When did you first stall? What exercises / how much weight / how long did it take you to get there?
I just finished my 4th week of lifting and I've already failed OHP twice. I can't get past 32.5kg. Hell, I've deloaded, had a hard time even with 30kg. Not having 0.5kg plates doesn't help.
On the other hand, I did 4 chinups in a row today. Perfect form.
here i am, 2.5 years later, and the heaviest i've pressed is 45 kg
Charles White
>deloading after 4 weeks of training
ahahah oh fuck
Grayson Hall
some of us aren't meant to make it
Luis Roberts
>4th week of lifting >Perfect form
Carson Ortiz
Literally been there myself. 1. Eat 2. Sleep 3. Fix form 4. Increase volume (minimalism just doesn't work) 5. And perhaps most importantly, hype the fuck up when you train. The mental game is at least as important as all the previous points.
Austin Myers
Fuck off, niggers. I'm a skelly dyel. I'm trying. I'm sure you got to 8pl8 OHP in 2 months.
Chase Scott
What makes you think I'm not? I wasted years pressing sub 50 most of the time stuck on 30kg
Christopher Price
Was there, OP.
I wasn't pushing my hips, and the bar path wasn't a straight line. Went from 30kg to 38kg in less than a week.
Xavier Russell
>1st year lifters are deloading
This is why the internet is also bad. Newbies training like advanced lifters. Fucking lol.
Easton Ward
not op but is chinup form that hard?
Isaac Perry
If you are failing 65lbs ohp it's not because of minimalism.
Jacob Rivera
Joshua Ward
haven't stalled yet, but I probably will soon on squats or benchpress
Austin Flores
Brody Torres
I made the mistake of having a too wide grip on the bar when i started out. It got easier once I narrowed it down and fixed my form
Austin Hernandez
I wouldnt recommend testing your max more than once a month and not even that.
Protip: eat more
Ian Nguyen
-Put the bar under your lats -Rest at the top position (like every press rep) -Squeeze your ass like you have uncontrollable diarrhea -Shove your head trough your shoulders as you lift the bar out of your way
Alexander Wright
Stalled at a year on deads, at 315x1.
Took me a whole year to figure out Veeky Forums is full of shit and sets of 10 make you way stronger than sets of 5, that 1x5 is retarded etc.
Michael Rodriguez
I stalled after 4 weeks as well but I'm on a hard cut and only eating 1200 cals a day
Dominic Thomas
second of course youre sleeping less than 8 hours
Christian Williams
Eating more makes you DL more.
Connor Williams
OHP has always been my best proportional lift for whatever fucking reason >tfw strict OHP 125x5 and only bench 155
Andrew Myers
But I weigh the same now as I did back then, except I can deadlift like 350x10. In fact at times I weigh less than I did.
See this is what's wrong with Veeky Forums, they prescribe shitty exercise plans that provide too little time under tension to stimulate decent strength gains beyond beginner level, then if you don't get the fabled huge strength gains that almost nobody reports, they say you didn't fatbulk enough.
No, it's because the party line nutrition/diet advice here is just shit.
>watch rippletits' video on the OHP >nigga says to breath in at the top of the movement Yeah nah that just feels wrong.
Xavier Rodriguez
Do you rest at the bottom of a bench press ? Whats wrong with you ?
Jace Garcia
No I don't rest at the bottom of the bench press but it just feels weird doing it at the top when I'm doing the OHP compared to breathing in when the bar is at the bottom
Brayden Phillips
Well i personally struggled to increase my OHP from 40kg but when i started resting at the top i started progressing.
Aiden Brown
Youre pretty green given you're 4 weeks in. The OHP takes a long time to improve, requires good form, and I would recommend making accessory workouts a staple of your press. Jeff Cavalier has a good sore in 6 minutes shoulder workout which I recommend. I would also recommend Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 and BBB and be patient with the press. youtube.com/watch?v=R6RTDJnzHis
David Baker
There's no need to be racist man.
Bentley Rogers
The hype shit is real
>be skelly 130 lb dyel >doing pullups next to the platform >two big pajeet curlbros with sticklegs come to do diddys >they struggle at 1.5plaet >notice me watching >they load up 2plaet and get scared, talk in poo language >I finally work up the courage to talk to them >hype them up >'cmon guys even I can do that, you can too' >don't believe me, want me to show them >walk up to the platform and hoist that shit with ease, gently lower it like a sleeping baby >they look at each other with surprise >get mad and finally do it >want to chill with me after but I got a workout to do sorry boys
Little did they know that I stalled on that weight two days ago
Ian Stewart
Yeah I stalled on OHP. At 80lb. Fixed that by buying a set of 1 lb wrist straps.
Stalled on squat at 140lb, and at 190. Don't think I'm done failing at squats yet, will probably have to reset a few more times before I get to respectable weight there.
Ryder Cook
My biggest stall is on the bench. I never made it to 3 plates. I've been training for 6 years.
It took me 1.5 years to hit two plates, 100kg
2 years later, after a period of 8 months of really solid training, I got as close as I ever did: 135kgs. just 5kgs ( 12lbs) away from 3pl8.
But that's really close to my genetic limit. Every week I take off, I lose 2 weeks worth of work when I get that far. If I take a month off, I fall back to my current base, which is a max of 120kgs.
I've been there, through irregular training periods, depression, injury, and med school, ever since, with a max bench between 120-130 and never making it to 3pl8.
Im back now and I'm up to 125, I hope to make it before next summer. That's my goal, but god damn it's hard.
Jace Perez
My OHP has been stuck at 40kg for like 2 months now.
Jace Ward
There is always need to be racist, especially against black people.
James Hall
you started using stretch reflex at the bottom
Jeremiah Martinez
>random curlbros scared to deadlift lmao2plaet made me kek
Lucas Richardson
>32.5kg I train for 4 years and I can OHP with 40kg. Bar included.
Jonathan Fisher
that's really really bad. like, for real, not the meme kind of bad.
are you skelly skellington?
Eli Johnson
Rude. They are trying to help, telling you not to try this advanced stuff after only four weeks of training (in a rude way, that's true, but still). Instead do what said.
Jack Miller
I'm skinnyfat but one of my shoulders is fucked.
William Morgan
>When did you first stall? A long time ago >What exercises All of them. >how much weight My OHP was 45kg back then. >how long did it take you to get there? A few months.
Turned out I wasn't getting enough protein back then.
Jaxon Garcia
that's understandable. try to unfuck your shoulder or focus on a different lift
Asher Edwards
I can't unfuck my shoulder. It hasn't enough space because I also got scoliosis.
Leo Martinez
True. Dyels who can't bench a pl8 talking about bulking and cutting
Colton Ortiz
its your 4th week for a reason. just keep on trying m8.
Jayden Ortiz
First stall was probably around 155x1 on OHP or 210ishx5 on bench. Took ~8 months for OHP and maybe 10-11 for bench. Broke both plateaus, TM for OHP (1rm probably 175ish) and Smolov Jr. for bench (brought me up to 225x5) Doing candito's 6 week now
Luke Howard
are OHPs a lot different from standing dumbbell presses in terms of activation? I've been doing the latter because OHPs used to irritate my shoulders but that's now been resolved so I'm considering switching
William Wilson
Jesus christ man you gotta be fucking up big time.
Carter Miller
>Do 5/3/1 a month into training
Shut the fuck up jesus christ.
David Martin
Stalled on squats at 295 for 3x5 about 6 months in, Deads at the same number a little bit earlier, OHP at 120 for 3x5 (could have grinded it out but I felt like a deload was necessary), Bench form was really taking a hit so deloaded at 215 for 3x5 to fix it.