Thread for all vegans and people interested in the vegan lifestyle.
Vegetarians allowed as long as they won't push their morally unacceptable diet.
Meat eaters NOT allowed!
Thread for all vegans and people interested in the vegan lifestyle.
Vegetarians allowed as long as they won't push their morally unacceptable diet.
Meat eaters NOT allowed!
No one's feelings are hurt by people saying they are killing animals
Most non-vegans know they are killing animals unnecessarily but don't give a shit because it tastes good
Sick strawman, bro!
>people still respond to bait threads
Dumbest board
>all replies are people calling out the bullshit
wow relaly triggerd in here huh
>people still haven't realized that Veeky Forums is a bait board
>Vegetarians allowed as long as they won't push their morally unacceptable diet.
I dont eat meat or eggs, and my dairy intake is close to nothing, but i went vegetarian for health reasons, not because i give a shit about the animals. Im not gonna sacrifice my quality of life, and restrict my diet even more because the restaurant im eating at uses honey in the bread, or a little cheese in the sauce.
Am i wrong for having this stance?
Why do vegans do this? We don't have a meat eater general where we talk shit about people who only eat plants. Just do you, man. Someone can't force you to eat meat, you can't force people to not eat meat. Co-exist without being a sperg
>Am i wrong for having this stance?
Yes. How have you not realized that humans are not meant to drink milk?
Hi. I eat meat. OP is a queer.
>Why do vegans do this? We don't have a meat eater general
This is the only vegan thread on this entire board. You don't have meat eater generals because all over threads don't make a big deal of someone eating rotten flesh of other living creatures.
>I need meat for the protein
Can we debunk other meat eater meme arguments?
What in the everliving fuck does that even mean?
We're also not "meant" to drive cars, fly planes, or grow crops in large, orderly farms. But I'm not about to go full Luddite on the whole industrial and agricultural revolution.
I dont drink milk either. The little dairy i do eat is usually from cheese or cream in food, and even then i dont eat food that is heavy in either. Its pretty hard to avoid everything, and like i said before, it comes to a point where i choose between quality of life and an ethical diet. I dont give enough fucks about cows to limit my diet even more.
This is the living,breathing proof that reddit has overtaking this board, nay, this entire website. I've had my suspicions since '12, but now it's confirmed that Veeky Forums is merely another shell for reddit. Saying "gb2reddit" doesn't work because this is reddit now. It was a wild ride brehs, gg no re
>all these meme arguments
K now how much does watercress cost per gram of protein compared to lean chicken breast and/or whey protein powder?
Checkmate vegancucks
Are these meme threads ? Is.. is that comic how vegans think we feel when they preach us??
Hey, fag. How many cups of broccoli, spinach or whatever the fuck do I need to make 100 calories?
Because one chicken breast is 231 calories and I can consume 3-4 of them in a meal easily.
How about you try to consume 7.5 cups of chopped broccoli for 6 meals a day? Lmfao.
>green paper justifies killing billions of animals
you're not being forced to do anything, though. you can hide the thread if you're not interested.
Lol, nah. You're making a naturalistic fallacy and you can go fuck yourself.
My own moral superiority as a human being makes killing animals okay.
>i hate poor people, i don't think they deserve good nutrition and healthy diets, everyone should be like me, an upper middle class SWPL vegan who can pay my personal shopper to buy overpriced organic pumpkin shoots at wholefoods
Hope you dont like raspberry or vanilla flavored anything. Its made out of beavers.
Are you really this fucking retarded?
Use your fucking head before posting idiotic images.
You would need to eat 2.5+ kilograms a day of broccoli or other vegetable to actually reach a decent protein intake compared to 550g or less of chicken breast.
So GTFO, this is one of the most idiotic vegan arguments.
You don't need over 100g of protein every day. Please meat eaters, don't believe every meme diet advice you see.
>raspberries and vanilla are made of beavers
Vegan diets are literally cheaper than meat eater diets, but I guess all your comebacks have to be insults and some meme arguments.
>meat doesn't give brain cance-
Oops, you proved it wrong.
Post body then.
you are allowed to more than just broccoli, you know.
>being this retarded
Doesn't that growth hormone make people taller?
I was raised a vegan, since became vegetarian. Blood tests, etc. always came back without deficiency, I supplemented B12, etc.
Regardless, I ended up far shorter than my father who was raised on meat and dairy.
Could veganism be the reason I'm short?
How many calories do you eat, manlet?
I ate liver and vegetables yesterday. Organ meat is excellent.
K. Applies to every other veggie you listed there. The reason most people lose weight as vegans is the low caloric density of vegan food. Which is why consuming sufficient protein via vegan foods is intensely impractical.
>Could veganism be the reason I'm short?
Seriously, look it up. They manufacture artificial raspberry and vanilla flavorings from beaver anal glands.
