Has anyone actually ever "become" a Chad by lifting?
Has anyone actually ever "become" a Chad by lifting?
Depends on your definition of chad.
I think many people define chad as being muscular, therefore lifting is a prerequisite to being chad. However if you don't define chad as muscular than it is not
no it only gets worse. I used to be fat and shy and generally girls just ignored me. the only girls showing interest were the ones that actually liked me for who I was and I could talk to them without being nervous because they werent really that hot and mostly also shy and introverted.
now I am muscular, somewhat good looking and I know how to dress and have good hygiene. And now it feels like I dont belong, people expect me to be alpha or a "bad guy" or whatever the fuck when I am just a shy introverted person who just wants a qt to sit at home and play vidya with. The only thing I can get are vapid whores now because anybody that actually cares about my personality is either scared of me because of my looks or thinks I'm an autist.
I have basically built a perfect defense against shy qts that like me for who I am by building this body... kinda ironic when you think about it.
Nice fantasy there Timothy
what about a shy qt (male)? you could get plenty of those
He's right though. The exact same thing happened to me.
>Was a fat ass at 239 lbs 33% body fat
>Qt liked me but I had virtually no confidence so I didn't respond
>Slimmed down to 177 lbs 14% body fat
>Massive face gains and gains in general. Confidence skyrocketed
>No longer too scared to speak to girls
>See this same girl about 5 months ago at my gym
>Ask her out and she says no
>Explains how "she liked me better when I was heavy" since my personality "changed"
>Left with no gf as usual
Although most of her bfs are dad bods and she's a slim blonde cardio bunny so I guess she likes being the attractive one in the relationship. Still it sucks because people look at me and assume I have the confidence that most other guys have when I still lack it since I was a fat beta for most of my life and have only just begun to recover.
im just as socially retarded but I just get more attention/ approached more often.
so basically more people know im socially retarded now.
chads dont want qts either
qts, like REAL qt girls not doe eyed stacies, want some kind of Veeky Forums introverted guy with a good jawline and face but really thin who's into art or really underground music genres. lifting is a turnoff for affectionate, small, cute women 80% of the time. now if you lift, but dress Veeky Forums and don't try to flaunt your body, you will probably have a chance and when you finally do lift up your shirt, qts will drool because they didn't expect you to be ripped as fuck
Could you try some online dating (probs not tinder) and hide your powerlevel pre-meeting?
...do you know what board you're on?
change your style and stop looking like something stacy would want
I'll always never be able to reach Chad-status, let alone Slayer-status, due to my ethnic Korean background and my tiny penis. At most, I can be a Daniel, and I absolutely refuse to be a Brad.
>Top 1% of all males
>Left humanity behind
>You'll only ever see a handful in every generation, and probably never in person; only in pictures and the internet
>Usually not featured in tier lists because they do not register on a human level at all
>The top-dogs
>Top of the top (barring Slayers)
>Contrary to popular belief, a Chad is always kind, polite, and welcoming due to him never needing to prove himself
>Does what he wants and doesn't care what people think, but it doesn't matter THAT much because everything he wants to do is more or less socially acceptable, and even when it's not, it's the kind of stuff people would do if no one was looking, but Chads just do it anyway, because they just don't give a fuck (ie. sex with 14 year olds, walking under red tape, expressing an honest admiration for a movie that contrarians will inevitable call "shitty", at which point the contrarians will realize the error of their ways and accept his flawless rhetoric as to why this previously shunned movie may now be considered kino)
>Almost always right-wing or libertarian
>Almost always Christian
>Doesn't give a fuck about counting calories or cutting or some shit; he just eats big and lifts hard until he becomes a big guy for you
>When seers touch their hands to Chad's foreheads, they always recoil backwards and say something cryptic like "Ai! Your soul is as fierce as that of a lions!", or sometimes they'll shiver in fear and say "Dios mio! Your spirit animal seethes to me; a lone wolf!"
>Favorite sex act is to stand behind an unsuspecting girl and to cuff their crotch with his hand while holding her in place with his other hand
>He then rubs her crotch through her clothing, holding her to his chest when she tries to struggle away
>A lesser sub-species of Chad
>Does not command the same social standing, charm, wit, or kindness as the more dominant Chad
>Physically near identical to Chads, but psychologically scarred by a constant desire for social validation
>It is this same insecurity that drives him to self-destruction
>This is your typical "Chad" you hear about in "Chad" stories in which the "Chad" bullies or mocks a lesser being
>This is actually a common case of misidentification between a Brad and a Chad
>Brads: near identical in looks to Chads, but their wish to prove themselves to others ultimately prevents them from reaching true Chad-dom.
