The Spanish called him El Draque, 'The Dragon', but how much damage did he really do to the Spanish Empire?
Francis Drake
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Draque doesnt mean dragon faggot, is just how you pronunce drake in spanish
You're right
He was also called 'draco' which is latin for 'the dragon'
His robbery of a Spanish treasure fleet may have had some economic repercussions on the Spanish but if anything it aided them as from there on, the Spanish would use protection for their treasure ships. Drake also took part in the fight against the Spanish Armada and helped in their defeat
Barely did anything. Is more of an English emblem than anything as Drake usually got BTFO by the Spanish navy specially during the English armada. Only the Dutch questioned Spanish naval supremacy at the time
Dude got embarrassed by Spanish arms on a number of ocassions. Typical English overhype
Pretty sure the Spanish called him "Pirata."
the real damage was when english pirates started trading goods instead of looting
>Drake's exploits made him a hero to the English, but his privateering led the Spanish to brand him a pirate, known to them as El Draque.[7] King Philip II allegedly offered a reward for his capture or death of 20,000 ducats,[8] about £6 million (US$8 million) in modern currency
Francis Drake was the second richest pirate to ever live and successfully circumnavigated the globe. He launched countless raids against Spanish merchant vessels going from poor farmer's son to one of the richest men in the country.
In one plunder from peru he struck at the heart of the empire and made enough money to pay of the Queen's entire debt. He claimed California for England.
He was such a threat to the Spanish empire that Philip declared war on England tried to invade no fewer than 5 failed attempts. Francis Drake aided in the destruction of the Spanish Armada which, along with the dutch revolt and other privateers, lead to the decline of the Spanish empire.
If you were a Spanish merchant you would've learned to fear the name 'Francis Drake'.
His successes in plundering the Spanish encouraged new waves of privateering that would pose a serious economic threat to Spain.
Why is there such a meme in entertainment about his descendents, especially in like video games and movies
I don't think he gave birth to real life Dragons user
That's literally nothing othing compared to damage dealt by Dutch revolt, Dutch privateers, and Spanish attempts to subdue them. Invasion of England was in major part attempted because of support for Dutch.
Seriously, this is purely English nationalist fantasy.
English didn't really defeat Armada, Battle of Gravelines was inconclusive, Dutch blockade prevented them from picking up the troops, and they retreated, and then weather fucked them up.
English tried their own ''armada'' a year later and got BTFO too. Spanish launched two more expeditions which too got fucked up by weather.
English-Spanish conflict, compared to their war with France and the Dutch, was pretty fucking irrelevant.
Is this bait?
Francis Drake alone did more damage to Spain than all dutch privateers alone if you count the destruction of multiple armadas.
While it's true that unlike France and the Netherlands, England never formally declared war on Spain, so many attacks were launched by English privateers that it was just as destructive as war
>Francis Drake alone did more damage to Spain than all dutch privateers alone if you count the destruction of multiple armadas.
>one privateer did more damage to Spanish Empire than 8 decades of extremely expensive global war
This is your brain on nationalism.
>Francis Drake alone did more damage to Spain than all dutch privateers alone if you count the destruction of multiple armadas.
This is pure delusion.Spain trashed the english in the first 2 anglo spanish wars.The Dutch managed to still a treasure fleet unlike Drake.Literally only the English believe that they weren't irrelevant in that period
Also, what ''destruction of multiple armadas''?
There were 3 major Spanish expeditions, and all three were fucked up by weather primarily, not by English navy, let alone Francis Drake.
t. i believe propaganda that is 500 years old
The English budget was medieval during Elisabeth's reign.There were principalities of the HRE with a higher revenue than the English crown so paying all the debt of England was a drop in the ocean for the king of Spain that controlled.Spain declared war on England because they were messing in the Dutch revolt.
England lost the two first anglo-spanish wars in an embarassing maner.
Only Britbongs believe that Drake meant anything in the large scale of things
The funny thing is that Spain fucked England in the second anglo-spanish war after the suppose lose of their hegemony done by Drake.Britbong version of history is hilarious because it is so detachted from reality that sometimes you don't know if they are serious or baiting
Drake is literally the second highest earning pirate in history on a top 10 list dominated by bongs.
Philip had a bounty of 20,000 ducats on his head ($8 million)
>The English budget was medieval during Elisabeth's reign.
