>it's Veeky Forums because the 1500th rebooted childrens cartoon has a guy with muscles
kys op
The original was already super feminist, I can't wait to see how they're going to "improve" it.
>retooled for modern audiences
>it's a Johnny tries to unironically hook up with trannies episode
They're also doing reboots for rocco's modern life, power puff girls, hey arnold, samurai jack and probably more I can't think of off the top of my head. Is cartoonkino back on the menu?
this get is predicting that it will be a feminist liberal shit fest
Call me when they are rebooting Darkwing Duck.
It's almost as if you forgot about 2016
They will making him [spoiler]gay[/spoiler] or they will make him end up with a fat black disable stronk womyn, to show to little boys that having standards is discrimination
>first episodes are his normal antics
>suddenly he comes to a realization thanks to his best guy friend who's secretly a tranny that lifting is a waste of time and that he should love his natural self
>becomes skinny fat and starts participating in protests
Nigga, did you even watch the new Samurai Jack? That ending was awful, they needed way more episodes to fix the glaring pacing issues.
>Hey there Pops, I'll take an order of fries and a cutiepie to share 'em with
>samurai jack
God, season 5 was such a fucking disappountment
>powerpuff girls
It's dead, Jim
>the show is retooled for modern audience
>More episodes of shitty Mary Sue monkeyface
No thanks
>retoold for modern audiences
Jesus, it's like they're actively destroying my childhood
What's next, a new Dexter's Lab where they teach that emotions>logic?
>retooled for modern audiences
I hope they mean tinder jokes and not homo shit
God, not one of you guys mentioned how rebooting Johnny Bravo is a terrible idea? Just look at how bad the Powerpuff girls and Samurai jack did!
And it's not just my doubt on the people making it, it's about Johnny bravo as a show.
I mean what do you think would happen if you put a womanising bufffdude on a childrens network in the modern day?
Maybe you haven't seen the news lately but its likely that every left field feminist and Sir gentleman would gather round in the name of feminism, gender politics and sexism to denounce the show.
If the rebooter's were in anyway smart they'd have to remove Johnny's woman loving traits, which again doesn't make any sense.
I forgot those didn't work in here kek
A Dexter's Lab in wich her sister turns out to be smarter than Dexter
>A Dexter's Lab in wich her sister turns out to be smarter than Dexter
She always was same with Pinky being smarter than Brain, you brainlet.
jack was ok tho?
Jack was ok but at the end of the series you could tell they needed more than 10 episodes to re create the classic Jack feel and wrap the story up.
The first half of the show definitely makes it worth watching if you were a Samurai Jack fan
Deedee's role was that of an agent of chaos. The show never hinted at any sense of savantism, or hidden intelligence. The entire point of her character appearing was to fuck up Dexter's autistic world.
Hell, she was the original
>retooled for modern audiences
AKA, it's going to be SHIT
Get ye gone, newfag
This is likely fake. No way they would ever bring Johnny Bravo back in current times with these raving feminists.
You guys get that Johnny Bravo was making fun of dudes, yeh?
I never use spoilers just because I forget which boards they work on
Fuck off.
You get that feminists are too stupid to realize this and would still shove their "promotes rape culture" bullshit agenda, yeh?
>internet has been out for a few days because of storm
>haven't been able to fap because I need porn to fap
>looking through tv after gym
>dick in hand, hoping for something
>after an hour searching, accidentally come across littlest pet shop
>dick is already rock hard
>stupid sexy cartoon animals
>have a shameful fap to the skunk yesterday
>internet is back up
>have to find porn of this show
>found pic related on /trash/
I saw the whole thing and can relate :(
Is Johnny Bravo a sperg?
You sat through 2:21Min? Damn.
Johnny Bravo is /ourguy/
>I was now a Johnny Burger, extra beef.
This fucking writing
No, I wanted to see the ending and it only made things more depressing
>believing it wont be shit
. . . uh, well . . . actually . . . its been done.
Ppf was already done. Arnold is a movie. Samurai Jack was the final season and it's done.
I don't have your number.
dont get excited
>episode with "women arent objects"
>episode with "masculinity is toxic"
>episode with "women dont like fit guys but skinyfats"
>episode with "going to gym is for assholes"
>episode with "johny's mom gets boyfriend which johny doesnt like"(boyfriend will be Black ofc)
and those are Light. i wouldnt be surprised with episides about fags, trannies and racemixing (White woman Black guy ofc)
+49 171114495X
Just 10 calls at best, user.
Sooo... every Johnny Bravo episode to date?
To be fair, Johnny liked blacks and whites.
>western (((entertainment)))
YAAAWWWWN I wonder when's the next update to the manga I'm reading.
Everyone from that generation grew up to be manchildren, so they're rebooting the cartoons. It's sad.
This is some 1984 shit. Replacing history with whatever fits the modern political narrative, just like these historical statues being pulled down by leftists. Sure it's just a show, but it really makes you wonder why the fuck they can get away with such obviously politically motivated, one sided nonsense.
