Saturday night feels

Hi /fit, what motivated you to start lifting? For me it was missing out on my high school crush,and the many opportunities of high school. I was 230 lbs last year, and now I'm 167 lbs.

Currently lifting for a girl. Wondering if I should add her and hit her up on fb once I reach my goal body.

It's not creepy if I look like a sick cunt and do this, right?

Op here, that's what I've been telling myself.

>Engineer here

>Planning my suicide for years to come...

lifted for a girl, when she left I became a turbo fatty

skipped lifting for 2 years after she left, went back to lifting and did it for myself

I remember being a stick thin guy in grad school. I'd constantly hear the girls at the office gushing over built guys, the rage built up and I started hitting the gym.

Now I don't care and just hit the gym and run for the physical and mental release of exercise. I might die a virgin but I will not end up as a depressed hot pocket fatty. I feel surprisingly good for a forever alone guy, I think I can attribute much of that to a rigorous exercise routine.

I moved away from my ex (I broke up), the first and only girl i've loved.

She;s 9/10 but thinks she's 3/10, when or if I see her again I want to be ready, to show that i've grown as a person and gotten past my deadly sin (sloth)

Idk if i'm gonna make it though, sitting on Veeky Forums is a lot easier...

I've lost 120 pounds and i started looking DYEL so lifting seemed like the logical next step.

I'm so scared of the future

Be ready for it.

Revenge gains. Ex gf fell in love with a guy after I dumped her. I tried to get back with her but I played myself. Kek

There are too many things though
> political climate is as toxic as uranium
> Russia is giving zero fucks about world peace
Then there's the personal stuff
> no real skills (3.7 gpa)
> dream of riches and wealth but will probably never achieve it
> both sisters are doctors so bar is super high
> my only joy in life was tv and vidya in high school and now lifting is included
I just want to marry a sexy, rich woman so I can be a househusband and fuck around all day
But at the same time I don't think America will last another 2 years

This sounds like you're role playing in your head and typing it on Veeky Forums.

In case you're not, get ready for reality...

Im on nofap and I don't know if this shit is even worth it anymore. I'm just horny as shit.

> political climate is as toxic as uranium
> Russia is giving zero fucks about world peace

Keep slurping up CNN's fake news.

Got cancer had chemo body went to shit

Whatever man
Charlottesville happened weather your democratic or republican

>Severe loneliness is destroying me

Well the writing has been on the wall for years now. If the old western powers want to ignore it then it's on them.

I don't know why the status quo of the "great peace" was so unbearable for those it protected but you'll be the source of your own catastrophe. It's like pearl harbour and 9/11 taught you nothing.

Look the way I see it you can't do much about it so you shouldn't waste the precious time we have on earth on fear.

Easier said than done I know, just realize that life is pointless and life does get much easier, just dont let it consume you either.

>Charlottesville happened weather your democratic or republican
So did school shootings, 9/11, serial killers?
You think one person dying (by either side) means civil war? People are murdered everyday. BLM has multiple cop deaths on their hands.

I don't know how closely you actually follow world politics, but if you did, you would realize Russia is not an actual threat. Hell, North Korea is not even a real threat.

>why lift
Middle aged, spent a lot of years after high school / college getting fat. I felt like I needed to do it now because I just kept putting it off. Only been lifting for ~2 months but its going well.

Most likely it'll end badly, but it motivates me so whatever

I read somewhere that extreme loneliness is almost as bad as smoking a pack a day.

We're not gonna make it are we?

t. 27 years old with no friends

I guess that's true
But the biggest fear I have is I have no passion for anything
Just because bad things happen everyday doesn't mean they should keep happening

I'm in that same boat, let's hope we can weather the tempest long enough to figure out some meaning.

Sort of for girls, but not in the way of wanting to go roll in pussy, more in the "look what you lost out on" way
Mostly because I want to hold myself to a high standard and try and be happy with myself

>I read somewhere that extreme loneliness is almost as bad as smoking a pack a day.

