Have gyno

>have gyno
>put sellotape on nipples
>suddenly look 10x more aesthetic in tshirts

I found the solution for us poorfags that can't afford surgery!

I have puffy nipples and I have to tape them too when wearing a couple of my tshirts.

pubertal gyno-fag reporting in

summer approaching.. will try

What do you fags do when a girl puts her hand under your shirt to feel your body?

>touching me ever
lmao fag

explain the technique please

It's not that complicated. Just get a small piece of tape that just about covers your nipple and put it on. Also I only do it when I'm wearing a plain tshirt. I've heard that if you do it too often it can cause your skin to scar.


I have done this, but the tape just conforms to the shape of my puffy nips

Literally just wear a tank top under your shirt. Hides the gyno and you can take off your shirt to prove you made some gains

How do you even get gyno you fatties
>I had slight gyno after my last cycle and 2 weeks of letro + 2 weeks of nolvadex cleared it up


By having shitty genetics. I've had it since puberty when I was around 140lbs or less.

isnt there like legit shit that girls with small boobs use to cover their nipples? i believe its far more gentle than tape, try checking it out

It's killed a bra.

How do you tell if you have gyno

Makes me laugh the way 90% of Veeky Forums thinks they have gyno

Most of you fuckers are just fat and have rounded shoulders

Feel around your nipple for a hard lump underneath.

For most people its just fat, I've noticed a lot of people can't make a difference between gyno and just tits fat


>For most people its just fat, I've noticed a lot of people can't make a difference between gyno and just tits fat
it is true though that you will have some degree of gyno if youre fat

but itll probally go away once youre lean. If youre lean and you have pufyf nips then yeah its def gyno

>get prescribed Prednisone for a chest infection
>body has bad reaction
>gain 40lbs in 3 months
>docs think I have Cushing's syndrome for a while
>eventually figure out it was the medication
>lose the weight over the next 4 months
>still have the fucking tits though and can't seem to fix it
why is life suffering

could that work for someone who has naturally had gyno since puberty?

how hard of a lump we talking

Pretty hard. You should be able to differentiate it from fat. If it's there you'll feel it. Otherwise it's probably just fat.

>2 weeks of nolvadex cleared it up
is that permanent

Phew thanks m8 I think mine is just fat and water nothing really hard in there

Pretty much yeah, if you get lean and there's still something soft there then it is gyno.

that pic
>not gyno bro just fat

sadly no. it sucks

I can actually lactate, being a man. It's not a considerable amount, but I can squeeze the nipple and little beads of liquid come out of it. Is this normal, my friends


he doesn't get ride of his nips permanently

>not doing whatever it takes

>not wearing a bra

What the actual fuck?

Aussie detected.