Sounds like a clever lie.
you need to eat a higher volume of food, true. it takes 2-3 weeks to get used to this. then you're set. that's it
I still manage to get over 120g of protein doing a vegetarian diet. I dont drink milk or eat eggs either, but there are great quality vegan protein powders that are still cheaper than a serving of chicken. Its honestly a dumb argument. Supplementing is efficient regardless of diet.
why would i eat artificial flavorings, though? vegan or not. i swear to god fit is so retarded sometimes
You are wrong.
Vegeterian isnt more healthy than a perfectly normal and balanced omnivorous diet.
It's the increased meat consumption that leads to the modern degeneracy we see in the Western world.
>needs to consume supplements
>fit advocates for creatine, whey protein, etc. (= supplement) for better diet
>nobody gives a shit
>vegan does it
Boy, that's a strong reaction comic to a dumb reaction image. Vegans really are stuck up, huh?
you'll never escape the stigma of being a huge faggot
enjoy your legumes
The last time we had this argument some dude made the calculations (i guess he wasnt a kelp loving fagot so he had enough energy to use his brain) and it came out something like 8 bags or so of broccoli A DAY for an average male.
>Pushing human morals on animals
You're in for a nasty surprise, them animals can be g*sh darned misogynistic murderers!
Again, you're pretty easy to aggrivate. What do you do in real life, try and humiliate the person disagreeing with you? Pull down their pants? Sock them in the jaw? Patronize them? Sheesh. You are one bitter fella.
>I would like not to kill animals but chewing so much healthy vegan food is too hard ;-;
Why are meat eaters such sensitive cucks when it comes to defending their meals?
>animals cannot be raped
OH VEY, better legalize man-animal marriage now!
>Needing to defend anything about eating meat
Sorry you're such a cuck for dumb animals
We're not sensitive. We just like meat.
Vegans and nonvegans should have different healthcare systems. Vegans would pay way less than the 600lbs meat loving fat fucks you see every day.
>having to supplement
As the great Rich Piano would say, if you're supplementing you need to EAT REAL FOOD INSTEAD.
Also, you must be a fucking tiny manlet. I have to eat twice your protein intake.
>the most natural and healthy diet for the human bein
>jumping through hops all day, week after week, month after month JUST for having healthy teeth
>suplementing, eating exotic roots, seeds, imported greens, because muh micronutrients
Im gonna guess and say its genetics.
Friendly reminder that it's possible to make literally anything sound retarded
Fit does not make naturalistic fallacies about what it's doing. You fags do.
>I have to eat twice your protein intake.
How retarded does someone have to be to willingly eat 240 g of protein every single day. Jesus, this site is full of shit.
Being 600lbs is a whole other issue than just eating meat, m8.
Bestiality is a violation of natural law in and of itself, but it is not rape.
>look at all these happy animals :)
Meat eaters disgust me.
I'm 6'5" @ 240lbs and 13%bf.
well unlike you neet lettuce brain i have a job and im sure as shit i wont be hauling 8 bags of fucking brocoli just because a green lentil midget told me so on a etc etc etc board
Looks delicious.
I'm going to go eat lamb now. :)
>reddit spacing
Can toddlers be raped then? They aren't smarter than your average cow.
Lmao no response. Vegancucks never post body.
You disgust me for buying a cellphone / computer. It was manufactured in china / vietnam, by poor children that get paid next to nothing and work 12 hours a day.
You should reconsider your moral stances you animal.
>not knowing what reddit spacing is
Meat eaters are so fucking dumb idiots, I cannot hide my disgust anymore.
My morality elevates humans above mere animals.
So yes.
That's also why abortion is murder.
who cares if it's natural if it's better?
Apparantly gutting toddlers is no worse than gutting an animal I see. That makes sense.
The way you type is reddit spacing, you retarded redditor.
I don't give a shit about priviledged human lives, meat cuck. Animals are literally SLAVES. I won't help poor people as long as only one animal has to suffer.
>mfw there's literally NOTHING you can do about meat eaters
Now I'm beginning to understand the rush of self-satisfaction
>this is what veganism does to your brain
even by going the meme 1g/ lean lb standard you'd only nedd 200grams, and let's face it there are no benefits above 0.6-0.8g/lb
This is really poor bait.
>devoting resources to lower species while calling anyone else a cuck
The kys fagot because the act of living itself is taking the energy of any other life form and consume it.
You can try to justify your cuck views and say stupid shit like suffering and morality and shit.
But no, the fact that you are here shitposting and spouting your dumb shit means that you took the life of living beings and consume it.
Wheter you like it or not, we are the same.
didnt peta killed and trashed like 90% of rescued animals?
Somewhere i saw they had like a HUGE ASS fridge and some HUGE ASS oven to store and burn the carcasses.
Not when you're /fraud/, senpai. My protein synthesis is about 150% a natty's ATM.
>talks shit about """""unnatural""""" vegan diet
>literally uses steroids
The retardation of meat eaters amazes me every single day.
>kid in a 3rd world country
>"priviledged" human lives
This is your brain on the kelp.
Fuckin meat eaters. I hate everyone except like 1/100 people.
Ah the faggot thats makes extreme and over the top analogies just to miss the exact point.
Glad to see you have the energy to shit post this frequently, gosh those suplements must be working wonders.