English GDP in 1600: 6007 (millions in US dollars
Spanish GDP in 1600: 7029
And spain had more than twice the population
Source: Wikipedia
If you are talking about this article his fortune is literal peanuts. To put it into perspective the Marquis of Medina Sidonia had an annual revenue of 200,000 ducats a year. A single ducat would be worth around 400,00 current USD. Drake's entire fortune would be worth around 287,5 ducats which would be worth what a small noble family in France would earn anually
Yet i was told that dutch privateers were more successful
>Francis Drake
He was french
How will ze English recover¿
Because they were
Despite the forbes list?
source:Anglo,beady eyes,saxon
Here you have a legit source.England's budget was medieval in the 1600 century.The city of Seville alone had a comparable GDP as England with over 30,000 people working in the texitle industry.
Page won't display, also Wikipedia is a legitimate source
Don't worry here you have the page. England had a smaller budget than Venice or Naples in 1600
No it works now i can see.
Yeah, it's true that the monarchs had low incomes but that is because English monarchs had a lot less power because of things such as the baron wars and weren't absolutists like on the continent. Parliament routinely refused to pay the monarchs.
England was still very prosperous in the Elizabethan age overall the country was nearly as wealthy as Spain
>Yeah, it's true that the monarchs had low incomes but that is because English monarchs had a lot less power because of things such as the baron wars and weren't absolutists like on the continent. Parliament routinely refused to pay the monarchs.
>England was still very prosperous in the Elizabethan age overall the country was nearly as wealthy as Spain
No it wasn't. Spanish Dukes were more powerful than any monarch in the British isles. England barely had a manufacturing sector and they were forced to put weird restrictions to boost English manufacturing like using wool in funerals and baning foreign cloths. England was as much of a player on European politics as the Palatinate or Mantua
So how do you explain the comparable GDPs or the fact that the Elizabethan age is literally hailed as the golden age of England?
I never said England was influential in Europe, they're too far removed from the continent to be as such.
>ITT: ass ravaged piracy victims
Stay mad continental landlubbers.
In the book it says Henry VII was worth 6 million ducats, the richest monarch since Rome, what the fuck? Where did he get that fucking money?
You couldn't make that if you sold the very island itself
>So how do you explain the comparable GDPs
You made that up. A laborer in Spain made more money than in England and the hispanic monarchy had 24 million souls. Your figure is pure memery.
>the fact that the Elizabethan age is literally hailed as the golden age of England?
Propaganda. England was a backwater country and if you compare the art,architecture or budgets of England against any continental country is pretty obvious. England wouldn't start to become a player in European politics until the end of the XVII century. Before that the king of England was as powerful as the duke of Baviera or the Bishop of Liege
>who is William Shakespeare
Also i didn't make it up
>In the book it says Henry VII was worth 6 million ducats, the richest monarch since Rome, what the fuck? Where did he get that fucking money?
>You couldn't make that if you sold the very island itself
Probably saving. He didn't go into many wars and if he saved those 350,000£ for all of his reign you can get a lot of momey specially as inflation wasn't that big during his reign
The golden age of latin American literature came when the continent was at it's shitest. Good literature can be produced with little money. Buying paintings or building palaces is another entirely different matter. I mean there is a reason why English cities and towns barely have any palace from that period while Spain or France have one in every village
There are quite alot of architectural marvels from the period
>El Draque
The Looserque
Also, you say good literature, but Shakespeare is another league.
He is literally the most famous writer by far in history
1st best selling author alongside Agatha Christie
>losing 1 armada vs losing 5
Do you want to compare it with Spain or France's palaces or paintings? This painting of Charles the V is older than the crappy portrait of Elisabeth that appears in that article. It is like bringing an Ethiopian crappy castle and comparing it with Versailles. English renaissance is more revisionism than factual
>Shakespeare is another league.
>He is literally the most famous writer by far in history
Because English became the lingua franca in the age of globalization. Sheakespeare was not considering better than other play writers until the victorian propaganda machine started running.
Forgot pic
You must understand that variety in taste has a larger impact on the products of art and architecture
Personally i believe Elizabethan architecture can contend with that of the continent
If it's not lavish enough for your tastes try this
Furthermore whitehall easily competed and overshadowed versailles. At the time it was the largest palace in Europe
>When you go turbo anglo
Unfortunately it had burned down in 1698 but had 1500 rooms and was the largest in Europe (according to Wikipedia)
>how much damage did he really do to the Spanish Empire?
Almost nothing, England was a second-tier nation till the War of the Spanish Succession , what killed the Spanish Empire was the rise of France and the inbreed Austrias, >I'll marry my cousin what could go wrong lol
>he thinks the battle of Gravelines was between the Spanish and the weather
OP here. I was kind of hoping for numerical data, as in how much did his privateering cost spain
>for numerical data
Well, Spain started to lose weight in Europe after Rocroi, and they still keep their Empire 150 years more, one of the few things that they did "well" was to put a Bourbon in Madrid after Charles II, so they can keep France as ally instead of lose all, smuggling, pirates and all that crap is just like say El Chapo is a threat for the US government
Apparently there was a technological disparity between Enlish ships and Spanish ships, with Spanish ships being technologically inferior and with Spanish invasion strategy being too complex.
