BJJ and lifting

Any grapplefags here who lift as well. I train 4 times a week and feel sore from that, but I want to go beyong skinnyfat mode. How can I implement lifting into my life while keeping my bjj gainz. Is it possible to do both without getting sub par results?

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i did bjj once. bodied a black belt with my 285 DL grip. He was like 10 years older than me too LMAO. total scam, thank god i found aikido

You can do both, but it won't be an aesthetic workout neither will it be a strength geared workout. You would have to focus on explosiveness and endurance. That means high reps and explosive lifts.

That's if you're serious about BJJ and want to use lifting to be better at it.

You could also just keep BJJ as a hobby and lift for aesthetics, lose some BJJ gains, but it's just a hobby, you would still be good at it, just not near professional level.

Your call.

What does your routine look like in terms of bjj and lifting in a week?


I have not idea. Up to you to figure that out. What I told you is from my experience mixing boxing and lifting. I stopped boxing though to fully just bulk up, get big and aesthetic. Before I stopped boxing coach started to put me on some exercises that worked on explosiveness and endurance. High rep, some exercises with fast range of motion, shit ton of cardio.

Almost the opposite of what this board would tell you to do. Because mostly everyone here lifts either for strength or aesthetics.

got a rise out of me. here's your

This board also recommends SS, which has Power Cleans. Its as explosive as it can get.

I currently do both. I've heard conflicting views of being able to lift in in the morning before bjj at night vs lifting on off days.

I found lifting/grappling on the same day to be way too taxing and it would cut in to both activies.

I currently do greyskull 2-3 times a week. Good strong functional lifts with some minor isolation work for aesthetics. That with bjj 3 times a week and 1 or 2 rest days is the perfect balance for keeping healthy and strong on the mats.

Have you seen gains from your lifting with that routine?

I train judo 5 or 6x a week and and lift 3x a week. The key for me was to use a program where all 3 of my lifting sessions in a week are very different. For example, a heavy lifting day, an olympic-style day, and a high-reps-light-weight day where all the lifts are done explosively. This helps me recover more thoroughly between workouts and is a lot more fun than grinding out the same style of lift 3x a week.

Other guys I know just cut lifting down to 2 heavy sessions a week, with at least one of those falling on a day they don't grapple.

Don't expect to get big if you're training consistently. The guys that are jacked are probably cycling or doing more s/c than bjj because they're black belt level.

Though I am considered jacked by normie standard. Just not Veeky Forums standard. You will make solid gains assuming diet/rest/progression

I've been doing bjj for almost 8 years, but just started lifting 2 years ago. Until then, I was doing crossfit style endurance workouts, but without the Olympic lifts to failure or kipping BS.

I've packed on about 15lbs since November trying to go from feather to lightweight. I wake up about 159 right now. My routine is all compounds full body, 3 days a week:


I do jits Monday, Wednesday, Friday evenings, and double up on my days off work, then do lifting and cardio Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, with bjj drilling in the morning on my days off from work. Saturday's are yoga, with sparring on my days off from work.

I've noticed that after the first couple of weeks or months, your body gets used to it. It's hard at first, and I don't recommend sparring on your lifting days unless you want an ass whipping, but it's doable and can help your endurance and athleticism for bjj. Just understand that lifting is not a suitable substitute for training, and you shouldn't trade jiu jitsu days for lifting days if you want to compete.

Good show sport.

I'm 31 and almost ottermode, lifted on and off for the past two years, started seriously and consistently training in my home gym this April. I'm on a powerlifting routine right now with plenty of volume.
No aspiration to compete, goal is to get strong and possibly thicc anesthetics.

How fucked will I be if I train BJJ two days a week?

BJJ is very tiring as hell and i don't personally enjoy it.

but there's plenty of late 20s/early 30s guys who take up judo. there are 60 year olds in fantastic shape and physically stronger than me and i lift every day.

I know bjj is useless in the streets ecc, but I like the effectiveness of choke holds, articular locks ecc. Judo has this component? Also I thought judo was supposed to be harder on the body compared to bjj.

yes. every BJJ technique is from judo, but it has less throws and focuses on grappling.

you get lots of groundwork in judo and its easier since you learn how to fall/break fall and don't get really injured.

BJJ is basically just a form of judo developed for MMA-type fights and so-on.

>I know bjj is useless in the streets
Not necessarily. You'd be surprised how many street fights end up on the ground, if you aren't in a situation to choke your opponent simply use your skills to get an opponent down and escape to safety.

Good video:

Thoughts on boxing vs. BJJ? Trying to decide which one to focus on for general fitness activity.