Yeah emphysema and lung cancer is personally one of my biggest worries since all my friends offed themselves.

My wife cheated on me. Ambushed with some open relationship shit, turned me into a dumbass cuck. I took a hard look at what I was bringing to the table. I was a fat loser with no sense of style and no interests.

I hit the gym hard. I dropped from 290 to 210. I bought new clothes that fit and show my gains. I got a new job and moved to a new state. I bought a house and a new car. I've been told I'm the hottest dude at my building. I recently started hooking up with a 23 year old 9/10 with great big tits and a gorgeous smile.

Did I make it? Probably not, cause I still got cucked. But I'm getting mine now.

Just curious, how old are you?

I'm 32 now.

Been talking with a fat chick with a cute face. Wondering how far I should take it.

Also, saw these cute girls when I was cooking dinner in the communal dorm kitchen. They were talking about going out now. It made me feel like a huge fucking loser staying at home and watching the fight.

Thats super admirable, proud of you user, most people wouldn't have the courage to yank the reins of their life like that.

Then nice user. It takes balls to change your life like that at that age. At least in my opinion

>Be me
> Meet the most beautiful qt girl at work
> we talk and offers me lifts home if we clock off at the same time
> start getting attached, dream girl, see no flaws.
> Tell her i like her, says she knows
> receive the following

"so kinda put me in a bit of a situation.
i'm flattered that you like me, i really am, but i just don't think i'm ready for anything right now, i know that'll probably hurt, but i've just got so much going on.

i'm clearly not going to cut you off, i'm not like that at all,

all my last 3 relationships have been back to back; like no break what so ever, and that's what i need, i'm planning on going overseas for a while so i'm not going to lead you on.
it's not a waiting game because i don't actually know when. i can't give you a time frame.
you have gone above and beyond and i can say i've never really had that before and it was nice, i'm sorry if i have lead you on in any way and i know this isn't really the answer that you're after.

i don't need time to come up with an answer. i just don't want you waiting around for something that may not happen, right now, i can't say i have feelings for you, i'm sorry."

Ive never wanted to die more in my life than i want to now, every time i see her at work i wish i was dead, i miss her smile and the way she tried to make me smile everytime she saw me.


Hopefully by changing myself for the better i can win her feelings for me because i truly think shes worth all the pain, but will it work out in the end? Im praying to the chad gods.

>Inb4 Become Alpha and dont let her control your mind.

I'm tired of feeling this lonely. Ffs I barely enjoy myself with friends anymore. I'm even jealous of how happy they are with their gf. its pathetic.

>Decide fuck it and ask a girl on a date
>Huge mess with no personality on each dates
>never makes a move and wasting opportunities

I want to be normal.

>i'm clearly not going to cut you off, i'm not like that at all,
I'm totally like that, if you don't dance for me.
> i'm planning on going overseas for a while
I'm gonna ride some euro-cock for a while
> i just don't want you waiting around for something that may not happen, right now, i can't say i have feelings for you, i'm sorry.
You still have a shot at my chapped, stretch pussy...but when I get back from riding the cock-carousel on my "backpacking trip"

>Im praying to the chad gods.
You can be Chad. Drop this nasty whore and embrace the change you can be. Become more than a man.

Just fuck my shit up alpha

>Wondering if I should add her and hit her up on fb once I reach my goal body.

Hell no. If you're thinking like that then she clearly still has some emotional hold over you.

I'm sorry bro.

Its good, ive received all different opinions and statements and its easing my mind into accepting this fate and making me more determined.

I was doing it for me previously.

I broke up with my ex almost a year ago today cause, part of the reason was cause I had let myself go.

I realize I kinda betrayed myself and my self interests. Now I'm doing some basic MMA classes and I'm keeping up on my lifting to try and help get what advantage I can use to match the fact my form for Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu isn't all that great yet.

