Would a lord really keep his hair like this?
Would a lord really keep his hair like this?
Don't know. Also that guy's name was Racek Kobyla which literally means Seagull Mare in Czech. What a retarded fucking name.
I like the name.
What's your name? John? Hahahahahahaha like the toilet???? Hhahahahahahahhahahahahah
>mfw I voluntarily chose that name.
It was that or Thomas.
Dude wat
Men in the middle ages were a silly bunch
>radzig’s men have like 3 different arms
>Hanush has like 6
>grass going down the middle of the road
I love being Capon’s cocksleeve but could we please be realistic
>when the quest for proofs makes you become a yorkist
What're you talking about? Is grass in the middle of a road weird somehow?
Depends on the Lord
>not bringing your waifu into battle with you
you're the silly one
Man these guys look so fucking cool it literally hurts to live in the 21st century i want to be a dirty fucking peasant that watches knights fuck eachother up in jousting tournaments and smash each others heads with maces and swords and flails
Cars leave grass in the middle of a road
Horses, feet and horses and carts do not
>tfw modern times us peasants have to watch other peasants beat each other up while Jews behind the curtain get rich off it all
Honestly, I imagine a noble who was quite active to have a more sustainable hairstyle like pictured, although it may have been a bit embarassing to be more like the serfs than noblemen.
Well no not exactly. You can see the ruts from parts of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails still. Pic related shows this. I mean, obviously this is from a century of growth and erosion as well, but my point is that there were obviously well established ruts. One horse would perhaps stomp the middle but a team of two or more would be side by side. It's not difficult to believe at all that there would be some grass down the middle of the road in the larger high traffic roads. The smaller roads don't have this, and obviously niether do the foot paths
Comparing modern trails for large carriages and wagons to trails for medieval carts, peasants and general traffic is ridiculous
Where can I get a red-pilled haircut like that
It actually looks really nice.
I may wear it with the moustache and all.
Fucking doghelmet chads
Not really. If you think about it they aren't that different. And at any rate your assumption that only cars leave ruts is just straight up wrong anyway. You're just being pedantic and can't possibly know cart roads wouldn't have looked like that in the 1400's. They even made the roads look different based on traffic
If you're on campaign, yes.
Long hair is a pain in the ass if you're frequently wearing a helmet.
>sword cutting through helmet
Here is a 12th century road that fell out of use centuries before the first auto. The most advanced transport it's seen is a horse drawn cart
thomas chooser here
you fucked up
>horse drawn carts leave double tracks
>the tracks are still visible after decades
>tfw the Irish started this stupid trend
Mindlessly believing a dancing instructor with a YouTube channel is ridiculous too.
Stop believing lindybeige
>ywn swan knight getting noble pussy
So what is the horse going to do when going fast not kick up grass?
Majority of people in this game are small fries who can’t afford two
Bumping for alpha male hairstyle
Centuries actually, and ya they are if they're deep enough. Idk what to tell you, there are myriad examples of this
O holy shit this is a lindybiege thing? Now I know it's extra retarded
The lords were all long haired, only the serfs and the slaves were short haired.
This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that Germanic ruling-class is of Semitic origin, Semitic nobles were all long haired as opposed to their bald/short haired Sumerian slaves.
g a l l o m o r o c c a n
Hey wanna explain why the logic of a horse kicking up grass is flawed rather than posting memes
By "Germanic ruling-class", i mean the Indo-Germanic ruling-class.
Want to post actual real world evidence rather than regurgitating the shitty opinions of a notorious shit poster? Seriously have none of you gone outside?
1. Look up any trail or road dedicated to horses
2. Go outside and walk along a trail
3. Don't assume that dead trails are representative of live trails
4. Use your brain
5. Get less stupid
Yes, where the horses go you have a mud track, where it’s obvious the cars go there’s a patch down the middle, or do people now go fishing with their horse?
You're proving my point doofus
Same with you, even. You said patches down the middle are the exclusive results of autos. I said nope that's categorically false, and in the game they even modeled the roads according to use i.e. horse trails are about 2 shoulders wide and evenly muddy, foot trails are narrow furrows, cart trails are wide with two furrows or ruts side by side, at times with uneven widths. I've hiked literally hundreds of miles on old wagon trails, medieval roads and such. I've even provided pictures of these places even. All you've done is say "NUH UH", so reply with something substantial or not at all
1. Existing horse trails don't have grass = horses walking removes grass
2. Dead trails have grass in the centre because, while cart wheels compact and utterly kill any grass, horses tend to not be as damaging. This means over time the grass will regrow.
3. Active horse and cart trails don't have grass in the center
John here
I didn't get to choose
Okay. Back on topic:
How do I get this haircut?
Do I just shave everything below a certain point like a bowl cut?
>How do I get this haircut?
judging by his face you'll need to inbreed for a really long time
>Czechs were inbred
They assimilated more races than any other
So we agree it should be just mud
>my personal experience is better than yours