I'll give 0.2 ETH to one person in this thread who can give me a good enough reason. It can be by making me laugh, sob stories, whatever. But if you're posting a sob story you'll need evidence
To celebrate how much money I made from this
Other urls found in this thread:
Why did they chicken cross the road?
To get to the ether side
Deadline is 1 hour from now btw, don't forget to put your address in your post.
I'm a brainlet that always posts his address in these types of threads however I've never recieved anything despite being at it for months
Do cucks on this board not want free money or something?
I live in Venezuela.
Need I say more?
I'm a south african. Can't even be called a poorfag.
What do blacks and bicycles have in common?
None of them work without a chain
I sure do, but I find it hard to write something that'd amuse you while knowing nothing about you
Lost 30% of my crypto stack (about 10k USD) due to bad trading during the last two weeks. Sold my alts at the bottom and bought BTC at the top. Want to kill myself.
Also I've never had a coin go 2x or more
I need eth to buy more confido, that's it.
Proof, ama
OP you basterd BITCH you will be giving me your esteemed ethers this very instant you cocksucking son of a WHORE! Very many thanks to you sir.
Because im too pajeet to take the leap and invest like a real man and i need that kick up the hole to get me going!
3000$ in medical bills from taking a tainted fish oil pill for 6 months and no one could figure out what was wrong with me. kept going to all different doctors and shit and eventually figured it out myself. i have the bill somewhere but really not sure where. i sort of gave up on paying it. that's the honest truth though, was a really shitty 6 months at the start of this year.
thanks for anything.
Dog almost killed neigbhours cat last night
i cant stepup to this crypto game w/out your eth.
pls send me and i will send u nudes, shrek_420_memes , and not the last if i get the money 2x i will pay u back your cryptobean
oh i forgot my adress
tainted fish oil here
here's the bill.
address in my original post but ill put it here as well
thanks for any help.
Since you guys were pitiful, I just let random.org decide instead
Winner was tx is here etherscan.io
You got off it too huh? When you got in/out? Got in at 0.00095, out at 0.0022, wish I woke earlier to get in at 0.00013 like some people
Got in at ICO, sold 3.8k tokens at 0.0024, the rest I'm still holding at the moment
Wow, thank you so much
Guess my luck was up for once