I feel like I have so much love to give out and no one wants to give any back
So many girls, I've had great connections with, been a great person to them, just for them to stab me in the back then seeing them out and having a good time hours after breaking my heart

Friends I have where I notice they don't talk to me unless I talk to them first, they listen to me, but only after telling them I have something to say

I'm so sick of making connections with people, because in my experiences they always break, I always get too attached, I always try harder than they do, I always get left behind. Everyone is out every night, yet here I am yet again

So is that your reason for lifting? More confidence? Cause I mean it "can" give you more confidence but....that also could be dependent on your mental health too.

I say keep lifting bro. Just do it for you though, not cause you want to be accepted by other people. Do it as a means to make yourself feel better. It'll make it more worthwhile instead of something s hallow as "I want to date hot grills!" I mean that can still be a thing but it's the same thing can be said for someone who wants to be a paramedic so he can "drive the ambulance really fast so you can run the siren real loud."

I think I lift cause it just feels good, it feels good to go out, go somewhere, and do something with a lot of energy and work
I really don't think I'm even lacking confidence that much, I really don't know what the issue is in my life, but for the past few years it just seems like nothing can go my way, it's even a joke among my friends that I always have the worst luck and shittiest life

But other than lifting I feel hollow, I lift, I eat, but that's it, my life feels so devoid of anything else. I have friends, but again, I see them out, I see people I know out, and again, no invite

Are you guys really such weaklings that you need motivation in order to go to the gym?
It's healthy and it's an aspect of self improvement. That's it, you shouldn't need any other reasons to do it.

Yeah I mean that's fine man. I didn't mean to deballify your means of lifting but it seemed like your original post was referencing a lot of issues that have to do with some confidence stuff.

Either way dude, just keep it up regardless. People can have "luck" but if you're in the best shape, it's definitely going to show, you'll appreciate it and so will others. Keep fighting man.

Thanks man, I hope so

Basically, I lift for He-Man.
As a little boy I thought being super strong seemed so cool, like all the cartoon heroes.
I was naturally bad at sport and grew up without getting into any kind of athletic activity, until one day I said fuck it, I was tired of being weak and underweight.

Homegym masterrace for the convenience. Not at the top of Veeky Forums at all, but whenever I get mires from normies I feel like that little kid again.

I mostly lift because my body stopped functioning because of me being too weak. It sucks when you get all kinds of muscle pain and tendinitis because your body just can't keep up.

This was five years ago though. Now I mostly work out to relieve stress.

>one autist ran over a woman in panic and all right wingers are evil
>muslins purposely kill people and it's not their fault
Charleston was literally nothing.

I'm considered extremely liberal by Veeky Forums standards and I pretty much agree, they mostly were peaceful even though waving around the nazi flag is unpatriotic as fuck and I wish a WWII veteran was alive and well so he could punch their teeth in.
It was just a little blip in the counterculture, I really think since things have been so shitty for the past decade in America everyone feels oppressed, including white men, so it's become a shitty oppression Olympics where people don't want other people to have nice things.

Starting at the beginning of high school, I started getting really tired. I mean REALLY tired. I had to take rests after walking down the hallway at school. No doctor could tell me why. This led to depression, which eventually led to me becoming a fat fuck who was socially isolated. I wanted to die. Everything felt like a black and white silent film. I thought it was just the way my life was supposed to be and I accepted it.

Through some miracle, on the last scan the doctors did in my senior year, they found a massive tumor in my neck that had been growing since I was 9. When they took it out, my entire life was changed. I had seemingly infinite energy, and my mind was much sharper. I had gotten the miracle treatment most people can only dream of - it cured literally every physical problem I had.

I lift because if I don't, I might as well have never had the surgery. It's the way I prove to myself that I've changed and I'm willing to use the gift I've been given. Also I want to get girls easier

When i quit playing sports I felt like I was doing nothing with my life besides from school and I also got fat so I started lifting and haven't looked back since.

