>rich piana dead
>hl3 dead
>oneitis got a spic bf
What's keeping you alive brehs? Cuz I got nothing
>rich piana dead
>hl3 dead
>oneitis got a spic bf
What's keeping you alive brehs? Cuz I got nothing
Other urls found in this thread:
Hang in there, buddy
looks like being Veeky Forums is unhealthy after all.
>Half-Life 3 confirmed dead
>rich piana confirmed dead
>han solo is dead and star wars is being whored out cheaper than ever
Veeky Forums memes are all dead. /v/ memes are dead too.
Gone are the halcyon days of my youth playing jedi knight games and half life, gone are my college years posting about zyzz, Jeff, piano man, as I first got into lifting.
I'm posting from a gray cubicle with a Styrofoam cup of coffee.
It wasn't supposed to be like this
>Half-Life 3 confirmed dead
Go to /v/, it's stickied.
The head writer posted a full synopsis of the plot as it was when he left the company, confirmed death.
All the original writers are gone now and it's not been worked on in almost a decade.
>hl3 dead
We still have Agent
>zyzz dead
>zyzz dead
>Rich dead
>Scooby not around anymore
>Veeky Forums is generally shit now
I want to go back
What's left for/fit/?
Does sir make comics for us still? The only memes I see now are
>walk into the gym *DES-PA-CITO
Pale imitations of Veeky Forums humor derived from nig Twitter and/tv/
>What's left for/fit/?
The age of the Zyzz`s and Piana's is now over, we are moving into a new phase, a phase with meaning, a phase of nationalistic endeavours and for the survival of Europa
Fuck you, no. You're part of the problem. Veeky Forums is not /pol/. Keep your board to your board goddamnmit.
stop being this edgy, honor your heritage. all people are identitarian deep down
>fedora tipping nationalist calling someone else edgy
I know you just got here from r/thedonald but Veeky Forums isn't all /pol/. I don't come here to be listen to your maximum edge identity politics, I come here to talk about muscles and feels relating to muscles.
Get the fuck out
haha lefty scum, you will be the first to have their throat sliced
Haven't been here in more years than most of you guys have probably been browsing this board.
Whatever happened to TinyTrip?
>why are you guys mad I'm shitting in the kitchen
>because there's a room for shitting that must mean I can shit everywhere
Go back to your containment board
nothing thats why im leaving humanity behind and making it.
i really like this analogy
Apathy mostly
Thanks. I'm sick of/fit/ being overrun by autists from /pol/ and /r9k/
plot seemed pretty shitty anyway desu
All of Veeky Forums is pol. Go back to where you came
whats wrong with identitarianism, in-group vs out-group is an actual thing and the weat need more of it in the west so stop straw-manning that i only blame literally everything on "niggers" or "kikes"
*more of it in the west
To carry on their torch from where they dropped it. To spread their legacy wherever i lift. To become the 5%, the sickest cunt, the natty lord. I do it for Veeky Forums.
Wut really? He ded? Who killed him?
I have no idea at this moment. I'm bipolar and became "depressed" again 2 weeks ago while everything was going "fine". Except it's different this time, I dont feel sad or frustrated, I just have no energy, drive and feel empty.
Normally I bawl my eyes out and feel like shit. Now I dont even feel scared/unhappy when thinking about suicide.
I think because last few times I was frustrated that I felt that way but stillhad the will to live, that will is nowhere to be found atm. I legit bought a rope earlier today.
As it stands i dont feel happy or sad i just feel nothing. I guess im hanging on to the hope that ill feel happy one today. Also i dont think i have the balls to kill myself.
Dont do it user
But if you kill yourself you won't make it, and we are all going to make it.
your oneitis is getting BEANED by Carlos
>anons telling me do it
>anons telling me don't
I'm just going to flip a coin.
Then see a doctor. Chemical imbalances can make people want to kill themselves. Not really sure what causes it, but if you can't stop thinking about that you need to get some medicine or something. And get a new hobby. Listen to new misic. Life gets shitty for everyone from time to time. That's why we shitpost here.
kill yourself you fucking faggot
Both of us are telling you not to user. Don't abandon us
Do it. If youre willing to give it all up without anything even happening, because m-muh bad feels then fuck off because you dont deserve to live.
>What's keeping you alive brehs?
4 scoops a day.
I agree to an extent. I detest identity politics but if it gets to a boiling point and we can't real others in from joining, I see no problem falling back to white identitarianism as an emergency measure.
my crypto gains
only reason I keep coming back is because I remember when this place wasn't filled with 17 year old loons.
It'll pass bros, it always does.
honestly, I'm just waiting for some huge scale disaster hoping I'll be able to see the collapse
He died because of coke, not roids.
There was cockroach user a couple weeks ago, that was pretty funny, but yeah, this board is pretty shit desu.
Get a Latina gf
They're better than white women
This marks the age of Reddit
Nonwhite here
I'll beat you up numale
Daily reminder that we're losing.