Traps and back muscles growing more than all the rest even though I work them less

>traps and back muscles growing more than all the rest even though I work them less
>no biceps gains despite doing concentration curls
>only triceps gains

How to stop?
I don't want to be Bronson mode.

Same boat. my bi's are so bad, I can barely do 10 chin ups, while can do 15+ pull ups.


I prefer endomorphs, thank you very much

do chinups really slow like 10 seconds for each one, worked for me to improve them

answer me honestly, when you train do you feel like you're in control of the weight?
because if you're not in control, it will be the back and traps which do the lifting instead of the biceps

Do more hard sets on whatever you want to grow. This shit isn't complicated man.

fools don't know how to train the ups.

Do static holds for 10 seconds at three different points in the chinup. Once at the top, once at 60 degrees, once at 30 degrees, then go back to the top and repeat as many times as you can. do 5 sets of this and within 3 sessions or so you'll see some solid improvements, no lie.

check out if you care about other gymnastic feats of strength.

then do more chinups holy shit are people this stupid

thanks bros

bro, last 4 months i've had roms in my bi's every single back and bi's day, things jus don't grow.

>every single back and bi's day,
theres your problem

Do biceps on the same day as other pulls. Start with heavy low rep standing barbell curls. Do your other pulls like rows and pull ups/pulldowns/whatever with biceps in mind. End with a high rep isolation curl like preachers or hammer curls or what have you. Hit them like this at least twice a week. Train the rest of your body in a similar way to achieve a state of constant growth. Eat well and sleep.

>pic related


Mah nigga

>bicep isolations
>but only getting back gains

you're recruiting your back to do bicep curls dumbass. unfuck your form

same shit here biceps won't fucking grow but back especially lats are growing too much even if i'm almost not working them.
I think it is because i have fucking short biceps insertion.
Kill me


you can hit back and bis 3 times a week wuts your problem just divide the total amount of things you do over 3 days all the old school bodybuilders did that anyway

You're the same as me. Traps blowing up by doing nothing, bi's suck balls.

"every single back and bi's day"
that doesn't say that I do back and bi's every day.
it says that every day WHEN i do back and bi's, I get roms

ok how often then

also the fk are roms

bet he meant doms