I injured my upper back last fall and tried to work out around it. Unfortunately it's still somewhat painful and I'm not sure what to do. Ive taken some time off from lifting because of Vacation but I don't know how much longer to wait before I start losing my meager gains.


Back in 2013, I went on Veeky Forums my first time and saw a post about this guy named Zyzz. Inspired me to live the life he did to achieve aesthetics and have everyone mirin me.

Not there yet, but still climbing.

Basically she told you that she doesn't give a fuck about you.
Considering how much of a sad boring loser you are I can relate to her.



Nah, she just didnt find him attractive bro.

You could be the most boring guy ever, but if you're a shredded sick cunt, you can have anything bro...

girl i have a crush for a year now seems interested in me now that i got slightly bigger after year of lifting, got a haircut and some clothes.

Shes very cute, smart af and kinda awkward. Im ugly guy, but im tall and have decent build so i guess shes attracted to how i changed within last time.

I just wish i had someone to take care of and share life with because im so fucking lonely. We had some small talks and i think she likes me,

I am going to ask her out next week, hopefully i wont do something stupid that will ruin my chances.
Or hopefully im not deluded and shes just being friendly.

dem freckles and glasses man...

if dubs i will make it

>Started cutting and lifting a few months ago
>wife and I have been having problems for a long time, but I fucking loved her still
>shit finally comes to a head, we're separating, because we're both just exhausted from the whole relationship
>tfw 1st time single since the 2 years we dated, plus the 5 years of marriage
>tfw we dated in HS and lost our virginity together before splitting up for 2 years, doing our own shit, and ending up back together
>tfw don't really know what to do with myself, except train


goddamn thats a bad feel
i wish i could lose virginity togheter with girl i love but im almost 25 and chances are slim

Bitch were all making it.

I mean, there's a variety of reasons, but mostly, she's just not the same person, anymore. She has no sex drive, and we've lost all sexual chemistry, she refuses to relax, has terrible anxiety, and holds stress, but refuses to see a professional about it; where I'm more laid back, and carefree. I tried my hardest to save it, but I've exhausted myself. I gave it all I had, and it seemed like nothing was ever good enough. I couldn't handle it anymore, and it seemed like she wanted to get rid of me, so it's just... over...

Over 10 years, down the drain, if you count hs..

Tfw I've been with my gf as long as you were with your wife, only dating the whole time. Why did you get married so fast?

>being this much of an MSM stooge

I hope you are all right now though

Fuck bros. I have fuck all work experience and a near non existent linkedin profile.

Feels like shit man

Any bros here in civil engineering? How vital is it for a to-be graduate to have a good linkedin profile?

>It's not creepy if I look like a sick cunt and do this, right?

no, not at all
tell us more friend, who is she why is she so special?

Same here but 9 months in. Keep going brother, we're all gonna make it.

We were together 5 years and knew each other for 7, before getting married. That's not fast

You should also take pictures of her so you two can look through the album together.

Great to have a new lease on life, user. Proud of you for taking the opportunity to improve.

>have dry-spell lasting months
>multiple women start showing interest in me - some even message me first
>curve them for this one girl that I think I like
>chat to her for a week
>organize a date which is a hike on Sunday
>she says she can't but wants to next weekend
>talks to me on Sunday and is doing nothing the whole day, literally just lounging around the house

What do I do boys? Cut my losses?
She also send me a lot of messages. It's not like I message her first all the time.

She probably doesn't want to hike. Just think of somewhere you want to take her and ask her to go with you. If she says no, move on.

Do any of you get motivated enough where you are excited to go the gym? It always feels like a chore for me. Like im never excited to go

I'm excited every single day

I usually flex and notice that first cep of the day and am motivated

if a girl notices a guy, but they never ever speak or make any contact, what do you think the girl will feel? I'll tell you, she'll feel creeped out. Even if you're good looking she'll feel creeped out

Could be on the rag, lot of girls don't want to do much when that hits.

