Looking to looksmax since my body has long surpassed my face now.
Other than lowering bodyfat, are there any other proven ways to hollow out your face?
I'm pretty cut with a good jawline and high cheekbones but my genetics make me have chubby cheeks. Looks pretty shitty and I really fucking want to lose that mass in my cheeks.
I've considered Buccal Fat removal surgery since I have the money. Anybody else have this done before?
>why germanics guys find mongoloid girls attractive? i don't particuarly. they can be, just not first choice
Aaron Martinez
Is acutain a meme? My uncle did it in the 80s and he looks a million times better than my dad, plus the technology has improved. I don't really care about chapped lips either but I was told not to because then I can't get a girl preggo
Brandon Gonzalez
>acutain lol wut
Accutane works.
Samuel Collins
Fug sorry, accutane R u sure it works? I don't wanna,grow a vagina
Nathan Allen
lose weight, sleep face up, lower sugar intake, use lotions. anything else is fraud status.
Alexander Cooper
Colton Davis
Are models with faces like that just have high cheekbones with really low bodyfat?
Or is that sunk in cheek look genetic as well?
Noah Williams
he looks like a poof desu
what sort of lotions?
Easton Jones
I believe they get their molars remove and suck in their cheeks.
Thomas Nguyen
>lower sugar intake
How does this specifically benefit the face?
Lincoln Edwards
By making it less fat.
Jacob Ross
Elijah Cooper
Look at Tom Brady's rookie season face pic...chubby af, but still good looking dude. Fast forward 12yrs and his face is lean and chiseled af. The guy only gets sugar from a few fruits. No refined sugars at all. Allegedly.
Gabriel Cruz
Not but what fruits does he eat? Thanks bro
Brayden Adams
Ones with SPF protection
Aaron Gutierrez
>why germanics guys find mongoloid girls attractive? we dont
only the rejects of our race go for women from other races
Jackson Stewart
Fixed; why are you leaving out the author man? That ain't right.
Liam Richardson
I have a moisturiser with 15 spf
Julian Williams
lol was actually thinking that when I posted
Nicholas Phillips
who /superiorpuremed/ here
Hudson Richardson
Pic related is the whitest Med you'll ever find that isn't a Nord living in southern Europe.
Isaiah Gonzalez
Would wearing a mustache decrease perceived chin height Tbh?
Zachary Anderson
Berkay is actually C*rcassian
Angel Fisher
that's a turkish greek inbreed
pic related is an example of med perfection (no homo)
Shut the fuck up Dominican or ill ruin everyone of your posts by replying to it with a pic of you You are the worst name fag and even worse than the crow faggot
Jacob Richardson
Atypical, looks somewhat alpinized to me? I would say ironically that the peak of typical mediterranean aesthetics is the David moreso than an actual person.
Very good looking man though.
Kayden Fisher
Crow faggot? Crow man?
Henry Richardson
The crow
Luis Wilson
Ah, forgive me, for I hail from /bant/.
James Lewis
you're a literal low IQ nigger and part of a group doomed to fail.
why must you shit on your better IQd germanics and mongoloids?
Zachary Williams
i have hollow cheeks even at ~17% bodyfat
idk if i have particularly high cheekbones but probably genetic for some people. you could also just get really low bf and get them
Jason Evans
>mfw jaw and mouth of David nice
Sebastian Watson
Some, including Mike Mew claim that it is related to buccinator hypertrophy and swallowing patterns. Very much traits of the civilized man, if you have a straight profile with a larger nose in general I bet you would look very high IQ and high class.
Cameron Nguyen
high sugar intake makes your skin a bit loose, and you notice this most in your face in the jaw and neck area. to me this is where the skinny guy double chin comes from, I was once that guy.