How dangerous is cheese

how dangerous is cheese

it's an inanimate object. What danger could it posess?

Chew it before swallowing, then it shouldn't be dangerous

pretty bad for you, trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol. you do the math.


What about white cheese? It isn't bad, right?

hello bayer and or monsanto.

cheese aint bad, at least when you live in europe. dont know what americans call cheese, but it is actually very good. dont worry about cholesterol or saturated fats. trans fats are bad, but not all. you need to differ between all triglycerides there are. cholesterol is need by your body to make its own cortisol. irish cheese is nice, gouda, emmentaler, maasdammer, parmiggiano, pecorino also. white cheese is also good but some dont like the taste

So not really.

One time I forgot to tare my scale and ended up consuming lmao5grams of cheese. I woke up three days later with bitch tits and a feminine penis, don't play around with that stuff op.

Think of all the poor cows that have to suffer through hours of having a machine squeeze their tits just so your fat ass can eat some cheese.

Dairy is the devil.

Shills are even in Veeky Forums... wtf

according to all major health organizations from all over the world, you should limit sat fats and cholesterol, and avoid trans fats. Cheese has all of those. So avoid if you're trying to be healthy. Case closed. Listen to expert scientists or bro-scientists/ketards/joe rogan, you pick.

You dumb nigger I was making fun of the shills with the lmao5grams. Cheese is great and you need (NEED) saturated fat and dietary cholesterol for optimum androgen production.

no hate bro, just being extra cautios in Veeky Forums. i sometimes get the feeling that a whole topic is just Shills talking to each other :(
no sticky ids here like in pol, so anybody can shitpost or whatever

Every major health and nutrition organization on every continent recommends limiting saturated fat to no more than 7-10% of total calories, or as low as possible, based on the best available evidence.

The notion that saturated fat intake should not be limited is a fringe position on the internet that is not embraced or promoted by any relevant expert body. Saturated fat is not essential to the human body and health benefits are not known.

Saturated fat raises LDL cholesterol in a dose-dependent fashion and LDL cholesterol causes atherosclerosis, leading to cardiovascular disease. Excess saturated fat is also toxic to the liver, pancreas, hypothalamus, muscles, endothelium and other organs, causes insulin resistance and may be associated with some cancers

again, hello bayer and monsanto. or did the AHA send you?

saturated (animal) fats arent bad. omega6 and omega9 are, some transfats are (french fries, fastfood and such). saturated fats are more resistant to heat, they dont start to smoke early like shitty sunflower oil. once your body adapted to fats you only get benefits out of it. BUT like the wise man said: anything works, just not for anybody.


Motherfucker have you bean eating cheese?

Cheese is lit

as dangerous as milk. Its just milk with water removed.

>Its just milk with water removed.