I've been wanting to get into lifting for 4 years now but I always pussy out.
I'm a failure of the universe.

I'm a recent grad turned neet for the last 3 months. I used to live a fairly normie life until my former friend group disbanded. All I do these days is lift, shitpost, look for jobs, and drink beer on the weekend with the couple of bros I'm lucky to have. Recently I've lost all motivation to do anything but lift. Even tfw no gf subsided and the thought of loving a girl is foreign to me. I'm sure it's the neetdom causing these feels and once I get sorted out I'll be back to feeling "normal" again.

Anyway, I'm supposed to hit 2pl8 bench this week after a hand injury which set me back 2 months of lifting and it's all I can think about.

Holy fuck such normies on this board i can't believe what i'm reading.
Anyway cunts you might get lonely/sad i don't because i'm not a pussy because i know things can be worse.
>live with only my mom since 3
>mom dies at 16 live alone
>graduate move out of city
>delete facebook and lose friends
>live alone for the next 3 years with no real friends, the closest i have are my co workers.
I seem to have very bad luck i can't currently name you exact stuff that happened but things just always seem fall for me to carry them.
Yet i know things can be worse but it gets tiring.

I am finally happy about who i am.
In its fullest.

I realized everybody makes mistakes,but only losers let mistakes define them.

You my Veeky Forumsizens are my greatest allies.
Thats why i will tell you my secret.

Treat yourself as how you want to be treated.
And let nobody treat you below your own standard. Do this and try and experience a lot to find your passion/hobby.

oh and i lift because geralt is my goal body.
I kinda wanna grow my hair out see how his hairstyle would look on a real life boi.

You sound like a pussy faggot. Scared little bitch

I feel you user. It's not so much attachment or neediness as it is like, other people just make a strong impression on us and we want to be with them. But it's so easy for others to just move on and forget about you. Niggas are cold af. I can be cold but then what's the point if you ain't on this earth to love?

I know that feel bro.

The only thing i'm scared of is that i will die without anything left behind in this world for which i will be remembered.

>Not doing to well right now
>Another post which will be ignored but here it goes

I'm an IT engineer at a new company
They have stopped giving me good work and expect me to work on low level projects
They are trying to force me out of the company or I should talk to my manager first when these projects are over
The quality of the work they are giving me is far, far below my skill level and they act like I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to technology

This is killing my feels on a weekly basis since I'm not someone who gets treated well but at least I make a good salary

Also, leaving this company will be proven hard since I don't really communicate/have social relationships with people from work so finding references usually is the hardest part for me to find work

>used to eat fast food 24/7
>spend nearly 100$ a week on food alone
>try cooking at home
>now I spend 25-30$ a week on food
>it tastes better
>its healthier
>it saves enough money to the point where I buy a vinyl every weekend

They should really have mandatory cooking/budgeting classes in high school.

I am afraid, I'm becoming a bully.

I hate it. I hate myself.

I wish this aggression would go away.

When I was a senior in hs I lost 40 lbs from an illness that doctors had trouble diagnosing, I got dumped, missed 20 days of school, almost had to transfer schools, lost all my friends I knew since first grade, got super depressed, and tried to kill myself, all in a 6 week span. When I got better I realized that when you have your health, you have everything. Also I realized that people, especially women, really suck generally. Now in college I have a 3.8 gpa premed and have been lifting for a year and feel better than ever.


>When does it become acceptable for men in their 30s to cry about being alone?

what makes you quit?

Probably the fact that i'm a socially retarded beta boy and find all the slav normans threatening

you made it user congrats

I have an eye for a guy I met at uni but I am afraid to approach him cuz he is a bit younger and also cause he is around my height. I'm 170cm and 63kg yet somehow scared that he'll think that I'm a big fat bitch and an old hag. Is it acceptable to approach non-lifting men if you are somewhat muscular yourself?