Tfw you are the guy who OHP on the squat rack
Yeh. None of the curlbros at my gym use the squat rack. Feels good.
asbsolutely evil
uhm, is it not the place to ohp? enlighten me
>tfw you are the guy who calf raises on the squat rack
>That guy that does pullups at the squat rack
>tfw you have been out of DYEL status for over a year
>you could OHP on a bench if you wanted to because casuals assume you are on steroids and will not confront you
I dont get this. I have my own power rack at home and I still don't ohp in it. I clean it from the floor.
>235lbs fat as fatass doing 1pl8 5x5
>that guy that does 5x5 deadlifts, 5x5 OHP, 5x5 Calf raises, and 5x5 pull ups, with 5 minutes rest between sets at the squat rack
>mfw there's only one squat rack at my tiny gym
>wasting energy doing an unrelated lift before your actual set
enjoy your nogainz
t. fat powerlifter with no explosive energy
t. faggot olylifter with zero shoulder strength
>be me
>going to do squats
>some DYEL bitchfag is OHP'ing in the squat rack
>go up to kid
>"excuse me do you know what this is?"
>he responds, "it's the squat rack but it can also be used for OHP"
>"yeah well, your ass can also be used to pleasure my cock, but you wouldn't like that, hmm?"
>the end
>>"yeah well, your ass can also be used to pleasure my cock, but you wouldn't like that, hmm?"
>I actually would, please pound me while I OHP, ok babe?
>tfw the top pegs on the rack are too high but the second pegs are too low
>Then everyone is the gym clapped and the qt shy nerdy girl at the front desk started licking my asshole
i did these today... but noone was using it and you can always ask to work in, pullups take no setup so its ez
>olympic weightlifters
>no shoulder strength
Am I being meme'd?
>dipped my squat plug in chalk
Not that user, but I'm pretty sure oly lifters dont clean the weight for their shoulder training. Seems like an inefficient use of energy
I started doing OHP in the squat rack because nobody else uses it much. Though today a manlet left the bar on the lowest rack spot, that shit pissed me off because I didn't notice and already loaded the bar.
>gym has 3 squat racks
>who cares if i OHP here theres 2 others to squat in
>2 other beta orbiters follow suit and OHP in empty squat racks
iktf, only i'm a manlet so it's not the top ones
but the two closest ones are either too low or i have to tippy toe it (which is bad for knees and still otherwise dangerous)
>Tfw u do The Press in the locker room
can confirm, waste of time and energy
>only one gym in my rural town
>90% free weights, machines and cardio shit
>back corner has all kinds of lifting shit shoved into it
>spend all my time back there all alone like some kind of weightlifting cave troll
It's pretty nice desu.
same, a separate little room with a squat rack, barbell and plates.
I do everything from squats to ohp to chins in that rack. I come there and live in my cozy little gain cave for an hour and a half and leave without anyone having bothered me. heaven.
>tfw the only gym in town has only one power rack placed away from the machines and cardio equipment
>got to keep it all for myself
>people occasionally wander to my territory to check the faint grunting noises that they hear from time to time
I hope they all would join me. It gets a little lonely sometime.
>do upper/lower
>program one upper day so you do all exercises on one bench
>program one lower day so you do all exercises in the squat rack
>great intensity
>not running around from equipment to equipment
>not wasting time in the gym
sue me
You can get into a better position when taking the bar out of a rack. Plus, it wastes less energy and allows you to focus on what you actually want to focus on.
Itsa me
>I clean it off the floor
t. dyels who are repping under 1pl8
more like waste of life
>go into gym
>see numale squatting lmao1plate
>ask if I can work in
>rep it out for ohp x5
Heh.... nothing personal kiddo
>When you OHP the weight of 2 BOOOOARSSS
>the top on the rack are either too high or too low
>after a couple weeks they're just the right height
what the fuck happend?
Doing it right now.
3x5 104 lbs. Nothing impressive. I couldn't hit my last rep on my last set the previous time I tried this weight, so if I miss it again, I have to fucking deload.
Give me strength, bros.
i ohp in the squat rack AND leave the bar in the highest setting so manlets cant reach it