>Above average looks, above average psychological profile
>Not enough to place them in the status of Chad-hood, or even Brad-hood, and will often need to compete with several other Daniel's for the dominant role int he social hierarchy
>These are the lesser lords of the male system
>While the Slayers are kings, the Chads and Brads the lords and dukes, the Daniels are the lesser lords and merchantmen, unstable in their position of power, they must constantly fight to remain in power or excel amongst their peers
>Daniels are often a part of the "popular" boys in Highschool cliques, often confused to be Chads
>They envy the social freedom of true Chads, who need not the validation of others, and thus these Daniels must adhere to the strict social bonds that keep them from fucking prime jailbait bunnies and enjoying delicate media sensations such as Teen Titans GO without getting shunned by their peers
>The serfs of the male hierarchy
>Largely invisible to the female population
>Bottom of the barrel genetics
>Savages, brutes, barbarians; all of them
>It is a common trope that the beauty within defies the beauty of the body
>This is bullshit
>Scarred by their own physical mishaps, they have grown twisted and wicked within their own anguished minds
>Poor, wretched creatures...
I became an order of magnitude more socially confident and got a 5'0" gf that I cum inside of regularly so yeah fucking probably
>due to my ethnic Korean background
Nothing wrong with that desu
>and my tiny penis.
why lift
I know, right? Fug me.
If my desire for Chad-dom burns me to the point of callousness, I will only have become a Brad instead. It's like how Anakin tried so hard to be a powerful Sith Lord, only to have lost everything he's ever loved. I am perpetually stuck in a plane of Daniel-ism, but it is nice to know that even some knights and merchants managed to become so wealthy that they surpassed the powers of lesser lords and even dukes themselves...
fuck off faggot
holy fuck I just want a qt womenlet to nut in
>extreme autism: the post
It's fucking great, man. She just started the combo pill with her period last week and I just came inside her six times just this weekend. I also got a 7.15 inch dick (rounded down, also 5 inch girth which made me need slightly larger condoms) and massage her fornices until her legs convulse and her pussy throbs around my dick. I can't even fit it all the way in during missionary. I sleep with her wrapped tightly around me in bed with her face buried below my neck and my face buried in her sweet smelling hair and when I deeply whisper I love her in her ear she starts breathing hard and vigorously rubbing my back, neck, and hair, and says she loves me too.
I've always had a handsome face but a Dyel body. Now I'm 46, I decided to get serious in the gym and I've gained 13 pounds of lean muscle in 6 weeks. Lowered my bodyfat by 10%, too. It's coming along and I feel pretty great.
shoo shoo gains goblin
if you want to be a chad, you gotta stop at dyel mode otherwise you'll just scare a bunch of chicks
if you don't care about the pussy, it shouldn't concern you
you've got too much time on your hands it would appear
I might be a Slayer. We'll see how it goes.
You're definitely not a Slayer, me friendo
this is basically my goal. i'm not at Veeky Forums at all and feels its basically impossible to pull of when /fat/. my face isn't amazing but my jaw should come out good enough, the art and music i got already.
>>While the Slayers are kings, the Chads and Brads the lords and dukes, the Daniels are the lesser lords and merchantmen, unstable in their position of power, they must constantly fight to remain in power or excel amongst their peers
this part was a crack up
>tfw Gregor
Wow, this thread is fucking stupid.
Be who you want to be. Nobody is "naturally" themselves.
And honestly if you are the same person for more than 4 years you are doing something wrong.
>if you want to be a chad, you gotta stop at dyel mode otherwise you'll just scare a bunch of chicks
Can you explain this a bit?
Is this pasta? im pretty sure i have seen this before
Yes. I fuckin seent it brosef. My guy friend used to be chubby (fat) years ago. He didnt have enough balls back then to talk to qts like he does now but i hope he finds someone who likes him regardless of how he looks. He used to just play vidya mostly and do indoorsy things.Hes literally chad now---Going to music festivals and shit, cucking dudes and banging qts and lifting hella. Im so proud of that faggot. I love him so much.
You can never become a Chad. A Chad by its definition is the personification of perfection or unfairness (depends on who you ask). Most people think that a Chad is only a guy with nice muscles and pretty face, but in reality he is better than you in every conceivable way. You're asking if anyone has ever become a Chad, but to ask that is the same as asking if anyone has ever become the perfect human.
It's all about the face
Depends on your definition of Chad, if you think Chad as the dude who fucks a lot of sluts then yes, you only need to be ottermode and download Tinder. Boom, you're a Chad. Even if you have a meh face just the fact that you're not a disgusting slob will net you some basic bitches and 6/10 and there are a bunch of them.
Now if you mean Chad as the charismatic stud that charms everyone and has an awesome life then no. Lifting wont cure your autism and how shitty of a person you are. 4channers wont become Chads because they are negative, jaded fuckers who don't care about people enough to interact with them. A fundamental thing about most true Chads is that they are positive guys who get along with everyone, women are naturally drawn to them because they are leaders and the pillars of their social circles. And if there is a thing that women love more than money, its social network. Having friends and an agitated social life is a good way to get women interested in you. No one wants to be with a recluse autist.
I was the definition of beta in high school but good genetics so i'm getting better looking every year but i'm mostly still the same shy/awkward person I was then. Definitely more confident now and I can pull/have fucked hot girls but that shit def does not come natural to me if not for genetics i'd probably be a virgin
>women now actually give me time of day when I try talking to them now.
>Drop me when they realize I'm completely fucking autistic