What would she look like if she lifted Veeky Forums?
What would she look like if she lifted Veeky Forums?
Diane Kruger is a goddess
i wanted to say that she looks great but then i realized it's all angles, camera lens and photo editing. she probably looks disgusting in rl
Yeah here's a Snapchat capture
Not exactly a pillar of fitness
again at an angle to make her face look better. too bad she can't hide her fupa
Fat girls ride their panties up to their damn ribs to hide their disgusting flabby stomach and make it appear as if they have wider hips.Fucking subhumans. I'd rather take a roastie
Actually goo, maybe. Asses are supposed to be muscular, with fat only to make it all a bit smoother. Tits arent gonna be as big, but i dont really care. TIts may look nicer, but tight ass of solid girl muscle is just something amazing. She might not really have a good face underneath that fat tho.
Yeah this is a more accurate real life pic I think
Okay what about her?
only mandingo can satisfy someone like that
she is gorgeous now. I want her to sit on my face
fat girls have those disgusting caved in pussies and almost all of them smell down there to poor hygiene
>What would she look like if she lifted Veeky Forums?
as in lived her life the exact same way but spent a few hours a week picking up and putting down heavy shit? i guess built-fat?
althought ive never seen it in women other than female oly lifters so it might actually be a myth...
t. virgin
t. someone who never slept with fat chick
getting past all that fat is a challenge
Maybe that's why i see a lot of skinny white guys with fatties. I once slept with one during my lanklet phase of high school and the puss was just so fucking wet and tight...after you slip in past the thighs. But she was so fat I had to fake an orgasim....
I think the key to getting a girl truly thicc is to have them lift and just keep their bf% in the higher mid ranges like 25-20% depending on the girl. Then they get a good shape without looking like a twink guy.
Like this beast
She'd fucking destroy me
There is no man on earth for a woman like that. She'd crush you in a second and you know it.