>Dexter's Lab but Dexter is a flatearther
Pretty sure he was gay already, just in denial
>constantly trying to pick up women makes you gay
This is also the biggest problem with nofap, when you fall, you fall harder than ever before
>show about a flat-earther and his vain pursuit to prove the earth is flat
i'd watch it
>Unneeded love interest
>Rushed story told in 10 short 20 minute episodes
>retconned destinys from earlier seasons
>Ending involves Jack undoing all the heroic progress he has ever made saving people
>One of the poorest written time paradox moments ever were Ashi ceases to exist when Jack still gets to go back in time and undo the future..USING HER POWERS!!
>since the future no longer exists all the needless sacrifices Jack took to prevent people from dying was for not.
>meaning Jack could have went back to the past ages ago without a guily conscience
>Jack held himself back for nothing
>His friends and lover are gone forever now
None of this would have been a problem if they just stuck to the idea that Jack never goes back to his past. Jack spent decades in the future as opposed the the past now. He doesn't exactly belong in the past anymore. Sure, he'd have to sacrifice his old people, but he could have saved the future from their Aku instead.
Eh, the last season went to shit really. A unneeded love interest that hugged up way too much time. They had too little time to wrap up a story in 10 short 20 minute episodes. The ending proved the most fatal flaw as Jack undoes everything he fought for by using Ashi to go back in time, kill Aku and essentially cause Ashi and everyone else to cease to exist.
What was the point of Jack saving anyone the past 5 seasons if none of it actually mattered?
He lost his love, he lost his new friends and realistically speaking he has more ties to the future than he did to the past anymore.
I bet being stuck in a prehistoric past really sucks, especially when you can't have your favourite Alien foods, good health care and alien titties.
I have fallen too far from God's grace
I must leave humanity behind
Back in the day on tv i remeber seeing a brief montage and Jhony said something about eating a bunch of mashed potatoes. I dont remember this one.
Johnny is /our guy/.
I came here to second this.
There is not a chance that it will be good. They couldn't keep Game of Thrones from that sort of fate.
>dem legs
For sure
Aw shit is that Panty?
It's more Veeky Forums because of his approach to the ladies, for anyone who's seen Veeky Forums approved lines.
Post the one where he fucks a female clown
The humor won't work in the ultra PC society we live in. They're going to make him a Drumpflike character who gets shit on by liberals and minorities rather than a lovable loser who fails due to his own hubris.
It's actually been bought of by a right wing celebrity that loves the original humor, so nice try.
But he always gets shit on on the original series. he was never Chad.
that feelerino when a popular cartoon is 2 years older then u. Lol
But he was a loveable doofus, kind of like how Mr. Magoo is a likable old guy despite his personality
>great hair
>cool voice
>doesn't let rejection get to him
>enjoying NEET life
>cute redheaded loli wants him bad
I'm pretty certain Johnny made it, lads.
She's like 6 years old man wtf is wrong with you?
this, wait until puberty at least.
There have been plenty of old tales that have been adapted or rebooted, keep your doomsday fantasies in check.
It surely is.
Trump won, there is a bigger audience that doesnt give a fuck about any of that shit and they know it.
>yfw all the racemixing is black woman/white male
No problem, I'm a muslim.
>retooled for modern audiences
She wasn't going to be 6 forever. Johnny only had to wait for her to reach her teens for prime waifu material.
Honesty most of these would work now days,
Did any of you read the fucking article lmao
>“I’m loving this chance to change history. 2017 will have a new Johnny Bravo that women will love. I can’t share all the details now but expect a softer more feminist Johnny. The muscles and ugly yellow hair fin are gone. And with that goes the chauvinistic humor too. The influence of the old show is felt to this day. Some man tried to holler at me as I biked to work. He said ‘how it’s cooking, good looking.’ He objectified me sexually and assumed that I cooked. I do not cook. I am a strong proud independent woman who orders take-out every night. No woman should feel as threatened as I did when that man said that to me. Events like this occur because of shows like the old Johnny Bravo. ” said Ms. Antony.
The modern woman is obsolete
This is the age of the waifu
oh god no
Fuck life
Yeah, ill try this.
Very good, I'll call you as soon as I know anything about Darwin Dank.
Anyone else worried that they will make him a SJW?
>Calling it cartoonkino
>Not Artoons
This looks like satire and it's only posted on a random blog, why is everyone taking it so seriously?
It is, retards in /tv/ were losing their shit until someone read the blog and searched the oracle.
>giving a fuck what kind of media other people consume
as long as they're well adjusted adults, who the fuck cares?
thats who
I read the article in disbelief, it reads like a satirical piece more than anything else
Implying I ever watched samurai jack for the plot and not the characters/atmosphere.
I'm honestly just happy that it got an ending, and that's saying a lot because I'm a cunt and nothing makes me happy anymore.
so he literally becomes the biggest wifes son
jesus christ