pol/
underage go back to your containment board, look out for niggers on the way back they might steal the women you never had

>calling somebody who complained about conservativism a libtard
Is browsing /pol/ a sign of mental deficiency? Maybe they should take over, then they'd literally have to gas themselves.

>Is browsing /pol/ a sign of mental deficiency?
For sure.

>not making him wider than the gates
you had one job

There's a term for mental disorder,it's called Liberalism

Already made it, faggot. I bet I could beat you at every lift.
>The center right and the center left both are sitting quietly
Because that worked so fucking great before, right? Spineless faggots like you is what led us in this mess!
>Be calm, goys, just trust us, goys! Everything is all right, goys!
No, fuck you.

I think Kali Muscle will be next.

>Already made it, faggot. I bet I could beat you at every lift.
>doesn't post dyel body and stats
Wew lad. That's just sad when u gotta lie on an anonymous image board

>trump posting
>calling somebody else mentally deficient
Go back to your containment board snowflake, before somebody hurts your feefees.

no it wasnt you fuckin sperg

t. guy wasting his life here since before Veeky Forums was even a board

Fit is no placed for low Test individual you absolutely titanic faggot

> reeeeee someone said nigger


>le jews are the reason why im a loser

You are confusing me with SJW's lol

I doubt you could even define 'liberal' from the top of your head



Lifting is inherently fascist

And yet you both seek out places that have no relation to identity politics, and continuously turn the topic to that and
If people tell you to shut up and stay on topic
>white able bodied protagonists are the fucking devil and you're a bad person for enjoying them
>we just want to discuss videogames
>reeeeeeeeee bigots
>eurpean racewar soon, don't fall for Jewish tricks, Trump MAGA
>we just want to talk about muscles
>reeeeeeee nigger liberal lefty

stick to the designated piano shitting thread, shelby


wow /pol/tards have mentally regressed to the point that they are just 60 years old with dementia posting on facebook

Holy fucking hell this post has hit me like you wouldn't believe, from the boring cubicle job right down to Jedi fucking Knight