>You'd be surprised how many street fights end up on the ground,
uh huh...
> use your skills to get an opponent down
Tackling people like a fucking twat and hoping that they don't have a weapon or friends.

By the way, that seal is talking about what he's been taught. The first thing he says is to use a gun, which means he's not a fighter. He's a killer.
Secondly, the reason he brings up BJJ is because they can't just up and fucking kill people they'll oft be in a situation where they'll be armed with a weapon and in a group and have to take down a or multiple individuals in a closed off area.
BJJ is perfect for that.

But for the average jack off in the street who's not on a ton of gear, toting a gun a blade and has a posse behind him, bjj is a death sentence.
Espescially if you're a female or a kid and or are fighting someone who's significantly larger or you're outnumbered.

Situational awareness, being able to run really fast if you need too, and basic boxing with some kicking and bit of judo or wrestling.
After that, you'll have to learn how to figure out how to turn a few basic things into weapons.

/asp/ fag here, back from when /asp/ wasn't about professional wrestling

For fighting, learn a grappling art AND a striking art. The best all around combo everyone recommends is BJJ + Muay Thai

But for keeping you in shape, either will do desu familia, I'd lean towards BJJ because you propel your body all fucking over the place

You've never been in a fight in your life that is apparent.

If you're under the impression that the first thing you should do in a fight for your life is to grapple with them instead of try to punch them as hard as fucking possible or find a weapon to end the fight then you...well you've never been in a fight in your life.

I just took my first BJJ class two days ago.
What lifts is it gonna affect the most? Like should I be careful on bench because my arms might be tried for example? It fits well in that I lift 4 days a week and BJJ is 2-3 on the off days, but obviously my body is gonna take a bigger beating.

Also I think I should start training my neck. It's small and it's already a bit sore after one session.

Liftingfag (competed in regional powerlifting & do being assistance work). Just got into BJJ & Muay Thai.

Is brutal on the body as a combination. At most get one day off sometimes none. Doing Texas Method with BJJ or Muay Thai on non lifting days.

Have to consume a huge amount of calories even while cutting simply for recovery and be v strict about sleep, no alcohol etc. Even had to turn down sex with a girl. It's a very Spartan existence.

Front squats, 2 to 3 rows per workout, ohp and ohp accessories (especially z press).
You can do deadlifts as long as you can recover.

Have fun ending in jail because using a weapon to "defend" yourself. Love the people who talk about guns or knifes to defend themself. What are you going to explain the judge? That you cant defend yourself and had to kill the individual with your gun?

I restarted BJJ last week after a 2 year hiatus. Still a no-stripe white belt, and holy shit my elbows are killing me.
Thinking of dropping lifting to a light 4x schedule:
OHP, Squat
Deadlift, Weighted Chins
Incline Bench, Lunge

2 of the lift days will be AM before work and then jits in the PM
At least 1 of the other days will be an off day, and the other depends on if I go to open mat on the weekend

Super fucked because it's very difficult to progress at 2X a week.

Focus on compound lifts. Try to get some rest/recovery days too. I've found doing as many Turkish get ups as I can at the end of each workout has really helped me on the mats.

Sleep and diet are huge if you want to train a lot and lift a lot.

>my life was threatened so I fought back accordingly
If you live in a free country you're allowed to kill people who try to kill you. Intentionally using less lethal methods (warning shots with a firearm for example) can actually get you in more trouble since it suggests that you weren't in immediate danger and were being a spaz.

I already work manual labour so I'm probably gonna have to eat 4k calories even though I weigh 66kg. Thank god for milk.
And yeah sleep is a struggle. The BJJ is in the evening, so hopefully I'll be too tried to cuck my gains by sitting on the computer instead of going to bed.

>perfect for taking down multiple opponents
as much as I respect BJJ it's the worst thing for dealing with multiple opponents. You do NOT want to go to ground with another person waiting around to kick you in the head or worse

Lift less weight to compensate for BJJ

BJJ black belt here
if you want to bulk and train BJJ seriously (2hrs 4-6x a week) at the same time

you need to eat so much until you're sick
is why bjj athletes are so ripped
they have no choice

greco roman masterrace here

bjj is for bald peanut heads, fuck you all

Back in 2004 when I first called the gym to train, backn in Brazil, I asked the professor "can I come every day?" and he replied "you damn well better"

stuck with me to this day

Lift after technique session days i guess (they're not very tiring anymore, after a few years of BJJ/nogi)

That's what i do

I have trouble sleeping after rolling - my mind is all twitchy and seems to replay some of the struggles of the evening's session.