>study history
>become Greco-Roman nationalist
Study history
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What the fuck is a Greco-Roman nationalist?
t. American
>study Rome for a decade
>go to Rome
>it's covered in graffiti
>go online to discover why a capital city is almost completely defaced
>told it's Italian culture
Gypsies and other immigrants will never be Italian no matter how much they scream.
You do realize that even when Rome was alive and kicking that it was commonplace to graffiti all over the town? Hell Pompeii had graffiti everywhere and that was an upper class getaway/resort.
Romans liked graffiti though
I read something about there being social/political commentary on the wall and some funny/sexual comments, whcih doesn't seem the same as the graffiti that's there now, which is run of the mill tagging like someone just writing a pseudonym without anything else. kinda hard to see what value it has
>muh toga marble statue corinthian helmet gladius populist tyranny
Why? There was very little concept of nationhood in Ancient Greece, and the Romane Empire was multiethnic as fuck.
They also tagged. There is a wall in Pompeii where you can see where kids carved their names into it. It's not new. And who said that graffiti ever had to have value?
Shhhhhhhh let the American dream...
You probably think Cincinnatus was cool.
That was good grafitti though :^)
Graffiti time!
>multiethnic as fuck
>wow, check out all these European and North African Caucasians
Stop pushing an obvious leftist lie, Mary Beard.
Alright. But it seems as though the ones that have a message or meaning have value and the ones that are just someone's name don't. And 99% of the ones in Rome today are just a word or a name. There's very little meaning except the occasional anarchist or communist symbol.
See, . There has never been a larger meaning beyond what someone wanted to get off their chest. They have always been like this. But this is stupid since we don't even know who made the ones there today.
What are you on about, most of the ancient tags are "such and such was here at such time" or some bullshit like that.
I just realized that I cucked your post with . I'm sorry user...
>I don’t know what multiethnic means
>study history
>love roman history
>finally save up money and visit Rome
>it's a shithole
Oh how low have the mighty fallen
Most of it was always a shit hole anyway
This, something tells me that if you had gone there in 100 CE you wouldn’t be impressed by people dying of leopracy in alleyways, the massive amounts of graffiti depicting a senator sucking a dick, or the fact that most of the city probably smelled like shit.
>mixing Greeks with Romans
Fuck off
>I'm a nationalist
>I use weasel words in an effort to propagate my agenda
You think ancient Rome was all marble palaces, gardens and handsome underwear models in togas or something? Come on, user.
>nationalist to a feudal system that gives to shits about nationalism
>Anons ITT disparaging another user's head fantasizes.
>laughing at someones rationalisation of their genetic interest
the absolute state of people who reject conflict theory and evolutionary psychologist
>Genetic interest
Unless you're a fucking tribesman in the Amazons nationalism has nothing to do with your genetic interests
>brainlets falling for the nation meme
people who live outisde the amazonas still have genes you fucking imp
and they have a genetic interest to ahve these genes continued. That's evolution
>have a "genetic interest"
>refuses to aknowledge that every human being outside of China is a mutt of one sort or another
>Study history
>Become apolitical
what history was there to study?