So alot of English victories against the Spanish could be put down to technology and not tactical brilliance
Well the US didn't declare war on Mexico for El Chapo
Mexico isn't "officially" supporting El Chapo
Understand that the spanish treasure fleet was heavily defended and only 1 time was captured (by the dutch) and 1 destroyed (by the english) in more than 250 years.
>hoping for numerical data
Drake delayed 1 year the plans of invasion UK by Spain, the war started because the execution of Mary Stuart
As in the queen of Scots?
Why did Spain care?
The execution of Mary I of Scotland in February 1587 outraged the Catholics of continental Europe. His claim to the throne was inherited by Philip, who was a widower of Mary I of England. In July of the same year, Philip received permission from Pope Sixtus V to depose Elizabeth, who had already been excommunicated by Pius V. in 1570.
Did Philip have a legitimate claim to the throne of England over Elizabeth?
Sure, that's why they went there ...
He was married with Mary I
Sorry lad, is lunchtime here and have no time to continue shitposting
Why did he marry Mary?
Why do you ask so many obvious questions?
Why would any king marry the queen of another country?
This board is just to shitpost about the WWII, that's the most weird thread of the year
*blocks your path*
Is she Spain's equivalent of Drake?
No, she led the defense of Coruna against the Counter Armada after the death of her husband
>Managing to keep your Armada in fighting shape 5 times vs fucking up so bad it collapses your economy after one try.
Drake tried to take a minor city in Galicia (A Coruña) with his Armada and was BTFO by a mob of peasants led by a widow. She is remembered today as a local hero.
To be fair it was 1 of 2 defeats in Drake's mostly successful career
It wasn't a defeat, it was a fucking humiliation, and mainly because of Drake's incompetence in managing such an operation. He acted against direct orders, refused to help in the invasion of Portugal and tried to attack Coruña only because it was easier than the actual objective. I don't even know how could such a moron be a national hero
He got lucky. That's all there is to it really. Spanish bureaucracy kept Spain them from seizing the opportunity when they could have crushed him.
How would they crush them?
I don't think that. But you think that Spanish fleet was destroyed in the Battle of Gravelines, when in reality it was an inconclusive battle, and Spanish fleet was later wrecked while retreating, because of the weather.
Spain lost around 35 vessels out of 130, and only 5 of them were lost in the battle. It was hardly a wreck, specially compared to the 70 ships the English lost during their counterattack.
What was the goal of the counterattack?
It seemed like Elizabeth was getting cocky.
Curiously enough however, the English ships were technologically superior to the Spanish ships but numerically inferior
English ships had better canons but Spanish ships were heavier and better built.In fact the English fleet could barely sunk 1 single Spanish vessel in any confrontation.
Elisabeth was hoping for a rebellion in Portugal and capturing a treasure fleet.She was just a shit queen overall and failed at everything
There was three goals of the expedition:
-The crushing of the Spanish Armada, which was in Santander under repairments (Drake disobeys orders and goes to Coruña, an easier prey, gets beaten anyway)
-To start a rebellion in Portugal and to place their claimant, Antonio de Crato, on the portuguese throne (utter failure, english privateering managed to alienate the population against their former ally. Also, they forgot to carry siege equipment to take Lisboa)
-To take the Azores and gain a base in the Atlantic (Drake's troops were in a very bad shape due to the losses and the sickness. Also, their incursions already put Spanish authorities in alert.)
One of the main reasons this was a failure was Drake and his complete incompetence and lack of discipline.
She's actually pretty popular here for making England stronk and all the great things that came out of the age.
Best English monarchs however:
1) King Arthur (debatable historicity, but notable figure)
2) Alfred The Great
3) Henry V
4) Aethelstan
5) Edward the Confessor
In 1573, the ship 'Dreadnought' was built which, at the time, was the most powerful ship in the world. It was a 41 gun galleon that didn't have the high fore seen in other galleons at the time and was thus not only the best armed, but also the fastest.
The 1906 HMS Dreadnought took its name as it was also a technological revolution that blew the competition out of the water
That doesn't look like a moor
>you had number advantage so it doesn't count!!!
Yet bongs brag about Waterloo all the time...
Britain was outnumbered at Waterloo
If you don't count the Dutch,Belgian and prussian troops then yeah.British troops were residual at waterloo
So it was a victory against the odds
>So it was a victory against the odds
No it was a victory of a coallition that outnumbered the French.British troops were a small part of that army